Finished the game.
Natla's Mines: Pretty cool though a level with almost no enemies at the end of the game while I have tons of resources is questionable. The games reliance on pushblock puzzles is starting to chafe in these final levels, but it's a minor annoyance. Some decent platforming and non-linearity in this level. Interestingly enough, I beat the whole level with no guns, I didn't even know that was possible, I went down a (admittedly very obscure) path and it took me further and further away from the x3 fuses puzzle, I assumed this path would lead to one of the fuses and loop back but it never did. All three of Natla's henchman can be dealt with by quick observation & navigation of the environment while chowing down a few medkits. By the time I realised I wasn't getting my guns back this way, I had made far too much progress, fuck restarting the level. There's only two after this. Luckily, pistols magically spawned in my inventory at the start of the next level, and a pair of uzis are on the floor in the entranceway too. I never did get my shotgun and magnums back though lol.
Atlantis: pretty cool level, don't remember it well at all, disappointed to discover it is painfully linear, which is odd as all prior levels are rather vast, also one or two bullshit traps are present. Definitely not a bad level, linearity in moderation can have its merits, though I think TR's vast levels is one of its major strengths so it is probably one of the weaker levels.
I was a bitch and used one, just one save state in my entire TR adventure on this level. Lame and I should be ashamed.
Love the interesting take on atlantis thematically-speaking.
Great Pyramid: Starting boss is cool, a bit awkward but it serves its purpose given the game's limited combat. Nice gauntlet of challenges, difficulty is nice, again very linear, a bit where you have to shimmy between arrow traps makes no sense as the timing seems to be off and you can't make it past without damage. Starting the level with a pushblock yet again was a poor choice, but all in all a decent enough finale, and a cool classic 90s cutscene at the end. I love late 90s FMVs. Natla boss at the end is no big deal and maybe unnecessary, but it doesn't hurt to add one more twist and boss at the end in climactic fashion, and to see her true atlantean form.
8/10. God blessed the 90s. Not a top ten 90s game, but definitely top 50. The biggest issue it has is the damn slow pace dictated by some of the animations, especially shimmying and push block animations, but even general climbing should be a little faster, just a little. Otherwise it is gold.
Now, to play or not to play TR2 & 3... TR2 will ruin the peak fun factor with cucksaving, shitting your pants half way through a platforming gauntlet with no potential to save in sight and the last one was 5-10 mins ago is peak TR after all, enhancing the stakes, tension, atmosphere, challenge, everything, and TR3 with its inventory mugging half way through the game is retarded. May skip.