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Wasteland The Wasteland 2 Beta Release Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


So... except for Sea angling for another line producer spot... anyone discovered any C&C? Any reactiviteah?
Anything better then just choosing between AGcenter or Highpool?

Is there any consequences in dealing with quests differently and can you deal with the quests differently at all? How are the "diplomatic" options in this sense?
If you slack around in the lower level of the Agricultural Center, the wheelchair dude will turn into a zombie Pod Person. If you'll go straight to fix the shit you're supposed to, you'll save him. You also get 5 samples of the cure, they can buff you if you use them on yourself (i haven't tried that yet), or you can save them for later. I don't know what's beyond the AG Center though.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
So... except for Sea angling for another line producer spot... anyone discovered any C&C? Any reactiviteah?
Anything better then just choosing between AGcenter or Highpool?

Is there any consequences in dealing with quests differently and can you deal with the quests differently at all? How are the "diplomatic" options in this sense?
If you slack around in the lower level of the Agricultural Center, the wheelchair dude will turn into a zombie Pod Person. If you'll go straight to fix the shit you're supposed to, you'll save him. You also get 5 samples of the cure, they can buff you if you use them on yourself (i haven't tried that yet), or you can save them for later. I don't know what's beyond the AG Center though.

Spoiler tags, please.


So... its the basic binary extremes? Save some NPC or kill them? Thats it?

cmon... there has to be more than that.


Jun 4, 2009
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Gave the beta a short try. Wasn't saturated as I first thought but whatever.

Quick impressions.
Wow, it runs like ass on Good, so I turned it down to Fastest or something. Not much of an improvement. But hey, beta.
My character ended up looking like total ass. Hope they'll throw in some more customization, and making it prettier. Well in the end you don't actually see anyone up close, but still.
A few opportunities to use skills in the first areas, and some things you might have to return to I guess as I didn't have the skills.
Not really impressed with the FX for something like perception use, but hey, beta.
Preee-ty clunky interface. Not helped by the sluggish performance. But hey, beta.
Interface icons could use some beautification treatment.
Combat's kinda like JA2, in simplistic mode. Right click for options or something? Nah fuck that. But hey, beta.
Camera is straight out of ass. Rotating camera? Nah fuck that. But hey, beta.

I dunno, not really enticed to keep playing at this point. But will probably continue as FONV keeps crashing on me.


The Real Fanboy
Apr 18, 2007
I'm not really sure that people should expect TOO much reactivity and such, giving that it is actually a beta. Fargo said many times that a lot of other areas have much more reactivity than the starting stuff... Wasn't this touched upon in the beta #40 update? Saying that are well aware of the fact that most of the reactivity stuff has either not been fully implemented in the beta build yet, or simply not implemented at all yet.

Well.. saving either highpool or ag. center will most likely yield some different responses.. such as maybe one of the places not existing or no quests avaliable depending on choice.. this is in the full game i suppose

In the beta.. you can save both right now, afaik.. easily changeable in a later build for some more reactivity



Dat item description :lol:


The Real Fanboy
Apr 18, 2007
The combat doesn't even feature skill-shots, knocking people unconcious, or so... man... Playing fallout 1 + 2 again makes me realize how perfect a game those were for it's time and still is..

fucking solid. Recopy what Fallout 1 + 2 did right and expand, throw out the things that didn't work, and then input wasteland 2 quest + lore and C&C..

I seem to recall this game being called Wasteland 2.

I seem to recall most of the staff overall are pretty big fallout fans.... Thomas Beekers, A.K.A Brother None has his own fallout site lol.. Would think it odd if he wasn't interested in making a cRPG old school rpg like fallout

Besides... what's wrong with having mechanics that work and are cool for a cRPG game? I'm not saying the game should copy fallout's story, atmosphere and style.. just the mechanics of the game, and the overall gameplay.. because that actually worked quite nicely.. hence why fallout is one of the most renowned rpg games out there.

Deleted member 7219

I'm waiting for the full release, but the screenshots of the interface don't look very good.


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
Funniest one for me was this one:


So... its the basic binary extremes? Save some NPC or kill them? Thats it?
Sadly, except for the tribal war with the Rail Nomad's, I haven't found a single situation so far that isn't binary in its outcome.

The dialogs are a good display of the lack of reactivity; 99% of the time speaking with someone means simply clicking on every key word that appears...


Jun 24, 2013
Well, it's a good thing their next game is the spiritual successor to a linear jRPG. :M


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
The dialogs are a good display of the lack of reactivity; 99% of the time speaking with someone means simply clicking on every key word that appears...

I think this is the difference between "reactivity", and what the Codex typically thinks of as "choice and consequence". Classic Codexian C&C = select dialogue choices in branching dialogues --> get consequences, with AoD as the supreme exemplar of this approach.

This is just a guess, but I suspect "reactivity" in Wasteland 2 expresses itself in more ways than that, ways that can be less obvious in a first playthrough; in the order that you do things, in the people that you choose to help or kill, things like that.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
This reminds me of VD's mega-interview with Kevin Saunders and Adam Heine, which is about Torment of course, but relevant: http://www.irontowerstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic,3339.0.html

After figuring out the core aspect that will drive reactivity (the Tides in the case of Torment), then I’d identify all of the various other ways that I, as a player, would be expecting, or hoping, the game would be reactive. These aspects fall into two basic categories – character customization and actions taken during play. The former would be things like your stats, skills, abilities. The latter would be how you choose to respond to a certain NPC, which quests you completed and how you completed them, which companions you take with you (or leave behind), etc. Some aspects could fall into both categories – having a certain item equipped might be such an example. You may have acquired that item through actions you made, but then using it is more of a character customization option.

I’d think about the reactivity elements in this way because I’d want to make sure both types of choices are important – again this depends upon the details of the game. I’m assuming an RPG with rich character customization options, which is my personal preference as a gamer. Torment will have reactivity toward both of these aspects but given the central importance of the story, your choices about what you do will have the most dominant effects.


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
I think this is the difference between "reactivity", and what the Codex typically thinks of as "choice and consequence". Classic Codexian C&C = select dialogue choices in branching dialogues --> get consequences, with AoD as the supreme exemplar of this approach.

This is just a guess, but I suspect "reactivity" in Wasteland 2 expresses itself in more ways than that, ways that can be less obvious in a first playthrough; in the order that you do things, in the people that you choose to help or kill, things like that.
Bro, you really should play the game, there's nothing of that.

Example of how wrong you are:

While exploring the Ag. Center, you learn that some people think that a sabotage happened... they don't know who it was, and they all keep throwing accusations... cool, this could lead to a nice detective scenario, after you save everyone you have to investigate the survivors and figure out who's lying . Awesome set up!

BUT NO!!! As you reach the end of the quest, evil dude appears and say "I DID IT, HOHOHOHOHO!!!", in a retarded comic villain act. All that build up is throw away, there's no C&C whatsoever. Horribly disappointing.


Apr 23, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin
Chrono Trigger had more C&C. +M


Bro, you really should play the game, there's nothing of that.

Example of how wrong you are:

While exploring the Ag. Center, you learn that some people think that a sabotage happened... they don't know who it was, and they all keep throwing accusations... cool, this could lead to a nice detective scenario, after you save everyone you have to investigate the survivors and figure out who's lying . Awesome set up!

BUT NO!!! As you reach the end of the quest, evil dude appears and say "I DID IT, HOHOHOHOHO!!!", in a retarded comic villain act. All that build up is throw away, there's no C&C whatsoever. Horribly disappointing.

Bah, that sucks. I love me a good detective quest.


Oct 21, 2013
Yeah, so far I haven't experienced any reactivity. Granted, I've restarted three times now and only done half of Ag/whatever that town is called, but the start is frighteningly simple - you start at the ranger center, which you can't go into right away, then you're sort of shoe-horned into going to the radio tower, since exploring doesn't seem to unlock much else and radiation clouds are everywhere. Fallout 1 lets you choose to go to many different starting areas at the start, while Wasteland 2 is lacking in this level of freedom.

Everything also appears to be, at least so far, not time dependant. Theorhetically, you could just wander around doing random events in the wasteland until you go the radio tower, highly overleveling your crew. Fargo talked a lot about punishing this sort of strategy and making events timely, but this doesn't seem to be the case at all. Ag Center's destruction isn't hastened by you dicking around at the start of the game.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Fargo talked a lot about punishing this sort of strategy and making events timely

He did? I thought the talk about time limits and "pressure mechanics" was more of a Torment thing.


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
To be fair, after doing the Radio Tower (a tutorial and 10x better than Temple of Trials), you have two choices of places to go, and can even run directly to the Rail Nomads Camp, if you want to.

This is a nice set of freedom to explore, but it seems to die after that, and is nowhere near "It’s a virtual impossibility for two people to have the exact same experience of the game." that Fargo said... unless he wass talking about dice rolls.


does a good job.
Oct 19, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath
Not sure if this has been discussed in this thread yet, but if anybody is having problems with lagging/sluggish gameplay and cursor movement, switch your display option to "Fast". Graphics look pretty much the same to me, but the difference in performance is night and day.


Dec 3, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
Well i broke the game. If you complete all the objectives in the area with the giant frog. Then turn them all in at the same time you wont get any map notes so you wont be able to progress :(


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
Yeah, so far I haven't experienced any reactivity. Granted, I've restarted three times now and only done half of Ag/whatever that town is called, but the start is frighteningly simple - you start at the ranger center, which you can't go into right away, then you're sort of shoe-horned into going to the radio tower, since exploring doesn't seem to unlock much else and radiation clouds are everywhere. Fallout 1 lets you choose to go to many different starting areas at the start, while Wasteland 2 is lacking in this level of freedom.

Everything also appears to be, at least so far, not time dependant. Theorhetically, you could just wander around doing random events in the wasteland until you go the radio tower, highly overleveling your crew. Fargo talked a lot about punishing this sort of strategy and making events timely, but this doesn't seem to be the case at all. Ag Center's destruction isn't hastened by you dicking around at the start of the game.
I agree, this is one of my major complaints with the game (and already voiced to the devs a while back). Granted, we are limited due to the number of locations in the beta, and I assume more will be available off the bat in the final version... but if it's just hopping from one location to another as they open up, I'd be disappointed.

Bro, you really should play the game, there's nothing of that.

Example of how wrong you are:
I think this is a fair complaint. The "big choice" that you make is great but there is little nuance in what happens after. There actually are some differences in outcomes but they hinge on whether you help Ag Center/Highpool fully or if you just bum-rush the radio towers. To me that's not a good choice, because it's basically just a choice between more gameplay and less gameplay... there's no reason not to do that stuff, so the fact that there is a consequence doesn't really matter. After all, reactivity has to be meaningful and that requires tight integration between compelling gameplay decisions and their results, not just "well you can do this quest or not".


Oct 21, 2013
Fargo talked a lot about punishing this sort of strategy and making events timely

He did? I thought the talk about time limits and "pressure mechanics" was more of a Torment thing.

He's been in a lot of podcasts. This summer he was on a rather obscure one (Wasteland 1 lovers sort of podcast) and he talked about punishing people who try to grind or speedrun a game.

And yeah, that comment about "no two playthroughs being the same" is kind of bullshit. I mean, you sort of can build your own party and your experience will be made a little unique as a result, but it's nothing like I thought he was implying. Fallout 2 is very open-ended in how you play it, Wasteland 2 is so far very linear, though it does seem to have a few branches, but I just don't feel like I have many options - diplomacy so far right now is close to nil and I've yet to see a point to Charisma as a stat, it's basically worthless thus far.

The best team is probably 4 rangers right now with 10 intelligence, 1 charisma, then their stats put into things that let them shoot guns or take hits.


Oct 26, 2012
New North Korea
Codex 2014 Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
I think Infinitron should shut up and play the beta instead of dictating to others what the game is or isn't while having never played it :M

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