By the God-Gaben,that Space Marine game has a shitload of DLC,are any of that shit necessarry/good?
The whole game is utter shit. Don't bother.
By the God-Gaben,that Space Marine game has a shitload of DLC,are any of that shit necessarry/good?
Oh shit, that canteen is infinite? Goddammit. The main problem was I had all these items, and then the doctor gave me more and I lost track of which ones were which. I dropped damn near everything except a 9mm, some crap food, a vault uniform, and the canteen because I figured it was one of them. Thanks for the heads up. Also looking into Drakensang. I actually liked Dragon Age and it's hard to find games of that ilk these days, no matter how streamlined their gameplay has become.
I loved (okay, maybe that's too strong, I didn't like the writing) Dragon Age, but I found both Drakensang games pretty bad except for the character system (which wins over DA in every category except active abilities). So I've finished neither of them. You might like them though, I suppose.
Have you tried the Game of Thrones RPG? It's surprisingly good.
I'm still waiting for a good DoW pack sale myself. Those damn things have been stubbornly staying at stupid prices for a long while, like dark crusade's normal price is twenty bucks. Needs a 85%+ discount sale to get into the magical just fucking buy it range. Then install DoWPro and oh my god all the unitss ohh yeahhh feels like expensive shampoo on a lady'm hoping Spec Ops gets a sale. As that sound actually quite interesting from reading the thread here about it.
I'm still waiting for a good DoW pack sale myself. Those damn things have been stubbornly staying at stupid prices for a long while, like dark crusade's normal price is twenty bucks. Needs a 85%+ discount sale to get into the magical just fucking buy it range. Then install DoWPro and oh my god all the unitss ohh yeahhh feels like expensive shampoo on a lady
Where were you a couple weeks ago when each DOW2 game was going for 2.50 euro(retribution was 5) and DOW Platinum was 2.50(included Dow plus expansion and Dark Crusade), Could get Soulstorm for 1.75 euro as well...
Ahh right it was one of those miraculous sales that actually was far cheaper in Eurofagistan rather than the KWA.Though even in the US it was pretty cheap.'m hoping Spec Ops gets a sale. As that sound actually quite interesting from reading the thread here about it.
Seriously doubt it will be cheaper than that on Steam, given the game's a week, maybe two weeks old. What Amazon's selling is a Steam key, too.
Metro and Morgoth, trying to usurp skyway with their terrible judgement when it comes to games.
Space Marine is one of the most fun shooters that's come out in the past few years. It's very satisfying and worth the money. The one thing I've heard about the multiplayer is that the community is very fractured due to all the different DLC combinations. I haven't really bothered playing multiplayer.
The future capitalists have hamburgers as a resource! HAMBURGERS!
Consider a simple 1975 experiment by psychologist Stephen Worchel to provide an illustration of this concept involving baked goods. Posing as a consumer products survey, the experimenters offered each subject a chocolate chip cookie from one of two jars. One of the jars had many cookies in it. The other had only a few. Of course, people reported the cookies from the mostly empty jars as more delicious, more desirable, and more expensive. This despite that the cookies in both jars WERE THE SAME COOKIES.
But Steam and similar download services sell digital games, right? They’re not cookies that are about to disappear, there is literally an UNLIMITED SUPPLY of the 1s and 0s that comprise these digitally distributed games. True, but the scarcity effect still applies, because it’s not so much the scarcity of the physical product that we react to, but the opportunity to buy it.
The Steam Summer Sale invokes the scarcity effect by being a limited time event that only runs July 12 through July 22. On top of that, many of the items on sale change every day, so if you see a game you want, you'd better act now. But on top of THAT, Steam is TRIPLING down by offering "Flash Sales" that only stick around for a paltry 8 hours or less with the text "Short Deals. Get 'em while they last!" Then it really turn the screws by posting a countdown timer next to each deal.
It's a very well established fact that humans hate losing choices once we perceive having them. Any other day you might not buy Super Street Fighter IV even for ten bucks, but threaten to raise the price on you in six more hours and suddenly people are considering it for a lot more because we're simply averse to losing the chance to get it for cheap.