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The Mass Effect 3/BioWare Thread


Feb 27, 2012
And Garrus better be a true bro and not lay hands on my sweet Tali when they are stranded on unknown planet, or else... :x



Dec 29, 2011
Codex 2012
Not really Mass Effect related (wish this was still called LOL BIOWARE) but Mark Darrah (one of the Docs?) posted an announcement about Dragon Age 2.


Hey everyone,

With last week marking the one year anniversary of the release of Dragon Age II, I wanted to take the time to share some news and some great milestones we’ve had lately with Dragon Age. And though I can’t say too much, I also want to briefly address what is coming in the future.

First, I was delighted to hear that the Dragon Age brand has passed one million “Likes” on Facebook! This was an incredible reminder for me, and our entire team, that there are a lot of you out there who are invested in the franchise and who want to explore the world more. From all of us, I want to send a massive thank you!

Next, the latest and greatest patch for DAII is out, addressing a number of the issues you have helped us track on our tech support forums. Thank you again to those of you who took the time to submit feedback in order to help us make the game better.

And finally, while we will still be keeping an eye out for any issues that might crop up in DAII and supporting the community should any emergencies should arise, we’re moving the entire team’s focus to the next phase of Dragon Age’s future.

You’ve most certainly heard the rumors floating around, and unfortunately I can’t really comment on them. However, what I can say is that we’ve been thinking a lot about Dragon Age – what it means, and where it could go. This past year, we’ve spent a lot of time both going back to the “BioWare vault” of games and re-examining them, and looking at some new possibilities that today’s industry allows.

With that, the next thing for the Dragon Age team members and I to do is hear from you, and not just on the forums, or Facebook, or Twitter. We’ll be attending a number of conventions and gatherings, including PAX East in April. The most valuable thing we can get out of those meetings is to hear from you on those same topics – what does Dragon Age mean to you, and where would you like to see it go? We’re excited to hear what you have to say!
On behalf of the entire team, we are incredibly eager to reach the moment when we can tell you more and show you where we are taking Dragon Age. But for now, thank you for your continued support, and we will be back here with more as soon as we can.


It goes without saying that some of the responses are lol:


Rheia1234 wrote...

Mark Darrah wrote...

To be sure I understand:
Are you asking for the player's actions to tell more of the story as opposed to always being fed motivation etc...?​

Hi Mark:

I just wanted to commend you guys on how the romances and interactions with party members were handled and to let you know that I hope you guys never diminish them, or take them out. Too many games out there have no romantic content like this, and I really feel like it truely adds to the story.

+3 ! this is what make BW unique



Mar 13, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Not really Mass Effect related (wish this was still called LOL BIOWARE) but Mark Darrah (one of the Docs?) posted an announcement about Dragon Age 2.

One actual point of interest in that thread (though this continues to be off topic) outside of the entertainment factor is
We will try to bring some closure to Hawke's story but likely not in a playable form. Originally we had planned to do an expansion pack but had to stop to focus on what we are working on now.
Guess that means they've entirely given up on DAII.


Aug 13, 2011
Aww, deep down I was sort of vaguely looking forward to reviewing another DA2 dlc. Self sacrifice in the name of the codex would be a good way to go out.


Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
Given that Bioware seems to be considering the possibility of releasing ending DLC 'in accordance with the fans' demands', the eventual amount of smug generated from Biodrones when that happens will pollute the internet for years to come.
Aug 5, 2009

"After the Reapers were defeated, Kaidan Alenko retired from the Alliance military and moved back to Vancouver where he is now living with his parents. While Kaidan keeps saying he'll get a job, most of his time is spent in his bedroom playing Dragon Age."


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Not really Mass Effect related (wish this was still called LOL BIOWARE) but Mark Darrah (one of the Docs?) posted an announcement about Dragon Age 2.

One actual point of interest in that thread (though this continues to be off topic) outside of the entertainment factor is
We will try to bring some closure to Hawke's story but likely not in a playable form. Originally we had planned to do an expansion pack but had to stop to focus on what we are working on now.
Guess that means they've entirely given up on DAII.

But according to Volly DAII was so successful! Why wouldn't they milk that successful cash cow with DLC?


Also this was interesting:

and looking at some new possibilities that today’s industry allows.

Seems that the Biowhores are themselves becoming constrained by the very monster they helped create.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Given that Bioware seems to be considering the possibility of releasing ending DLC 'in accordance with the fans' demands', the eventual amount of smug generated from Biodrones when that happens will pollute the internet for years to come.

"The ending to our favorite series was so shit we gathered and convinced the developers into making a better one for us to buy. Yeah, our community is just that awesome :smug:"


Sep 5, 2009
Still I wonder, if they intended to release the "true" ending later (bold move), didn't they foresee the shitstorm it would cause if done like that?

They didn't intend that, they just saw the indoctination theory and probably thought "holy shit, we should go with that!". Then they'll come up with the "real ending" DLC and everyone will be like "oh bioware, you really had us going for a minute there!".


Feb 24, 2005
I posted the following on Blues News a few hours ago. In the past I would have been challenged on it immediately, and told I was just some butthurt, backward fan of the olden days of RPGs who really needs to get with the program. Instead it's gone completely unanswered, except for one person who jumped in to a list a few more ways that Bioware is a lazy developer. Meanwhile, everyone else in the thread is talking about how much Bioware has declined.

I don't think Bioware fully yet understands what a hit they've taken to their credibility as a result of DA2 and ME3.

Paketep wrote on Mar 19, 2012, 21:14:
EA killed Bioware. They just don't know it yet.

Nah, Bioware was never very good to begin with, especially post Baldur's Gate 2.

Baldur's Gate 2 is easily their best game, and despite its weaknesses, I'd even go so far to call it a great game. But what made it great? It was the encounter, quest, and dungeon design. Baldur's Gate II was just filled with hours upon hours of really solid, consistent, B+ content, supported by great game mechanics. The actual story wasn't that great, and many of the characters were just obnoxious, but boy was Baldur's Gate II fun to play.

Fast forward to Neverwinter Nights, and what do you get? A narrative focused game, with terrible encounters, quests, and dungeons. "Let's stick the player in a cave with 20 goblins -- THAT will be fun!" seemed to be the operative content design principle. Meanwhile, the writing was still a mess and wasn't enough to carry the game.

KOTOR was an improvement over NWN in both narrative and actual content, but the simple reality was that the content was poorly designed and bereft of tactics, and the narrative and characters, aside from the shock of the BIG TWIST, were pretty lackluster. It didn't help that they borrowed the same narrative structure (find four macguffins to stop an ancient evil) and characters (Aribeth and Bastila are the same fucking character) from NWN. In fact, that reuse of characters and plot structure from game to game has come to define everything Bioware has done post-BG2.

If you continue the analysis whith each of Bioware's subsequent games you keep finding the same problems -- focus on a fanfiction quality narrative supported by lackluster content, reusing the same stock characters and plot devices from game to game. The only real innovation that Bioware has brought to their formula in the decade since NWN is gay romances. But if that's all you have to sell your game, titillating the lesbian fantasies of your virginal fanbase, that speaks volume of how little you know about actually designing a compelling game.

Now with DA2 and ME3, Bioware has finally gotten so self indulgent with their writing, and so lazy with their content design, that even their most dedicated fans are starting to wake up and see them for what they are: a pretty mediocre developer.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Not really Mass Effect related (wish this was still called LOL BIOWARE) but Mark Darrah (one of the Docs?) posted an announcement about Dragon Age 2.


Created 5 minutes ago
I love Dragon Age. Dragon Age Origins was amazing! My warden is so awsome. I loved DA II it was awsome to but nothing can compare to how cool the warden's story is. I really want to see more of the Warden's story continued in DA3. OOHH! and Bioware you better not let the warden die and since my warden went with Morrigan. I think you guys should have Morrigan save him from "The Calling" because that would be cool and I really don't wish to see the warden running around the deep roads with no mind at all chewing on darkspawn that would be terrible. But you really should include the Warden more, No one is or ever can be more awsome than the warden. And I would really like to know what happened to my Qunari pal Sten. I would like to see the warden meet him again. In fact I would love to see all the DAO characters together again! But I have to say some of my favorite character's are in Dragon Age II. Varric and Isabela are pretty cool. Even if Isabela is sort of a ****, She is still cool. I would like to see them again as well. But Merril.....Merril is a blood mage and I don't like Blood Mages! I think it would be best if my character has the chance to well....kill her. Morrigan is not a Blood Mage and I would like to see that it remains that way. Morrigan should have so much power already that she doesn't need blood magic. Morrigan and the Warden to me are the most important characters in Dragon Age. Oh and I would like to see the Warden kill Flemeth for good this time! Or not that might make the story more interesting. Hawke was cool too and I want to see his story build up too. Oh there are so many things I want to see in Dragon Age 3. But I don't doubt Bioware. They are my favorite company. I know they will come through with an amazing story like they always do. I have faith in them no matter what. I loved Both Dragon Age games the stories are so interesting

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