Police State: Interesting idea (-2 talents??), but what about lessening the EFFIC penalty (-1 instead of -2)? Then again you may be aiming to have it hurt Hive as well. How about -1 EFFIC and -1 talents?
Demo is the same.
Well, I guess I need to clarify the goal I pursued here. I wanted to make different combinations of civics viable. As of now, there is Demo+FM+Wealth, Demo+FM+Knowledge, Demo+Planned+Wealth (for booming), and Demo+Green for lategame. That's it. That's all you are going to see for 90% of the game unless you are playing Hive.
There are 2 reasons for that - the -2 INDUSTRY penalty for Power is crippling, Fundy is completely useless, and --EFFIC effects are so disastrous that the civics that give them can only be played with ++EFFIC ones.
I have abolished -EFFIC altogether. I do not think this part of the game was well thought-out. -1 EFFIC Lal has is already harsh. -2 EFFIC is 'your research is dead' harsh. -4 is 'Pure LOL, here are your gun and the bullet'.
Negative EFFIC was designed to be used with crawlers and specialists, and even then there are more effective alternatives available. And since there are no crawlers in my mod, well...
So, Police state. The idea is to provide an early boost and give factions something to do except ICSing by providing additional support. The ones who go POLICE aren't crippled with poor research, and in fact there are few downsides in adopting it right away. However, you will need additional units to keep your populace happy as your every citizen will be a drone. The lack of Talents symbolizes crude methods that are used to ensure orders.
I dunno about that Fundy industry bonus, but it is potentially interesting. Might make a good pick for Hive now, although there's some cool potential from going Fundi/Planned/Wealth (+3 Industry! Mind the Effic and Research penalties)
Fundy needed a buff, and INDUSTRY is one of the strongest ones. It can contend with Police State and its +2 SUPPORT, and it's not half bad for a builder. Also, yes, there is a potential combination with Wealth for increasing INDUSTRY further and lowering the MORALE penalty to the one where your units aren't crippled (-2 MORALE halves modifiers from Command Centers and the like - so you get worse units, but -1 does not), and there is a potential combination with POWER for +3 MORALE (good if you have a monolith and want Elite units) while lessening the INDUSTRY penalty. Fundy + Knowledge is still retarded, though.
Police State is still preferable for Hive, but Fundy is now an option, too.
Free Market... I don't see the point of the industry penalty. I think Free Market was really good as it was (except for Hive, which could't properly use it and general momentum players), its just that Planned was mostly for early game, pop-booming or war, and Green was mostly a worm-hugger/Gaian thing, unless you had LOTS of bases. I think Planned and Green need boosts. The talent bonus for Green is interesting tho.
FM is overpowered, there is no way around it. The game centers around economics. If you gain 2 to 3 more times energy than a faction without FM, you research twice as fast and gain more money. The measures needed to control the population are rather trivial.
-INDUSTRY is one of the harshest penalties. How often do you run Power, and how often do you run Wealth? Honestly, I wanted to apply -2 INDUSTRY. You want more energy? Fine, but you will now be forced to spend it by hurrying stuff since you have more minerals to cover. It is still a very, very powerful civic. Bringing FM down a peg is a boost to Planned and Green in itself - now you would at least have a choice rather than a no-brainer.
Also, it can now be run together with Police State, which was self-defeating before (you still got Pacifist Drones, and you lost all the extra energy due to inefficiency). Santiago can run this combination to allow police under FM, and Morgan runs it to compensate for his SUPPORT problem. How often did you see this combination in vanilla game?
Planned with --2 ECON? Bear in mind -2 ECON penalty is not as meaningful as -2 EFFIC later on. Negative ECON just weakens the base square, negative effic hurts a lot more.
Planned with -2 EFFIC is a death sentence unless you are a) Hive b) Gaian c) running Democracy to Popboom and then quickly getting off to some other economy.
Is the goal of -EFFIC to make less energy? Then -2 ECON accomplishes the same thing. In the beginning half if not more of your income comes from bases, and Planned now halves that. You want to ICS because of +GROWTH and +INDUSTRY bonuses? You won't get as much free energy.
It has a synergy with Wealth by allowing your bases to collect energy normally, and it is good by itself if you collect your energy from other sourses. It is a viable mid-game choice until the endgame where Green rules supreme because of sheer brokenness of the EFFIC.
Power gives talents? I don't get it. How about 1 Police bonus instead? Synergizes nicely with Santiago, and Free Marketeers can use it along with Police State (and Ascetic Virtues) to fight.
+1 POLICE with +2 SUPPORT would simply turn Power into another Police State, only worse. The goal was to avoid duplicates. Who would run PS+Power if they were the same?
The goal of +POLICE is to quell riots. Isn't that what Talents do? Except, you know, without beating the protesters over the heads - this concerns the values the society holds, and therefore is subtler. The goal is the same as yours - to make population control easier - but it is achieved via different means, and that makes the civic unique.
Leaders seeking Power build strong, well-paid military forces to enforce their will. But Economic and industrial infrastructure may suffer from bloated “defense” budgets."
If you want a justification, imagine that those that in other societies become losers, dissenters and generally bad influence are 'offered opportunities' in the military, leaving the overall ideological climate much healthier. You can never have enough mindworm fodder.
One does usually run Power with Fundy for MORALE, or with Democracy + Planned for population booms through Golden Ages. But yes, I am not very happy with it. Maybe it should be made ++ MORALE +SUPPORT -INUSTRY something.
Er, why Thought Control gives extra talents? I don't get it.
If you can control the thoughts of your population, why would they ever riot? People are happy because they thinks they are happy, live in the best possible place, and work the best suited jobs.
Perhaps we have different understanding of Talents? To me they are just 'content, happy' citizens they were in Civ games, as opposed to the quelled drones that POLICE creates.
At this point I was thinking about synergies more than dwelling on what a particular bonus means.
I dunno, some stuff is pretty much broken by consensus
There is no consensus on what to do with it, however.
Everyone agrees that ICS is bad, but not everyone agrees about the reasons and to what extent. We've had a rather hot discussion about it in this very thread, and it was between those who exploited the mechanics to death. Get the ones who are playing on Talent difficulty here (and I do not mean it in a derisive way), and you will hear something completely different.
Things that are geared towards tournaments and fair play are not always fun to everyone, and people tend not to understand why certain things are broken and others are just powerful.
Case in point: this thread.
People who never went to a tournament in their whole life discuss the tournament rules and laugh at people who are 'too OCD to enjoy the damn game', even though there is a good reason for why each and every of those rules is enforced.