Checking my post history I noted before when he pronounced "progenitors" as "progenators".
The man is playing a game; to see who on the internet notices it. I am the winner.
Because it's multiplayer not campaign. You stop caring about context when playing with others.Multiplayer might be fun if you have a team of friends to play with always, but multiplayer for the rest of us (well at least for me) is just a pain. Too many idiots, and it seems every pc-game nowadays have a serious hacking problem. What a strange video. He sounded like a butthurt fanboy. "My favorite game only got 78 on metacritic! The humanity" Almost makes me think ubi-soft payed his for this piece.
And playing multiplayer for me feels a bit strange, when I have no context for it, like a campaign. Why are we killing each other now again?
I "like" how he used Vegas as an example of singleplayer in "old" Rainbow games, since mentioning good Rainbow Six games wouldn't fit with argument he is trying to push in that video...As for Rainbow Six Siege, the game looked interesting to me but I lost all interest when I heard it's multiplayer only. I was interested in a new tactical shooter, something like the old Rainbow Six games or SWAT 4, but not multiplayer only.
He's a pretenious SJW that makes stupid conjectures that can easily be proven wrong by actually playing the fucking game he's bitching about.whats wrong with campster