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The Mass Effect 3/BioWare Thread

Apr 18, 2009
Made worse with MS paint:


You're welcome!


Oct 18, 2005
Codex 2012 Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014
The Mass Effect series should have been all about Shepard becoming the first human Specter - traveling through the galaxy and solving problems in human fashion a.i. by shooting people in the face while shagging blue alien butt. You know, generally being awesome. Fuck the Reapers, most boring piece of hack writing I ever saw.

+1. All this reaper BS is so pointless and boring....
I like this. They should have had the rest of the Shepard series dedicated to Spectre business and saving the galaxy, maybe investigating some bad Spectre activity since he handled Saren in ME1. Then after the Shepard series is over they could start over 500-1k years in the future with Reapers almost arriving, (New Hero) do the whole Collector business in the first game and have the Reapers almost arriving in the second game. Then they could justify some resistance through technological advances. There's just so much potential here. They ruined it.

I think that Reaper storyline should have stoped in ME1 - invasion is delayed thanks to Shepard, galaxy now has 100 years more to prepare. The end. I just don't see a way how direct encounter with "lovecraftian cosmic horror" type enemy can be realised, maybe some really talented writer can do it, but surely not the derps at biowhare. ME trilogy should have been 3 awesome and extreme adventures of Extreme Commander Shepard the First Human Spectre.

Okay, if they really wanted the trilogy to be about stoping the Reapers, they should have made Collectors the main enemy Shepard has to fight in ME3. As ex-Protheans they should be powerful enough to threaten entire galaxy. A character arc for Prothean squadmate can be added here. At the end of the game we have slides describing how Shepard's action affected the state of galaxy(will there be a new war with Krogans or Rachni, do Quarians rebuild their civilisation, etc) 100 years in future when Reapers invade.


Mar 31, 2008
What I'm worried about is EA/Bio actually agreeing to make an ending "fix" DLC and then sell it, causing Biodrones to buy it in droves and in turn go back to praising them again. That kind of thing would turn this whole mess into something that's not only profitable, but comes with free marketing to boot - not a savory precedent to be set at all.
To be honest, I see this as the most likely outcome. The whole affair is absolutely dominating the gaming news at the moment, seeping even into media that usually don't care for such stuff. In the sum, I'm sure it will be a huge amount of free marketing for them, plus a DLC that will sell like hotcakes and increase their profit considerably. Any likely negative backlash will probably be forgotten soon.
I doubt Bioware could return to status quo ante even if they released it for free. Too much damage has already been done.
Fans are fickle. If they really like the DLC that replaces or extends the endings, all will be forigiven. They wouldn't spend so much time on the Bioware boards if they had given up on the franchise.

If I look at a bunch of people that I know who are very serious p&p RPG fans, but have a very casual attitude to CRPGs, they mostly only dislike the ending. They see the plot holes, but they don't mind, as it's a game. They absolutely love the gameplay. If someone changes the ending, they will be happy. They don't mind shelling out money for DLC. I cannot really know whether this approach to the game resembles that of the average ME3 player, but I have the feeling it's not too far off.

DA2 was more a victim of its general mediocrity. People didn't connect with the game, which is a problem that is very difficult to tackle after release. ME3 is a different situation. People generally seem to like the game very much, except the ending. It's a problem that is isolated and relatively easy to fix.

Disclaimer: I have neither played DA2 nor ME3 so far, so I cannot really tell how I personally feel about these games. I'm just going with what I hear from my friends who do not visit any CRPG boards. Take it for what it's worth.


Jul 11, 2008
Hmm, i was thinking mabye biowhores made shitty ending on purpose? You know free "advertising", because ME3's shitty ending is probably nr1 topic on the gaming scene atm, then they just give paid DLC ending and profit from all these dumbfucks who will hold biowhores on their hands


Mar 13, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hmm, i was thinking mabye biowhores made shitty ending on purpose? You know free "advertising", because ME3's shitty ending is probably nr1 topic on the gaming scene atm, then they just give paid DLC ending and profit from all these dumbfucks who will hold biowhores on their hands
Contrary to popular cliche, not all publicity is good publicity. Especially not when you are a well-established brand.


Punished JCD
Jan 4, 2012
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Bubbles In Memoria
Last edited:


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
Okay, if they really wanted the trilogy to be about stoping the Reapers, they should have made Collectors the main enemy Shepard has to fight in ME3.
Oh god no, Collectors should've never been introduced in the first place. If they really wanted a trilogy, they should've had ME2 really be the middle act - ie have something to do with the Reapers as opposed to just treading water. Having it be about recruiting the team and getting them loyal, discovering the means through which the Reapers are gonna arrive and preparing for their arrival, then having ME3 be about actually putting the plan you so painstakingly built in ME2 into action would've been... pretty awesome actually. The big problems of ME3 story-wise (ending aside) is that all the main plot elements are introduced out of nowhere (Crucible, Catalyst, etc) and that all of ME1 (and ME2, especially Arrival) going on about how the Galaxy is DOOMED if the Reapers ever arrive is thrown out since they DO arrive and... well, you then learn it takes them over a century to actually do anything useful in their invasion (even though ME1 had stressed that the invasion was so sudden that the Protheans didn't have time to do anything...)


May 8, 2003
I ran across this little article and found it quite apt for BSN in terms of parallels.



Perfect doesn't mean perfect, but beyond expectations, and ME3 deserves it.
Hey come on lets be realistic about this.

The ending is bad, we all know that, but that doesn't preclude the game from being good in a overview of the sum total of its parts.

Perfect scores are generally the product of reviews made from non-completionist reviewers who probably never saw the end before hitting their review deadline.

A lot of reviewers are making post completion adjustments to their scores in editorials if you look around.
Professional critics don't let the ending ruin the whole game for them. They consider all aspects of the game and the story is only one of those aspects. I think Mass Effect 3 has earned its praise, aside from the ending it's a great experience and is probabl the best game I've played in awhile.
The issue is simply that game reviewers don't treat games as art which is equivalent to novels or movies. Narrative flaws which would lead "real" narrative art to be panned are overlooked as long as fun "pew pew" is present, showing that the main thing holding back the medium from being considered art is the attitudes of the people in the industry itself.
They may well have gotten the real ending and were sworn to secrecy.

"Google document containing every glaring flaw in the ending of Mass Effect 3"
bros feel free to stop drop and collaborate : https://docs.google.com/document/d/...0H84DlCTUmzQ_uQh1voTUs/preview?pli=1&sle=true

"Yup, thanks for the ME3 endings. My SWTOR guild just got jacked."
I know its stupid to quit one game because you're angry with another, simply because they're run by the same company, but THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING. Again and again.

To my guild at least. I don't run it (thankfully), but its sad seeing friends and fellow guildmembers rage quitting SWTOR because of their anger towards ME3's endings. 10 people quitting probably won't even cause a tickle in TOR's suscriber population, but I'm affected by it.

Time to see if we can get replacements in the meantime or hold out till April, when this endings fiasco dies down. On record, I HATE the ME3 endings myself, but I still find SWTOR enjoyable, for now.

[update] 18/3 - Have unsuscribed; sick of waiting every evening to see if we have enough players around to raid. That plus the unbalanced gameplay and ****iness of forum mods are starting to piss me off.


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Okay, if they really wanted the trilogy to be about stoping the Reapers, they should have made Collectors the main enemy Shepard has to fight in ME3.
Oh god no, Collectors should've never been introduced in the first place. If they really wanted a trilogy, they should've had ME2 really be the middle act - ie have something to do with the Reapers as opposed to just treading water. Having it be about recruiting the team and getting them loyal, discovering the means through which the Reapers are gonna arrive and preparing for their arrival, then having ME3 be about actually putting the plan you so painstakingly built in ME2 into action would've been... pretty awesome actually. The big problems of ME3 story-wise (ending aside) is that all the main plot elements are introduced out of nowhere (Crucible, Catalyst, etc) and that all of ME1 (and ME2, especially Arrival) going on about how the Galaxy is DOOMED if the Reapers ever arrive is thrown out since they DO arrive and... well, you then learn it takes them over a century to actually do anything useful in their invasion (even though ME1 had stressed that the invasion was so sudden that the Protheans didn't have time to do anything...)
Bioware should've just followed my script instead of theirs to have a good game.

As I posted a long time ago, in case somebody missed it...

For a good series finale, ME2 couldn't have happened the way it did. ME2 should have been solely about finding out the means to stop the Reaper threat as everything pointed out by the end of ME1. Shepard said there was still much to be done regarding the coming of the Reapers and in ME2 he should have continued on that path, regardless of working for Cerburus or not. Sure, stop the colonies abductions if you will but instead of spending 80% of the time "building up the team" and doing unimportant sidequests for them, have your spare time dedicated into uncovering more about the Protheans or even older races for clues. The VI on Ilos was inoperative? SO WHAT!? There is an entire fortress down there with lots of technology ready to be salvaged and studied. ME2 should have been about doing that, finding out clues about the Reapers. Have that as the main quest instead of stopping the Collectors. Collectors should have been a secondary quest that still carries consequences into the future (ME3), but not as important nor vital as preparing yourself for the greater threat.

Then in ME3 you unite the galaxy with what you have accomplished in ME3. Your previous actions now reflect on who you can get at your side and at what costs. The game should be about that - doesn't matter if your discoveries led to a big fucking cannon of doom that tears a now hole into Reaper ships in one shot. At least you would have something plausible to work with. The meat of ME3 then is the aftermath. You get varied endings based on your actions from ME1 and 2 and who you managed to save in ME3. Have you, the player chose what planets/species to save in ME3. Also your odds of success are measured on what you accomplish in ME2 and your actions in ME3. Have the entire game be a full out galaxy wide war and all you do is play the galactic general, positioning battle fleets and picking where you will personally assault. You can't be everywhere so this leads to many different outcomes. Include failure as a possible result of your missions and then the Mass Effect franchise would be spoken highly by everyone that actually likes sci-fi.

That would be a mature, dark game in a good way. You are solely responsible for the fate of the galaxy and there are no easy choices to be made. You can also be selfish enough as to save Earth and fuck the rest (Pure Renegade), it's a valid approach.

But we all know that's not what gonna happen. ME3 will have something bizarre and incredibly retarded as a conclusion. You probably will find out the Reapers die to microwave ovens or wifi and that's it. Plot wise it will suck, I have no doubts about that. Gameplay can be interesting if they keep most of what they did in ME2 though and enhance it a little bit, not start from scratch.


Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
But we all know that's not what gonna happen. ME3 will have something bizarre and incredibly retarded as a conclusion. You probably will find out the Reapers die to microwave ovens or wifi and that's it. Plot wise it will suck, I have no doubts about that. Gameplay can be interesting if they keep most of what they did in ME2 though and enhance it a little bit, not start from scratch.

You fucking called it, bro. :lol:


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
But we all know that's not what gonna happen. ME3 will have something bizarre and incredibly retarded as a conclusion. You probably will find out the Reapers die to microwave ovens or wifi and that's it. Plot wise it will suck, I have no doubts about that. Gameplay can be interesting if they keep most of what they did in ME2 though and enhance it a little bit, not start from scratch.

You fucking called it, bro. :lol:
Verily he is the Thread Incliner.


Nov 19, 2010
Holy tits, Racofer. Add some tranny romance there and you can post that on kickstarter!

But we all know that's not what gonna happen. ME3 will have something bizarre and incredibly retarded as a conclusion. You probably will find out the Reapers die to microwave ovens or wifi and that's it. Plot wise it will suck, I have no doubts about that. Gameplay can be interesting if they keep most of what they did in ME2 though and enhance it a little bit, not start from scratch.

You fucking called it, bro. :lol:

Hats off, but it wasnt that hard a call to make :roll:


Dec 7, 2010
Oh god no, Collectors should've never been introduced in the first place. If they really wanted a trilogy, they should've had ME2 really be the middle act - ie have something to do with the Reapers as opposed to just treading water. Having it be about recruiting the team and getting them loyal, discovering the means through which the Reapers are gonna arrive and preparing for their arrival, then having ME3 be about actually putting the plan you so painstakingly built in ME2 into action would've been... pretty awesome actually. The big problems of ME3 story-wise (ending aside) is that all the main plot elements are introduced out of nowhere (Crucible, Catalyst, etc) and that all of ME1 (and ME2, especially Arrival) going on about how the Galaxy is DOOMED if the Reapers ever arrive is thrown out since they DO arrive and... well, you then learn it takes them over a century to actually do anything useful in their invasion (even though ME1 had stressed that the invasion was so sudden that the Protheans didn't have time to do anything...)

Well, really the Reapers were always quite dumb to begin with, but for a BioWare-style Saturday morning cartoon villain, they're alright and somewhat entertaining I guess. To be honest, if the game wanted to be a pretty cool sci-fi RPG, I'd prefer that the game had a far less epic scale. It would be awesome if Mass Effect were just one game that was all about Commander Shepard hunting down a rogue Spectre with a deep grudge against humanity who has stolen turian military specs for a planetbusting bomb to use on Earth. An agent who is above the law using any means necessary to capture another agent who has gone rogue - that's a pretty cool premise. I don't see how throwing in an ancient race of genocidal space squids is going to make this any more interesting.

The game would consist of following detective-style leads to track him down, and the thrilling finale would consist of getting inside his cruiser to confront the man himself. Once you get on his ship, you realize that Saren never intended to use his weapons to attack Earth - he was only bluffing to negotiate the release of long-suffering turian prisoners after a humiliating defeat in the First Contact War. However, extremist elements among his troops have staged a mutiny are very serious about using the bomb, and it's up to Commander Shepard to stop them and save Earth.

Basically, this movie:



With Earth being a stand-in for San Francisco. Saren of course would be reimagined as General Xavier Hummel from the movie because if you can't write decent villains (like BioWare) you may as well steal one. And because Ed Harris fucking rules.


Dec 7, 2010
I don't care much about ME3, haven't played it, probably not going to, but the real tragedy is that the game has caused Serious_Business to stop posting. That fucking sucks.

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