I was not expecting to complete the first half of Might and Magic IV so suddenly, also known as the first half of the World of Xeen.
I found MM4 to be rather short game even compared to that of Isles of Tera (MM3), some people have listed World of Xeen at 100+ hours.
MM4 surprisingly displays how simplified the game series has become after MM1, at this climax of the series, you have two major spells Day of Sorcery and Day of Protection which if tossed on covers the gambit of what you need to go toe to toe with a lot of the harder crap in the first half. Then you have the fountains (+might, +10+lvls, etc), simplified inventory systems (quest items have there own spot), quest logs (including auto notes), shops that are always open (changed since MM3), a flat world, and fewer dungeons than the previous entries.
However, you get a considerable larger story, a more thought out world, greater gameplay, improved graphics, and sound (voices too!). I created my group on Saturday morning, by Sunday afternoon I had completed the first half of the game and Castleview without a single issue. The quest system spoon feeds you the directions, hit the towers, free Crodo from the one tower (that so happens to lead to Lord Xeen Castle etc), have to buy a castle (as that is where the sword was buried), get a bunch of mega credits to restore the castle. Once those tasks are completed you can get up there and stab Xeen in the face and be done with it.
I really do enjoy the game, as I previously mentioned by the time I was ready to face Xeen I was able to wander over the entire map several dozen times clearing up every quest, and location without any issues.
Can't wait to get into Mandate of Heaven, dreamed of playing through it ever since I first saw it at a friends house when it first came out. Finally, I have started playing Heroes of Might and Magic from the beginning (oh boy it's rough).
Onto Might and Magic 5!