Hah, god damn it. Found a 4 turn strategy for Chapter 4 but it relies on lvl 2 Lancaars to deal an exact amount of damage, and mine are lvl 3. Oh well.
Overall the animu is better.
Why post Valkyrie Profile news here?
Anyways, 2nd game was already total shit anyway.
Why post Valkyrie Profile news here?
Anyways, 2nd game was already total shit anyway.
Yes and no. The story was Garbage, but i kind of liked it in this strange fucked op surreal way.
Lets go to school and have school time anime adventures, but with a back drop of a massive war.....
It truly is amazing how often the oft-used quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupery is right on the mark.2 also had the best character development system, mostly because it was the simplest. Kill enough things as a class to spec into the upgraded version of that class. Always an underrated system.
Whole lot of nothing.
Saw that a lot when I was in Barcelona.Boob bigger than head.