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The Mass Effect 3/BioWare Thread


Nov 19, 2010
Bioware cannot into coherent writing

news at 11

They've been doing this shit since BG2. There the plot holes which contradicted what was established earlier were explained by "we forgot"


Feb 16, 2011
From what I've read, seems more like wishful thinking and excusing bad writing than something Bioware was actually planning all along.

Delusional or not, at least it would make a bit more sense than the what the ending seems to be right now (from what I have gathered in this thread).

Still I wonder, if they intended to release the "true" ending later (bold move), didn't they foresee the shitstorm it would cause if done like that?
If they did not intend to do so, could Bioware really be that bad at writing? Sure, they never cared much about logic or consistency or such things (especially if it conflicted with awesome! or emotionally engaging!) and I never expected anything else but soap-opera-level writing from them, but this mess?

Andyman Messiah

Mr. Ed-ucated
Jan 27, 2004
Belle is the hottest Disney girl.

This thread is now about how Belle, the hottest Disney girl. Post your favorite Belle pictures, people.


Lunacy of Caen: Todd Reaver
Aug 2, 2011
Belle is the hottest Disney girl.

This thread is now about how Belle, the hottest Disney girl. Post your favorite Belle pictures, people.
My friend's incredibly hot sister played Belle when she worked at Disneyland, which was fitting because after she became a meth addict she had sex with dogs on film for money.


Feb 27, 2012
BioWares problem is, that they really think, they're good at story telling.
They didn't think: Hey, we have a goofy franchise with alien homo sex, decent combat and crappy graphics/animation.
So give our fans the ending they want. Even if what they want is stupid, but it's not like our games were always stupid.

They thought: We developed two serious HARD sci fi games, with great visuals, serious themes like dangerous AI, friendship, loyalty, dangers of colonizing other planets and so on.
So we make a realistic bittersweet ending.

Why wouldn't they? BioWare gets so much ass kissing from their fanbase, like no other company.

I think they are genuinely confused by the feedback and can not understand, why the fans don't like the ending(s).


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
Well, really the Reapers were always quite dumb to begin with, but for a BioWare-style Saturday morning cartoon villain, they're alright and somewhat entertaining I guess. To be honest, if the game wanted to be a pretty cool sci-fi RPG, I'd prefer that the game had a far less epic scale.
What I wrote was assuming we leave ME1 unchanged. Of course, if you want to go back to even that, then your scenario would've been much more fitting anyway (also, would've made the game less of a ripoff)

I refuse to accept that Bioware are incompetent writers who can't plot their way out of a wet paper bag. That's an honour reserved for Obsidian.


May 8, 2003
I shall now resolve the Belle and Ariel conflict.


BioWares problem is, that they really think, they're good at story telling.
Bioware doesn't exactly think about storytelling quality per se. It thinks about making the storytelling appeal to a wide market and facilitate brand-building. Less your favorite hard science novel and more twilight in space, except in this case it's a bisexual twilight which kills things with guns or space magic and enough tits and/or hairy chests for your gland emptying needs. Buy the next product to see your girlfriend again.

Japan should take note and do an experiment with importing h-game saves across franchises.

I think they are genuinely confused by the feedback and can not understand, why the fans don't like the ending(s).
Soon my son you will realise that the raw shittiness of the low-rent ending was a calculated move on minimal resource expenditure that would also pave the way for DLC. "Gentlemen. How do we sell a complete product and yet not have it be complete? Let me show you the ways."
In this case it backfired because of incompetence in focus grouping, or an overtly confident suit judgment call.


Lunacy of Caen: Todd Reaver
Aug 2, 2011
That's what Stanny Roo is for. He just clutches him tightly in his flipper and dangles him upside down with a car jack to lift his stomach and a Liara pocketpussy in hand to pleasure his slimy little vienna sausage.


Formerly M4AE1BR0-something
Jul 6, 2011
good questions
That's what Stanny Roo is for. He just clutches him tightly in his flipper and dangles him upside down with a car jack to lift his stomach and a Liara pocketpussy in hand to pleasure his slimy little vienna sausage.


Oct 18, 2005
Codex 2012 Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014
[suggestions on how to improve ME3]

I :salute:your effort, but i see two serious problems with it:

ME2 should have been solely about finding out the means to stop the Reaper threat as everything pointed out by the end of ME1.

Bioware will probably never come up with a good idea of how Shepard can defeat the Reapers. Shepard may be a really extreme dude, but after all he is just a soldier who takes cover behind crates. I just don't see any plausible way for him to defeat a force such as Reapers as described in ME1. Shepard fighting with the Reapers directly is bound to end in some really retarded mess. Thats why i think Shepard should fight a sidekick race serving the Reapers, some aliens that are powerful enough to be a galactic threat, but can still be grabed by a collar and shot in the face.

Have the entire game be a full out galaxy wide war and all you do is play the galactic general

As Ed123 pointed out, Bioware probably won't be able to pull this off too. ME is basically a game about you flying around in your luxury pleasure yacht, buying fish and models for your cabin, helping your various bros and banging hot alien chicks. It's hard to justify Shepard doing that in the middle of Reaper invasion. And thats basically the main atraction of the game, you cannot take it out because Bioware cannot do anything else well. Limit exploration and railroad player from one corridor with boxes to another? No, please.:M

Again, i think that a race of evil Reaper sidekicks can come in usefull. They pose less immediate danger to the galaxy so it will be easier to justify Shepard doing all the sidequests, as well as other races refusing to help you because of some petty buthurts.

You get varied endings based on your actions from ME1 and 2 and who you managed to save in ME3. Have you, the player chose what planets/species to save in ME3. Also your odds of success are measured on what you accomplish in ME2 and your actions in ME3.

Now this is a must have. Not implementing it in ME3 is a crime. You know, i will tolerate resolution of Reaper plot line of any level of retardation and forgive the lack of pacing if only this element was done right.*

*Oh, come on, who am i kidding, fuck the C&C, the only thing i care about is my romance with Tali! Tali'Zorah vas Normandy, my sweatheart, even if you turned out to be a lame beatiful space elf and you don't have a tentacled vagina with teeth for a face (at least nobody can tell me you don't have three assholes like in my fantasies), i will still love you forever. If Tali and Shepard don't get to live hapily ever after i will petion my government to nuke Canada.
And Garrus better be a true bro and not lay hands on my sweet Tali when they are stranded on unknown planet, or else... :x


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Meanwhile, John Walker is still a retard. News at 11:

Don't bother reading the whole thing unless you're a glutton for pretentious bullshit. This quote will sum it up well enough:

Because BioWare had a story to tell, and they were going to tell it...
I’ve no idea if that’s a pre-scripted inevitability, or the result of my choices, and crucially I don’t care...
It was dark, brutal, often devastating. It was funny, silly and often heart-warming. In the end, it was the story of a small group of friends, and their particular experience of the end of the worlds. A story about the hope to be found in utter devastation.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Meanwhile, John Walker is still a retard. News at 11:

Don't bother reading the whole thing unless you're a glutton for pretentious bullshit. This quote will sum it up well enough:

Because BioWare had a story to tell, and they were going to tell it...

I’ve no idea if that’s a pre-scripted inevitability, or the result of my choices, and crucially I don’t care...
It was dark, brutal, often devastating. It was funny, silly and often heart-warming. In the end, it was the story of a small group of friends, and their particular experience of the end of the worlds. A story about the hope to be found in utter devastation.

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