P. banal
Better to just buy Retribution, mainly because of the multiplayer. I heard the campaign is weaker than Chaos Rising, but at least you aren't forced to play as spess mahreens. :D
The Chaos Rising campaign is great, but too short. I think I was done in like 10 hours and I did every optional objective...better to just get it in the bay of pirates unless you have spare money. The original DoW2 campaign is easy, long and repetitive as fuck. I don't recommend it, I only went through it because I hate playing sequels without playing the original (completionistfag).
I bought Retri during the summer sale but just installed yesterday.
The Chaos Rising campaign is great, but too short. I think I was done in like 10 hours and I did every optional objective...better to just get it in the bay of pirates unless you have spare money. The original DoW2 campaign is easy, long and repetitive as fuck. I don't recommend it, I only went through it because I hate playing sequels without playing the original (completionistfag).
I bought Retri during the summer sale but just installed yesterday.