From the creators of Blazing Chrome; has a demo.
From the creators of Sayonara Wild Hearts.
From the creators of Sayonara Wild Hearts.
See, hypocrisy right out the gate, because this is a 2020 game! But 2022 was the year I found it, and no one else picked it up. (I remain its only review.) It’s a simulation of that sci-fi trope, the character who wakes up in a spaceship airlock with no memory, being interrogated by crew members because they think you might be the alien. And, well, you are. This plays out as a time-loop game, in which you gain knowledge each time around, allowing you to greatly expand your reach, and eventually possess other crewmates to explore the ship. It’s fantastic to play as the baddie, and the whole thing is so smart. And it was a student game!
Buried Treasure - John Walker reviews undiscovered indie gaming gems
The Ubisoft business model is basically bundle games into DLC megapacks that have a "regular price" of like $200 but are constantly on sale like 6 months after release, sometimes for around 90% off. Yet they still seem to be confused that their sales suffer because they've devalued their games this way but also because they do stuff like remove features and support for old games, so if you've got a backlog, you're actively hurting yourself by buying their games if you won't beat it in a timely fashion. I'm convinced that their management is actually retarded.Not sure if I'm more surprised that The Division 2 wasn't already on Steam or that Ubisoft is willing to sell it for that little.
€100 game
From the creators of Blazing Chrome; has a demo.