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The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition - Obsidian's first-person sci-fi RPG set in a corporate space colony


Sep 28, 2018
In the defense for Tim Cian, he does pointed out in The House of Dev interview the lack of trust from Obsidian leadership:
Cain is the problem, the insipid skinnerbox Fallout 3 derived design was his input.
No more cope posts ITT like "We could've had Space Arcanum if it weren't for those dastardly dangerhairs!!". I WILL post the triangles again if I keep seeing nonsense.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

0.1 incremenets is implied here already. I don't know what that has to do with a rating system naturally being skewed up above 50%. I'm not saying to move in whole numbers.
It is very common for people to review games and just give whole numbers, from my experience at least. Even then, it is common for people to not properly use the 0.1 increments. I avoid 0.1 increments for this very reason, as you go from having twenty to twenty-two possible ratings in my system, to having over a hundred when going by 0.1. You might as well just rate the game out of a hundred then, and that is avoided for the same reason 0.1 increments are either avoided or done poorly.
If you reviewed a range of products *SUPER PROFESSIONALLY* with a list of fair and specific criteria when you average the whole thing out it probably will be at 60+ because at some point nearly every game will tick some random checkbox and get points for it.
You are misconstruing fair, objective, and specific, with professional. Games, much like any other subjective thing, cannot be quantified/boiled down to checklists. A level of subjectivity is required, and good reviewers will not shy away form this but instead, embrace it. The rating system is merely there to easily communicate a reviewers oppinion without having to watch/read a lengthier explanation. Thus, I reject the assertion that TOW would end up 60+, and I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.
Reviews are shit because they're bloated and game reviewers are super unprofessionally (I doubt anyone of them actually keeps a consistent list of criteria) and corrupt, not because of specific interpretations of a rating system.
Reviews being shit and reviewers being lazy are two different things. In terms of reviews being shit, I disagree with your first reason. Serious reviews often require a good bit of time to properly detail what went right and wrong with a game. The average Darth Roxor review for example takes longer to read through than if you were to read the transcript of the average IGN review. If you meant bloated with shit that doesn't matter, while skimping out on the important shit, I might agree depending on the reviewer, but bloat is hardly what comes to mind when I try to think of reasons why most reviewers are shit.
I think TOW's mediocrity transcends scoring systems. The game fills the entire checklist for a 3/5, the problem is how it does so.
Name something that TOW does which is a 6/10 (3/5).


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Name something that TOW does which is a 6/10 (3/5).
Sorry, I meant to say 2.5/5 or 5/10. On that account I'd say everything. It's a mediocre 'shooter with stats'. It's a mediocre take on a corporate dystopia. It's graphics are mediocre. It's humor is too ambient. It's satire has no bite. It's art direction has highs and downs. And I'm not super stoked by the music either but I guess it's a 6+. There are only very specific moments in TOW I can glimpse a better game but they are few and far in between.
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Jun 30, 2019
You people are thinking too hard about this shit.
1/5 - utter shite
2/5 - shite, but not completely
3/5 - meh
4/5 - pretty good
5/5 - excellent! I love it!


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Sorry, I meant to say 2.5/5 or 5/10. On that account I'd say everything.
You actually consider the games combat to be a 5/10?

This shit is mind numbingly terrible. Shooting or hitting things has zero weight or feel to it, enemies have no lateral movement making everything painfully easy to hit, movement in general is incredibily slow, no skill or tactics are required to get past encounters, and there are plenty of other things wrong with it. How does this qualify as a 5/10?

I'm not going to bother going into every aspect of the game and why many of them are below a 5/10, but let's ignore that for a moment. Games, just like art or movies or literature, are not something that can be summed up by just going through a checklist. Many great games are greater than the sum of their parts, and many terrible games are worse than the sum of their parts. Even if you were to get a 2.5/5 for example if you averaged out the ratings you gave the various elements of the game, that doesn't mean you can give the game itself a 5/10. Why is that a hard concept to understand?
You people are thinking too hard about this shit.
You think FO:NV is a great game. You should try thinking harder for a change.
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Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
This shit is mind numbingly terrible. Shooting or hitting things has zero weight or feel to it, enemies have no lateral movement making everything painfully easy to hit, movement in general is incredibily slow, no skill or tactics are required to get past encounters, and there are plenty of other things wrong with it. How does this qualify as a 5/10?
Those are the things I expect from all mediocre shooters yes, which includes every 'shooter with stats' made by Obsidian and Bethesda so far.
Even if you were to get a 2.5/5 for example if you averaged out the ratings you gave the various elements of the game, that doesn't mean you can give the game itself a 5/10.
Wow amazing it's almost like that's what my initial post was about.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Those are the things I expect from all mediocre shooters yes, which includes every 'shooter with stats' made by Obsidian and Bethesda so far.
A shooter so bad that doing nothing for an hour would be more enjoyable than actually playing the game is a good enough product to qualify as mediocre. Does someone need to come into the room and kick you in the nuts every fifteen minutes while you're playing a shooter for you to consider it shit?
Wow amazing it's almost like that's what my initial post was about.
I still disagree with the assertion that the game is filled with 2.5/5s but whatever. The important point is that the game is shit.


Jun 30, 2019
You think FO:NV is a great game.
I think it's pretty good. Not all it could be, but pretty good nonetheless. I had fun playing it, thus 4/5. Any rating system with more granularity is doomed to be useless to a large degree due to the subjectivity of such ratings.

If I see someone rate a game 3/5, I know "Oh, so he thought it's pretty average." If he rates it at 2/5, I know he though it was pretty weak. There is a strong difference in meaning between each point. What difference in meaning is there between 7/10 and 8/10 however? I guess the dude had fun in both cases, and more fun with the 8, but am I getting any tangible information about the amount of fun present? Do I really get more information than a simple 4/5 "I had a pretty good time playing this"? No, I don't, because, that's literally all the information these two ratings contain. I don't know your precise standards for what makes a game an 8/10 compared to a 7/10, since everyone's opinion on this differs. Two people can have the exact same amount of fun, yet one may rate the game a 6/10 while the other rates it 8/10, because their standards differ. The resulting information is worthless. In comparison, however, there is no such ambiguity on a scale from 1 to 5. Did you have fun? Yes? Then it is either a 4 or a 5. Were you absolutely blown away? No? 4 it is. There is no room for fudging numbers over one person being more snobbish with his ratings than the other, and to a reader, the conveyed information is clear at a glance. "Oh he rated it 4/5, so he thinks it's a fairly fun game."


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Must have been an unpleasant shock to go from an atmosphere of such passion and creativity to what sounds like a very corporate, boring, soulless environment at Obsidian.
This transition happened with Fallout 2, which is why he quit. Went back to Feargus thinking he had changed (he had not).


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
You think FO:NV is a great game.
My statement was an ad hominem attack. The implication was that FO:NV is a bad game, and if you like it you than you are not very intelligent/have decline taste, and thus, your opinion is not worth considering. That being said, let's look at your post and give you the benefit of the doubt.
If I see someone rate a game 3/5, I know "Oh, so he thought it's pretty average." If he rates it at 2/5, I know he though it was pretty weak. There is a strong difference in meaning between each point. What difference in meaning is there between 7/10 and 8/10 however? I guess the dude had fun in both cases, and more fun with the 8, but am I getting any tangible information about the amount of fun present?
It is as I suspected, you are retarded.

It doesn't matter if you can't differentiate between a 7/10 and an 8/10 because as you said, you use ratings as a simple fun meter to get a rough idea whether or not something is worth playing. If someone rates a game a 4/10, you know it's not worth playing, just like if they rate a game a 2/5. If someone rates a game a 7/10 or an 8/10, you know the game is "worth playing" just like they were to rate a game a 4/5. If someone rates a game 5/10 or 6/10, you know the game is pretty average, just like if they were to rate a game 3/5. So there really is no functional difference in using a 1-5 system and a 1-10 system when you rate games. I haven't even gotten into why rating scales which are curved towards the latter half of 0-10 scale are stupid.

But again, I was just roasting you and had no desire to actually address your shitty, low effort, smooth brained, half baked post regarding video game ratings. Much like the video game genre as a whole, forum discourse is also being dumbed down to complete shit.
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May 1, 2020
The game is shit and deserves a full-blown 0/5, enuff said.


Jun 30, 2019
If someone rates a game a 7/10 or an 8/10, you know the game is "worth playing" just like they were to rate a game a 4/5. If someone rates a game 5/10 or 6/10, you know the game is pretty average, just like if they were to rate a game 3/5. So there really is no functional difference in using a 1-5 system and a 1-10 system with you rate games. I haven't even gotten into why rating scales which are curved towards the latter half of 0-10 scale are stupid.
A simple "I agree" would suffice, my dude.

My statement was an ad hominem attack.
I am aware, but I ignore such things in favour of actually discussing the matter at hand.


Jun 30, 2019
A simple "I agree" would suffice, my dude.
Except I don't agree with making a rating system from 1-5, because, as I said above, it is too simplistic.
Any more complicated model would require the reader to actually be familiar with your rating standards to be of any informational value. But you are just some guy on the internet, why on Earth would anyone wanna familiarize himself with your personal standards? Then you get a thread full of people saying shit like "Oh I think this game is 6.5" and "No way, it is an 8 for sure!" where they may agree on virtually every aspect of the game, but use different kind of scales (even if they all go from 1 to 10).


Mar 12, 2020
Step 1 - State that there is no difference between the 5-star rating system and the 1-10 scale:
So there really is no functional difference in using a 1-5 system and a 1-10 system with you rate games.

Step 2 - Immediately point out a difference between the 5-star rating system and the 1-10 scale:
I haven't even gotten into why rating scales which are curved towards the latter half of 0-10 scale are stupid.

Step 3 - Call the other person stupid and act like you don't wanna engage despite having engaged and struggled to come up with four epithets of which three are effectively synonyms:
But again, I was just roasting you and had no desire to actually address your shitty, low effort, smooth brained, half baked post regarding video game ratings.

Your Resident Zoomer tag isn't encouraging, but come, let us be friends, kumbaya and all that crap, and I shall help you overcome your condition.

The distinction lies precisely in how the two systems are customarily used by the public, with the 1-10 scale being - as you say - "curved" towards the latter half in practice. This might be down to the scale being familiar across various school systems and the pass/fail threshold embedded in the public psyche, or maybe something else, but you are correct that 1-10 basically translates to 5-10 with the lower grades reserved for "this pisses me off on a personal level." You'd be tempted to think it's just the 5-star scale multiplied by 2, but you'll find that many people actually reserve 10/10 for milestone titles, 8/10 and 9/10 match 4 stars sometimes, others even 7/10 gets thrown in there, and things become even more haphazard below that, i.e. too many choices and standards leads to pointless ambiguity. Things get even worse once users remember the existence of decimals. The 1-10 scale does the job, but far from ideally.

The 5-star system doesn't seem to carry the same baggage, and it's 3 stars midpoint is generally accepted as a mark of safe mediocrity, the bread and butter of our existence. Three stars means a hotel is decently comfortable, a videogame is okay to kill some time with absent a better alternative, or that your Codex posts have significantly improved from their current state. Also, since we're dealing with personal opinion and provided you don't give in to the temptation of "half stars", the limited granularity is useful in reflexively forcing the rater to be more decisive and abstract with their assessment. If a simple Like/Meh/Dislike is too reductive and a (genuine) 1-10 scale is wasted on an audience unfamiliar with your likes and dislikes, a 5-step scale strikes a bit of a balance.

More importantly, however, you're getting upset over a misunderstanding. Same as you wouldn't use metres to measure temperature, games like Fallout: New Vegas can be rated on either the 5-star scale or (suboptimally) on the 1-10 scale, but The Otter Worlds can only be measured on South Park's Couric scale.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
Step 1 - State that there is no difference between the 5-star rating system and the 1-10 scale:
So there really is no functional difference in using a 1-5 system and a 1-10 system with you rate games.

Step 2 - Immediately point out a difference between the 5-star rating system and the 1-10 scale:
I haven't even gotten into why rating scales which are curved towards the latter half of 0-10 scale are stupid.

Step 3 - Call the other person stupid and act like you don't wanna engage despite having engaged and struggled to come up with four epithets of which three are effectively synonyms:
But again, I was just roasting you and had no desire to actually address your shitty, low effort, smooth brained, half baked post regarding video game ratings.

Your Resident Zoomer tag isn't encouraging, but come, let us be friends, kumbaya and all that crap, and I shall help you overcome your condition.

The distinction lies precisely in how the two systems are customarily used by the public, with the 1-10 scale being - as you say - "curved" towards the latter half in practice. This might be down to the scale being familiar across various school systems and the pass/fail threshold embedded in the public psyche, or maybe something else, but you are correct that 1-10 basically translates to 5-10 with the lower grades reserved for "this pisses me off on a personal level." You'd be tempted to think it's just the 5-star scale multiplied by 2, but you'll find that many people actually reserve 10/10 for milestone titles, 8/10 and 9/10 match 4 stars sometimes, others even 7/10 gets thrown in there, and things become even more haphazard below that, i.e. too many choices and standards leads to pointless ambiguity. Things get even worse once users remember the existence of decimals. The 1-10 scale does the job, but far from ideally.

The 5-star system doesn't seem to carry the same baggage, and it's 3 stars midpoint is generally accepted as a mark of safe mediocrity, the bread and butter of our existence. Three stars means a hotel is decently comfortable, a videogame is okay to kill some time with absent a better alternative, or that your Codex posts have significantly improved from their current state. Also, since we're dealing with personal opinion and provided you don't give in to the temptation of "half stars", the limited granularity is useful in reflexively forcing the rater to be more decisive and abstract with their assessment. If a simple Like/Meh/Dislike is too reductive and a (genuine) 1-10 scale is wasted on an audience unfamiliar with your likes and dislikes, a 5-step scale strikes a bit of a balance.

More importantly, however, you're getting upset over a misunderstanding. Same as you wouldn't use metres to measure temperature, games like Fallout: New Vegas can be rated on either the 5-star scale or (suboptimally) on the 1-10 scale, but The Otter Worlds can only be measured on South Park's Couric scale.

Itschon hates everything that isn't underrail. Don't worry about him, he is heavily autistic and very sad about the armenia being shit on by azerbaijan and turkey so he uses this as an excuse to crusade against every non underrail game.

That said I....heavily disliked outer worlds(and liked underrail) I just don't feel the need to post essays and waste my time debating why outer worlds sucked.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
So is TOW better than F4?

I played fallout 4 for the first time only because i was morbidly curious about this(I only played both games in like 2020-21?).

Combat is about the same in both -> bad.

Fallout 4 is like watching american dad. I'm sure it's entertaining if you're 12 or braindead, and occasionally there's something moderately entertaining but for the most part it's the worst kind of stupid.

The outer worlds is like watching the big bang theory. It's stupid and cringe while being pretentious. It also feels like the same thing over and over again.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Step 1 - State that there is no difference between the 5-star rating system and the 1-10 scale:
I quite literally considered putting in the disclaimer (going by your rating system), but I didn't add it in because the post was getting wordy enough as is. You can see as much here, where I went out of my way to address the poster instead of saying "when rating games".
So there really is no functional difference in using a 1-5 system and a 1-10 system when you rate games.
If you hadn't jumped in mid conversation, you would have probably understood what I was referring to, but whatever.
Step 2 - Immediately point out a difference between the 5-star rating system and the 1-10 scale:
The post you quoted has nothing to do with the differences between a five star rating system and a 0-10 rating scale. The statement you quoted is referring to the tendency to curve 0-10 rating scales, which is something I was discussing earlier in the thread. There are differences between a five star rating system, and a 0-10 rating system, and I obviously know those differences, so it's disingenuous of you to act like I'm contradicting myself for cheap internet points instead of actually giving the other poster the benefit of the doubt and trying to understand what they're trying to say.
Step 3 - Call the other person stupid and act like you don't wanna engage despite having engaged, and struggled to come up with four epithets of which three are effectively synonyms:
Only low effort and half baked are synonyms. Shit (bad) and smooth brained (unintelligent) are two different adjectives.
The distinction lies precisely in how the two systems are customarily used by the public, with the 1-10 scale being - as you say - "curved" towards the latter half in practice. This might be down to the scale being familiar across various school systems and the pass/fail threshold embedded in the public psyche, or maybe something else, but you are correct that 1-10 basically translates to 5-10 with the lower grades reserved for "this pisses me off on a personal level." You'd be tempted to think it's just the 5-star scale multiplied by 2, but you'll find that many people actually reserve 10/10 for milestone titles, 8/10 and 9/10 match 4 stars sometimes, others even 7/10 gets thrown in there, and things become even more haphazard below that, i.e. too many choices and standards leads to pointless ambiguity. Things get even worse once users remember the existence of decimals. The 1-10 scale does the job, but far from ideally.
I agree with everything you said here. Still, it's important to note that just because how the 0-10 scale is used doesn't mean the scale is bad, it just means the people using it are using it incorrectly.
The 5-star system doesn't seem to carry the same baggage, and it's 3 stars midpoint is generally accepted as a mark of safe mediocrity, the bread and butter of our existence. Three stars means a hotel is decently comfortable, a videogame is okay to kill some time with absent a better alternative, or that your Codex posts have significantly improved from their current state. Also, since we're dealing with personal opinion and provided you don't give in to the temptation of "half stars", the limited granularity is useful in reflexively forcing the rater to be more decisive and abstract with their assessment. If a simple Like/Meh/Dislike is too reductive and a (genuine) 1-10 scale is wasted on an audience unfamiliar with your likes and dislikes, a 5-step scale strikes a bit of a balance.
Again, I agree with most everything you said. Please find the post where I am shitting on 5-star rating systems. I think five star rating systems are often used far better than 0-10 systems due to aforementioned curving issue.

That being said, properly implemented 0-10 scale is superior to the 5 star rating system, because even if an audience is unfamiliar with the reviewers likes and dislikes, they can still get a rough idea of the games quality by just dividing by two. 0-10 is superior because it allows for precision and nuance, as well as comparing games.
More importantly, however, you're getting upset over a misunderstanding. Same as you wouldn't use metres to measure temperature, games like Fallout: New Vegas can be rated on either the 5-star scale or (suboptimally) on the 1-10 scale, but The Otter Worlds can only be measured on South Park's Couric scale.
1-10 is not sub optimal if implemented correctly. Also, I wasn't upset over a misunderstanding, I wasn't upset at all. I was just exercising my Codexian right to shit on someone who made a bad post and has shit taste in video games.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Itschon hates everything that isn't underrail.
List of great RPGs that aren't Underrail off the top of my head.

Baldur's Gate
Icewind Dale
Knights of the Old Republic
Disco Elysium
Planescape: Torment
Age of Decadence
Dungeon Rats
Tales of Maj'Eyal
Knights of the Chalice I
Knights of the Chalice II
Don't worry about him, he is heavily autistic and very sad about the armenia being shit on by azerbaijan and turkey so he uses this as an excuse to crusade against every non underrail game.
I crusade against shit RPGs. You will not find a single post where I am saying anything but praise for the RPGs listed above.

Also I will just note, Beans has been obsessed with me for months now and has pinged me many times on Codex discord trying to engage with me because he has repressed homosexual feelings for yours truly. He loves showing up in threads just to talk about me, and has expressed interest in my physical appearance. Let's just say I won't be surprised if he ends up sending me pictures of his penis and professing his undying love and affection. With Fork and SDG and Fluent banned, someone needs to take their place.


May 28, 2016
Lost Continent of Mu
The problem with The Outer Worlds, well, two problems actually:

1. People expected more from Cain and Boyarsky.
2. False advertising mentioning Fallout New Vegas led to unfair comparisons.

That's why a lot of people care about this game despite them thinking it's mediocre.


Apr 5, 2015
Yeah, from Boyarsky and Cain you expect a broken overly ambitious mess that has many memorable gaming moments when it's not crashing every 15 minutes, instead what you got is the most polished RPG to ever launch but there's nothing memorable about it whatsover.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
300 pages of arguing when we could've just said that TOW is the most Current Year RPG and left it at that.

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