Killing Floor is recommended, good to great co-op FPS zombie shooter.
Painkiller Complete pack is recommended, good to great balls to the wall FPS. Though you probably could just buy Painkiller Black and ignore the rest.
Left 4 Dead 2 is recommended, good to great co-op FPS zombie shooter. Little point in picking up L4D1 as well, as most all of the campaigns from that have been added to 2. The look of 1 might be a bit better but the gameplay improvements in 2 sorta make up for it.
Penumba collection is recommended, first person horror adventure games.
Amnesia the Dark Descent is recommended, first person horror adventure game by the guys what did Penumba.
Zombie Driver is recommended, you drive a car and kill zombies for points. The campaign and racing modes are nothing special, the score attack mode is best.
Borderlands is recommended, first person shooter action RPG hybrid. Kinda irritating humor and uses Gamespy (FOR SHAME) but I ended up getting hooked on it for a good while. $7.50 for the complete set is probably worth a roll of the dice if FPS action RPG sounds interesting to you.
Dead Island sorta recommended but not really at that price.
Bioshock 1 and 2 recommended. Most Codex bros disapprove of it due to dumbing down and mostly stealing System Shock 2's story, but I loved both of them. I played 'em like straight shooters with some light looting sprinkled on top and had a grand time, and I liked the story and setting of Bioshock more than SS2.
Plants VS Zombies recommended. Simple tower defense-esque game by Popcap, but like most/many Popcap games it's addicting enough to just sit and waste time playing.
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines FUCKING RECOMMENDED GOD DAMN PISS ASS. Possibly my favorite RPG, it sexy-wrestles with Fallout 1 for position.
Dead Space pack probably recommended. Actually just started playing Dead Space 1 last night and I'm having a pretty good time with it. Controls may be shit for PC (Which is what I heard anyway) so I decided to play it with a 360 controller. Still, does seem like a fun horror shooter.
Fear collection recommended. Vaguely horror FPS games. Haven't played 2 yet, but 1 was a pretty decent shooter with bullet time. $7 for 1, 2, and all their DLC/expansions seems quite fine for some shooting.
Space Pirates and Zombies sorta recommended. It's grindy as fuck, but I did have fun. Was recently patched to make the late game more difficult so MAYBE it's in a bit better shape. Not the greatest deal in the world, so you could wait.
Ghost Master sorta recommended. Played it years ago when it was new and kind of enjoyed it. Sort of a bizarre puzzle game where you control ghosts and have to work to make as many people insane/scared as possible. At a dollar it might be worth checking out, but since I haven't played in years my memories might be rose tinted.
Terraria recommended. 2D randomized world platforming adventure game sandbox thing, with relatively large free content patches. Well worth $5 (Or $2.50 if you get in a bundle).
Nation Red highly recommended. Score attack zombie shooter. Vaguely like Crimsonland if you ever played that, or Robotron if you haven't. Campaign is pretty much nothing, the score attack modes are where it's at. Has been patched like crazy including free new content, well worth picking up if you like that style of game.
Overlord complete pack maybe recommended. Some bros like it. I only took a brief look at the first one and the humor annoyed me a bit, but at $5 for the whole shebang it might be worth considering in case you end up enjoying it.
STALKER recommended. Either the bundle or just Call of Pripyat. Plus it'll make Skyway angry if you buy it and enjoy it.
Atom Zombie Smasher highly recommended. BEST WEIRD ZOMBIE STRATEGY GAME EVER. I've proselytized this game on the Codex a bit already, but rest assured it's worth $3.50.