Some interesting tidbits from the interviews from their brainstorming
- the game plays around you, rather than you around it
- procedural storytelling is a realistic thing, the game will tell the story around your actions rather than being a predefined story like in a typical game.
- they want to have best of both worlds, procedural content together with hand crafted content
- npcs will lead their own lives and do their own things
- drive the story to what the player is doing (if you arrive in one place it will start one plotline, if you arrive at different place and do different thing it will start different plotline)
- physics ( destroy pillars, pick up stones, wood, throw them at enemies, enemies might die from collapsing stuff)
- the world will continue after you die, your character will be added to the current worlds legend and you might start a new character with the current world where you will learn about your old character or even possibly meet old comrades or descendants of your old character (possibility of having a family?)
- Julian says to make a serious game you need to code in c++, he likes to be challenged and considers this a very serious and ambitious challenge to accomplish
- Julian wants to have real substance and depth to it, add persistence where the game learns, put in learning algorithms and neural network, where the game adapts to how you act - 'It can be done'
Welp, if they can achieve even half of that, it will be groundbreaking stuff.