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The Mass Effect 3/BioWare Thread


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Man Bioware is just throwing everything they have at the multiplayer aspect. Shit if it goes on any longer it'll be League of Legends: ME3 edition.
You know, I'm optimistic that the extended endings will also be laughably bad and the second wave of Biodrone butthurt will help this topic reach page 400.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Even Lesifoere, who hates Bioware with the rage of a thousand suns, comes to Hepler's defense. She makes up for it by (ridiculously) claiming all the bad writing comes from Gaider of course: http://twitter.com/requireshate/status/171678166178467841
You are a huge stalker of Lesifoere.

What is wrong with you?
Temporarily not-ignoring this thread just to reply to this. :M

She's fucking hilarious and creates the funniest situations, how can I not? See the end of this thread.

Holy shit, that person was a Codexer!? When I stumbled across her blog, I thought she was just a crazed troll. Probably still is, but damn, I did not expect someone like her to post here.
Yeah, it's so weird how, as vitriolic as she was here, it's nothing compared to how she acts in other internet communities.
Winterfox is a Thai troll who has single-handedly destroyed multiple communities by attacking members. I mention her nationality because she is especially fond of racial one-upmanship. She loves to say, "Are you white?" If you're not white, but not "Asian-Asian" as she so charmingly puts it, she will attack you for being inauthentic.

50 Books POC is an LJ comm devoted to reviewing books by authors of color/nonwhite authors. No need for the reviews to be positive, but it was a civil comm without a wanky history. Rachelmanija, who is white, was a frequent reviewer there.

Enter Winterfox. She hates several female authors of color, most notably Cindy Pon and Nora Jemisin, and began to haunt 50 Books POC to verbally abuse any authors who posted positive or insufficiently negative reviews of their work. And by abuse, I mean stuff like, "Your liking for this pile of verbal diarrhea proves what morons fantasy fans are." Posting began to slowly but surely fall off at the comm.

Winterfox then posted a review of a Cindy Pon book which not only ripped into the book, but called the author a "stupid fuck" and a homophobe.

Rachelmanija commented to say that she hadn't read the book, but that personal insults were inappropriate on the comm. Winterfox responded by personally insulting her. Rachelmanija repeated that personal insults were inappropriate on the comm, and added (remember these words) "This isn't 4-chan."

The comm exploded. Spiralsheep popped up to say that "This isn't 4-chan" was a racist insult. Winterfox concurred. Posters seemed confused as to how it was racist, and Winterfox said that it was because 4-chan was the home of Nazis and pedophiles. Winterfox and Spiralsheep demanded an apology from Rachelmanija.

Rachelmanija apologized, saying, possibly sarcastically, that she did not believe that Winterfox was either a Nazi or a pediphile. She then left the comm. Spiralsheep accused Rachelmanija of asking her friends to racially harass Spiralsheep. Rachelmanija returned briefly to say that she didn't know anything about that, then left again. (This was Rachelmanija's last appearance on the comm.) No racist messages were ever produced.

The comm continued to explode, as members were now arguing over whether or not it was okay to insult one another or authors so long as the insults weren't racist. Winterfox accused Hesychasm, a Cambodian-Chinese woman, of crying "white women's tears," then hastily deleted the comment. Spiralsheep warned Rachelmanija that she had screencapped all her comments lest Rachelmanija delete anything. Winterfox called Rachelmanija a rape apologist because Rachelmanija's earlier review of a different Cindy Pon novel failed to warn that it contained sexual assault.

Posting to the comm fell way off, and some time later, Winterfox deleted her LJ. Months later, she reappeared in the comments to DeepaD's DW during YesGayYA to call Rachelmanija and her co-writer Sherwood Smith "yaoi-loving weeaboos" and to claim that harassment from ffa had driven her off LJ.
As I recall, the mod was really waffly on the topic of whether it was okay to call other comm members "morons," demand their racial credentials (and question them at length to see if they were good enough credentials), or say of a PoC author that she was a stupid fuck who couldn't do anything right. My interpretation is that the mod did not actually think those things were okay but was too scared of winterfox to do anything about it.

I also remember that pretty much the only thing that seemed to get any traction in the debate was oppression olympics: it didn't do any good to say, "I'd prefer not to be called a useless fuck by comm members, thanks," but you could maybe get some consideration if you said, "Being called a useless fuck triggers me because it ties into ableism with regards to mental illness" or something. It was almost parodic, the way opinions had to be couched.
I can only hope that 4chan-thing was trolling and not something she actually believes, that'd be pretty disappointing from an otherwise rad social justice warrior.

Oh, my site is a "battlefield" now, is it? Well, we don’t want any miserable, delusional feminazis trampling all over it, so if you think to stir up any shit, rest assured that I’ll bring the battle to you. See, now I know exactly who you are, Winterfox. You ran away from LJ, how sad. I so enjoyed ripping you to shreds there for being the cunt you are.
But hey, in the words of Bronn, “There’s no cure for being a cunt.” True enough, there’s no sorting you out. You are a rabid, man-hating crazy bitch. Actually, you’re a rabid, woman-hating crazy bitch too, towards any woman who doesn’t join your feminazi ranks. There’s plenty of evidence of you attacking female writers and female fans who happen to write or read or say things that don’t fit into your “program”.
Now, how about you crawl back under that bridge or into that dank, dark cave and stay there, like a good little troll.
These words from another woman too. A disgusting white Swede no less.


Jul 13, 2007
My interpretation is that the mod did not actually think those things were okay but was too scared of winterfox to do anything about it.

Hilarious read, if that's Lesi indeed, great trolling job there. Butthurt is off the charts.

Weird though, in my experience I've never seen Lesi being all that vitriolic, compared to much of the Codex population she was actually quite reasonable.

Why'd she stop posting anyway.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Angthoron - it's her, she's used the "banal shit boring" meme in a Gaiman article on her blog (Requires Only That You Hate), that combined with the China Mieville and Witcher 2 worship and hatred of Tolkien and Bioware and there you go.

As for why she's gone I'm guessing it's a combination of her no longer being able to stand the neckbeards on the Codex and my stalking. I linked to a kotor fanfic she wrote and she actually deleted it, despite letting it remain untouched for years. Now that's embarrassment.


Feb 3, 2008
Well, Roguey, I just found the RequiresHate blog, and she seems to have an exclusively East Asian vs. The World shtick. She could now easily be the co-author of Tiger Mother.

Lesi did do some race-baiting here, but I had no idea it was that intense; it seemed like it was all in jest.


May 8, 2003
She could now easily be the co-author of Tiger Mother

Mothers are essentially in heavy competition with other mothers who also want their children to get into the elite universities. In some cases, to make it seem like her own child is not studying as much, mothers will let their child use the parents’ bedroom to study while the mothers watch dramas on the television in the living room. Other mothers who pass by the house will see the child’s bedroom light off, assuming that the child has shirked his or her studies to watch dramas on the television in the living room. The next morning, the mother will report what happened in the dramas to her child, who will go to school and talk about it to his or her classmates, who will also assume that their friend is a slacker, lowering their expectations of their friend and for themselves. However, when examination time rolls around, the “slacker” will be admitted into an elite school while his or her friends will drop behind.


Feb 3, 2008
She could now easily be the co-author of Tiger Mother

Mothers are essentially in heavy competition with other mothers who also want their children to get into the elite universities. In some cases, to make it seem like her own child is not studying as much, mothers will let their child use the parents’ bedroom to study while the mothers watch dramas on the television in the living room. Other mothers who pass by the house will see the child’s bedroom light off, assuming that the child has shirked his or her studies to watch dramas on the television in the living room. The next morning, the mother will report what happened in the dramas to her child, who will go to school and talk about it to his or her classmates, who will also assume that their friend is a slacker, lowering their expectations of their friend and for themselves. However, when examination time rolls around, the “slacker” will be admitted into an elite school while his or her friends will drop behind.
I don't live in nearly as gossipy a neighbourhood as these crazies.


Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Man Bioware is just throwing everything they have at the multiplayer aspect. Shit if it goes on any longer it'll be League of Legends: ME3 edition.
You know, I'm optimistic that the extended endings will also be laughably bad and the second wave of Biodrone butthurt will help this topic reach page 400.
I don't know. Personally, I've been in a state of apathy toward the ME series since I finished 3. The ending was so bad that I just don't care any more. I doubt anything Bioware does with their expanded ending will drive me to be emotional about the series again. I can't even laugh at it any more.


Feb 3, 2008
I feel that the whole ME3 ending rage has long passed and has ceased to matter. If BioWare cancels the ending DLC, it won't lose them anything in business or reputation, because the fans have moved on and stopped caring. In fact, they should never have given in, knowing that the fans have a very short memory and will not keep raging over ME3's ending for another two years, or one year, or even six months.


Mar 31, 2008
I feel that the whole ME3 ending rage has long passed and has ceased to matter. If BioWare cancels the ending DLC, it won't lose them anything in business or reputation, because the fans have moved on and stopped caring. In fact, they should never have given in, knowing that the fans have a very short memory and will not keep raging over ME3's ending for another two years, or one year, or even six months.
While the first part is probably true, they had to give in just to make the spiral of nerdrage and derpy videos stop. With which they succeeded.


Dec 27, 2008
I don't know if this has been posted already or not, but here's a leaked video of the incoming DLC:



May 8, 2003
This is the best I can find


meanwhile in the land of fucking talented artists not employed by bioware





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