Can I ask a bit of sage advice over here?
I'm up to a point in the game where I've swept clean virtually all of Ravenshore, Alvar, Ironsand including dungeons and locales. The main questline wants me to attract 3 factions to my cause and the locations where those factions are are starting to really kick my butt. I may have been building my main char and core party a little wonky and I've amassed some skill points, also just found a dragon, so I thought I'd ask for some help with spreading those skill points so I don't run into an insurmountable difficulty spike due to poor distribution.
Here are the five dudes, with skills and remaining points. I have 7 horseshoes as well.
Main question would be, how do you use the dragon? I feel like I've wasted so many skill points getting expert ID Item on the necro, which would have been better spend boosting his magic schools. Same with Merchant and Perception with the main char.
Any advice is appreciated.
1st things 1st:
Kick everyone out of your party and tweak the composition to be
On your MC: Decide if you want to use primarily as a caster or fighter. Doesn't appear to me you've messed up too much, you just appear to be at a bit of a crossroads. Dark Elves should get rogue skills, so this is fine, however splitting yourself between both martial and magical disciplines the way you have is going to give you a char thats good at everything but great at nothing for awhile.
As for your cleric, you've wasted some points giving him Alchemy & Repair item. Need to boost magic skills and meditation. Learning is ok in these games, but I wouldn't prioritize as you seem to have done. It doesn't effect quest exp which is the largest chunks you'll get in the game. Enemies are often plentiful enough also. Dumping points into Learning is just robbing yourself.
Your mage is fine for the most part. I wouldn't have wasted as many skills on weapons, but staff is good to have and bow makes the early game a whole hell of a lot easier.
Your knight also looks fine. Ideally, the end goal is to have a spear in one hand an a sword in the other which appears to be what you're going for. I wouldn't have bothered with any shield skill, but it isn't hurting you. Get him to expert in repair item and don't put any more points of that on your cleric.
As for your dragon, you can't really fuck them up. Dragon skills ftw. And if you make it further, you might be inclined to swap him out..
Anyway, for misc skills (id item, perception, disarm trap, merchant, etc) I would recommend not making these skills a priority. Ideally, only increasing when you start to have trouble with traps or id items. Perception is almost unnecessary when you have access to wizard eye, so I wouldn't bother. The rest can be boosted with items. Take some ore to the item smith in southern Alvar, save, and reload if you don't get anything good. I say item smith, because an extra ring (even a helm if you find one) is easy to carry and swap in when you need to repair, id, or disarm a trap.
Also, don't forget you can get buffs at temples by donating, and once you have good travel spells you can port back to certain pedestals to pick up buffs like Day of the Gods, etc. Also also, make sure your necro has all the elemental resistance spells. Harden item also helps. You actually seem a bit underleveled as well, make sure you're talking to everyone and completing quests as they became available; as I said above, these are your largest exp chunks throughout the game.