Prime Junta
Once again I just have to stand in awe at the Codex's "ability" to crap on a good game and make it seem like the worst game ever.
Fluent. Bro. Listen.
TOW isn't the worst game ever.
TOW is mediocre.
Mediocre means that there's nothing horribly wrong with it, but there's nothing really right either. Mediocre is spending a lot of energy to make something that's not really worth making in the first place. Mediocre is decline. Mediocre is worse than bad, because bad usually has at least a spark of worth in it.
Stygian is an honourable failure. They tried to do something worth doing, but they weren't quite good enough to pull it off.
TOW is a dishonourable success. They had the proven creativity, ability, and resources to make something truly great, but they settled on something that's just okay.
This really is at the core of . It's not that they've forgotten how to make games, it's that they've gotten too chickenshit to try.