Picked up
Elden Ring, which is as cheap as it's ever been, though still not especially cheap in the grand scheme--you can save even a little more money by buying it at Green Man Gaming as of this moment:
Not sure I'll ever get around to playing it, but those FromSoftware guys are pretty stingy with discounts, so against my better judgment, FOMO, etc--the backlog grows again.
I've been on a space game kick
lately for the last thirty years, so I also picked up the following:
Hopefully this one finally kills off Stellaris for me, because boy have I come to hate Paradox's business model, and not just because it's greedy; I hate the whole drastically-overhaul-the-game-every-few-months-for-extra-cash-and-oh-by-the-way-never-ending-hype-from-our-clickbait-youtube-shills culture. It's actually worse than Bethesda breaking everyone's Skyrim mods with sudden patches 58 years after the game's launch--well, ok, maybe Bethesda's actions are worse, but at least Skyrim players deserve it.
Distant Worlds 2 is a little cheaper on
GOG right now, btw, at least if you only buy the base game.
I've had my eye on SpaceBourne 2 for awhile. It appears to be X4-meets-Star-Citizen, made by a single developer, and by all accounts he's largely succeeded. Worth buying just to reward the man's utter madness. If you're interested in this niche, or something like it, there are a number of other prospects that are on sale right now:
- X4 itself, of course, which is an autist's dream; I speak from personal experience. (Worth noting that many excellent QoL mods for X4 only exist on Steam's workshop, so best not to buy it on other platforms.)
- Empyrion, a survival game, which by all accounts is a less shallow/childish take on No Man's Sky
- Avorion appears to be Minecraft-meets-X4
- Astrox Imperium, i.e. "Eve Offline."