I still advocate world-hopping between Clouds and Darkside. Imagine visiting Castleview with a low-ish level party who only finished Vertigo, maybe the first part of the Red Dwarf Mines, rather than with characters who completed as much as possible in Clouds of Xeen. You will encounter thrilling high level content soon enough that will send them scurrying back cloud side, gaining a few levels, then crisscrossing back and forth.
It's not to everyone's tastes, but it's how I experienced World of Xeen and made for a unique brand of adventure.
I agree and i'd add people replaying World of xeen should try with the spawn mod which doesn't just spawn monsters, it adds to the difficulty, for example, quests rewards from Darkside have been reduced (i checked the walkthrough for the enchanted pummel reward and it was 1M xp each, with the mod, it's 400k xp) but not just that, monsters are more efficient in inflicting various status making some monsters very annoying or very dangerous (like Power lichs).
So, because of the reduced xp rewards in darkside, it makes switching between darkside and clouds a better experience, not being overpowered in the cloudside by spending little time in the darkside (unless you farm diamond mines too soon ... )
Some of you say it's too easy, that's because you tacle the game in the right order, like it was linear.
Well, it's not.
So the challenge is there, wandering to get into trouble is where the fun is.
And i assure you, with the spawn mod, it's more challenging. Power Lichs in Necropolis killed me twice, missing quite often with Holy word so when there's more than one, it's the end of the road.
Barkman killed me at least twice, gamma gazers once (they're quite close to the mines ) and so on.
Actually, i didn't die nearly as frequently in all my Wizardry 8 playthrough (which is 3-4 playthrough )
I will never understand how there are so many monocled users on this site who labor under the misapprehension that Mandate of Heaven is superior to World of Xeen. It boggles the mind.
I don't get it either, well, to be fair, i really enjoyed M&M 6 and 7 back in the days, now, i can't even touch them while 3-5 are extremely fun.