It's a conspiracy by the hardware manufacturers to keep us buying more advanced hardware. It's a conspiracy I say!
And doesn't seem very varied or developped past the initial idea either. Was really looking forward to it but 22€'s too much for a non completionist like me so I'll grab it some day on sale or something.The story mode is also about 90 minutes long. 2 hours if you die a bunch.
It's interesting, because I played this on 4 GBs of RAM and an ancient 1 GB graphics card with no issues(framerate may not have been 100% 60fps+, but when the game pauses when you stand still, does it matter?).The steam forum is full of posts about terrible performance. Hilarious.
What's even more hilarious is that they have the audacity to charge 23 Euro for this game.
If you think he mispronounces words in his videos, you should try listening to his podcast (TOVG podcast), where he regularly has problems speaking his friends' names correctly.This time (in sanic) he said "cack-o-phoney"
If you think he mispronounces words in his videos, you should try listening to his podcast (TOVG podcast), where he regularly has problems speaking his friends' names correctly.This time (in sanic) he said "cack-o-phoney"
I have only listened to some of the first ones (back from 2014). George is the highlight of the podcast, as most of his friends and co-hosts are typical USA Nintendo-grown and console-bound gamers.Is the podcast any good? Or is it just people shooting the shit with periodic tidbits of actual info thrown in? For the latter type, I prefer stand up comedians or other funny people.
Apparently his partner wanted to make the channel more LP-oriented than review/analysis oriented (which is why there was a cringy period where they were making nothing but LP's), and disagreements over that lead to him leaving.Hrmm I don't know if I can appreciate his take on gaming enough to go through a long discussion from his perspective. He has improved as he's matured a bit (the early bunnyhop videos are outright terrible; he improved significantly when post-ditching of the partner [tho I am unsure if that was coincidence or related]) but still has a lot of that popamole soul in him.
And fushure.Idealology.
I keep suprising myself by actually enjoying their reviews, time after time, even when there are little things I don't agree with and whatnot. Pretty rare these days.