rage 2 got great shooting tho
click on them in the journalIs there a way to mark non-main quests so you have waypoints on the map? I can't seem to do the subquests because they aren't marked on my HUD. If that makes sense. Any tips?
Also, the vast majority of the positive reviews are from release day and obviously from people who've barely, if at all, played the game. The more recent reviews are fairly uniformly yellow/red.
I predict the game will end up with 7.9 or 7.8, which is at or below the level of Greedfall.
Care to come and come back and accept your shame JDR13 & jf8350143 ?
Now the same score as Greedfall and going down.
What is this I'm seeing? We're discussing the game's metacritic scores? What the fuck are we? The fucking IGN boards?
Fluent. Bro. Listen.
TOW isn't the worst game ever.
TOW is mediocre.
Mediocre means that there's nothing horribly wrong with it, but there's nothing really right either. Mediocre is spending a lot of energy to make something that's not really worth making in the first place. Mediocre is decline. Mediocre is worse than bad, because bad usually has at least a spark of worth in it.
Stygian is an honourable failure. They tried to do something worth doing, but they weren't quite good enough to pull it off.
TOW is a dishonourable success. They had the proven creativity, ability, and resources to make something truly great, but they settled on something that's just okay.
This really is at the core of. It's not that they've forgotten how to make games, it's that they've gotten too chickenshit to try.
I see nothing mediocre about it. It's a very good game. Stygian is a good game too, no need to call it a failure? I don't know why you suddenly did a 180 and started collecting Edgy Points for Outer Worlds. It's like you wanted to fit in and started bashing the game to do so. There's plenty of "right" things that the game got right. Don't be a hater man, come back to the light.
Is there any game that Fluent says isn't good, though? Dude is a natural language processor of an IGN review scale.
I see nothing mediocre about it. It's a very good game. Stygian is a good game too, no need to call it a failure? I don't know why you suddenly did a 180 and started collecting Edgy Points for Outer Worlds. It's like you wanted to fit in and started bashing the game to do so. There's plenty of "right" things that the game got right. Don't be a hater man, come back to the light.
You do understand that what you’re doing here is just the mirror image of the standard Codexian “shill” accusation?
The abyss. It’s looking back at you bruh.
There are trolls and shitposters here for sure (and people larping trolls and shitposters, which is one step more despicable in my book) but I think most of us are for the most part sincere.
I had high expectations for TOW. C&B have made some of the coolest and most interesting games ever. Whatever I expected from them, it wasn’t competently executed, shallow, safe mediocrity.
It's not black and white... I'm not sure how old are you but I got the impression you're in early 20s.
I don't know what possible expectations you could have had for a lower budget AA game.
I expected it to have interesting, relatable characters well grounded in the setting. If they have quests, I expected those to be interesting and to open up new angles on them and the world they’re in. I expected much less but more characterful and impactful loot rather than the mountain of leveled MMO pap we got. I expected that they had actually thought the setting through, with the comedy emerging from the contrast between its inherent absurdity and playing the characters in it straight.
You know, like they did in FO, FO2, Arcanum, and Bloodlines.
None of this would have required a single dollar more, and some of it — loot, specifically — might even have cost less.
I'm 34. And yes, I do have a childlike mind that still gets excited for new games and plays them and enjoys them. It's not hard to do. Just quiet the mind, through meditation or through not paying attention to your thoughts, and enjoy the games with your intuition. Gaming becomes a lot more fun when you're not using your mind to be edgy and come up with 101 reasons why you hate the game.
I'm 34. And yes, I do have a childlike mind that still gets excited for new games and plays them and enjoys them. It's not hard to do. Just quiet the mind, through meditation or through not paying attention to your thoughts, and enjoy the games with your intuition. Gaming becomes a lot more fun when you're not using your mind to be edgy and come up with 101 reasons why you hate the game.
Patterns are evidence. It's not required for someone to say these exact words for it to be the same talking points as the SJWs. Quite the contrary, there's usually paraphrasing in politics to avoid being associated with something else even though it's the same thing.Whether or not you've spotted a pattern is irrelevant. Assertions presented without evidence can be summarily dismissed.Maybe I'm just extraordinarily good at pattern detection.None of that proves that what said people are asking for is social justice for men.
You think we are trying to find flaws in most games we play?
TOW is not one of them.There are a lot of not-so-good RPGs with better combat than Torment, it's not a high bar to clear.