Been playing the game, currently at Monarch.
The initial areas are a total bore: Edgewater and Groundbreaker or w/e it's named. Rush them 'cause nothing of value will be lost. Things only pick up midway in Monarch.
The only enjoyable companions so far are Ellie and Nyoka (dangerhair notwithstanding): good interjections, no bellyaching and hold their own on a fight... which is good 'cause I'm terrible at shooters. SAM would've been alright but the cleaning shtick gets old quick. Parvati and Felix are annoying as heck, will probably boot them out of the ship hatch soon. I think I missed one squadmate in Edgewater but can't be arsed to look it up.
Faction interplay has been inexistent, at the moment it's akin to Fallout 1/2 and Tyranny than New Vegas: you gain reputation in one area or with a group and that's it, remains static. Maybe it'll improve later, I think I'm nearing the end of the Monarch missions and the MSI questline has potential for future developments with other factions. Let's see if it'll pay off.
The flaw system could've had added a much necessary flair to character building yet it seems to only offer you one measly perk point. Wouldn't be an issue if, you know, the perks weren't downright useless. Oh yes, +5 armor rating for a debuff, what a fantastic trade off.
The Outer Worlds reminds me more of the original Mass Effect than New Vegas: the skyboxes (look great), endless trash loot you turn into omnigel break down into components, interiors look similar, the brown/gray color palette, the way companions interact, stiff animations.
All that being said, I'm keeping in mind it's a game funded by Obsidian's own resources. No wonder they kept telling people not to hype it, it probably had a somewhat humble budget and it shows. The mistake here is to expect a Fallout New Vegas -- NV was both the apex and the ultimate offering of the old guard Obsidian.
They need to reign in their writing team, though. Personal bias keeps speeping in and the attempts at "humour" are annoying as heck.