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The Witcher 1 Thread


unida e indivisible
Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Vatnik In My Safe Space
Sep 7, 2015
Make the Codex Great Again!
W1 is the ultimate slavjank. Feels like a NWN total-conversion-mod.

Stats don't matter really, it's dead easy game, just click your mouse at the right moment and you'll do great.

Potion drinking is there, I guess. It matters like twice in the game.

It's also the best game of the Witcher series. Finished it in one go, incredibly easy and will never play again.

This may sound like I'm bashing the game, I'm really not. It's simply not a well made game. It's playable, but ho boy is it janky. Witcher 3 I'd bash all day.


Apr 8, 2015
It's playable, but ho boy is it janky.
So is Morrowind
Yet it's still one of the best cRPG's

Likewise, W1 jank isn't much damaging to the game's quality because it's not a demanding game in regrads to player skill (this is why inversely W2 jank actually ends up hurting it)
Besides a few balancing issues, W1 worst problems are the quest design in the first and final acts (the former is too much busywork, the latter is mostly a clusterfuck of trash mobs)
Still, ultimately W1 is indeed a good cRPG


unida e indivisible
Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Vatnik In My Safe Space
Sep 7, 2015
Make the Codex Great Again!
So is Morrowind
Yet it's still one of the best cRPG's
ngl so far I've never been able to get into Morrowind, it's too janky and I'm not 14 anymore, I have way less patience for jank than I used to

I'd have to take a couple of days off just to concentrate on Morrowind if I was going to give it a fair chance, because casually going into that jank isn't going to happen


Apr 8, 2015
I mean, if you can't tolerate it then don't bother forcing it, as you'll probably be more focused figthing that disconfort over experiencing the game's qualities
Though who knows, one can always somehow get past such roadblocks and as a consequence find something new to appreciate

For me this topic is funny, because when I was younger if there was one thing that made me insta quit a game was jank and clunkiness - yet I wouln't mind wasting an afternoon "fixing" a game
But now, over the years I've become increasingly less borthered by those qualities if the design idea and execution behind them is solid - and inversely I've lost almost all patience for modding or even setting up a game (this includes older games that have problems running on modern systems), if a game takes me more than 15 minutes to search and implement a fix, I just can't be arsed (for weeks now I've been in a bit of "limbo" regarding Splinter Cell Chaos Theory because of this - I really want to replay it, but I know I'll have to waste an hour getting fixes for graphical settings, audio fixes, up-scaled cutscennes, better controller support and fixing the Steam overaly)
Jan 7, 2012
According to the wiki:
You are therefore short 22 Silver Talents and 8 Gold Talents, IF you reach level 50.
I don't call that character building to be honest, it's very very weak. By the end, you have access to 80% of the silver skills and 75% of the gold skills.

I don't remember, is reaching level 50 at all reasonable without grinding the fuck out of things?

I seem to remember ending around level 37ish. It's been years, but this seems to confirm it:

Seasoned Witcher levels cover 30-39


Jan 3, 2024
Last playthrough I hit level 41 without too much effort. Dunno, point of diminishing returns I guess, didn't see much point leveling further. It's not like importing into W2 at high levels gives you better shit either.


May 1, 2020
Witcher 1 combat is a rhythm game.
Witcher 2 combat is lite Dark Souls but with a broken hit detection.
Witcher 3 combat is just meh.

Wither 1 has the least amount of queen/rolling so it is automatically the best.
A rhythm game which is more true to the setting, and you get to watch how different Geralt fights vs. the common fighter and enjoy those oh so wonderful animations
Yes but can I play instead of watching? That would be even more fun! But apparently this thought is making Gerrard burst out in rage.


May 14, 2015
Moscow, Russia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Witcher 1 combat is a rhythm game.
Witcher 2 combat is lite Dark Souls but with a broken hit detection.
Witcher 3 combat is just meh.

Wither 1 has the least amount of queen/rolling so it is automatically the best.
A rhythm game which is more true to the setting, and you get to watch how different Geralt fights vs. the common fighter and enjoy those oh so wonderful animations
Yes but can I play and not watch? That would be even more fun! But apparently this thought is making Gerrard burst out in rage.
If by playing you mean twitchy dodge rolling then no, sorry. You have Fromsoft and their numerous clones for that kind of gameplay.
W1 combat was best in series, I agree with previous posters.

I was eagerly awaiting Witcher 2 and ragequit in first few hours after QTE kraken sequence. Disgusting.


May 1, 2020
Witcher 1 combat is a rhythm game.
Witcher 2 combat is lite Dark Souls but with a broken hit detection.
Witcher 3 combat is just meh.

Wither 1 has the least amount of queen/rolling so it is automatically the best.
A rhythm game which is more true to the setting, and you get to watch how different Geralt fights vs. the common fighter and enjoy those oh so wonderful animations
Yes but can I play and not watch? That would be even more fun! But apparently this thought is making Gerrard burst out in rage.
If by playing you mean twitchy dodge rolling then no, sorry. You have Fromsoft and their numerous clones for that kind of gameplay.
W1 combat was best in series, I agree with previous posters.
Witcher 1 already had dodge rolling mechanics but it was bugged and didn't work, even if you roll you take full damage making it completely useless.

Also I'm not asking for Dark souls combat here or even praising Witcher 2-3 combat.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
Witcher 1 combat is a joke, this is revisionism. It was never satisfying or enjoyable. Witcher 1 is good for the story, the atmosphere, the environment, the quests, the quest design but certainly not for the gameplay.
The combat in The Witcher was never satisfying or enjoyable, but it was still vastly better than combat in the next game in the series, which also suffered from several other fundamental design flaws. :M


Possibly Retarded
May 27, 2012
Except that if you play the game as it was designed in iso perspective, combat is perfectly fine, fits the view point and plays similar to a game like Diablo or Divine Divinity. and allows you to be more tactical with your moves as you have full view of the battle in all directions.
They should have never included the over the shoulder camera.


Zionist Agent
Mar 9, 2019
Insert Title Here
Except that if you play the game as it was designed in iso perspective, combat is perfectly fine, fits the view point and plays similar to a game like Diablo or Divine Divinity. and allows you to be more tactical with your moves as you have full view of the battle in all directions.
They should have never included the over the shoulder camera.
no need to get that autistic about it, I appreciate the sights


Dec 8, 2014
The Moon
RPG Wokedex
Witcher 1 jank feels cozy somehow. I dig it. The swamps are the worst part of Witcher 1 (fuck, they are the worst part of Witcher 2 too). I rather like the game as a whole, even the combat is okay given the nature of the beast (Witcher 2's combat is worse, imo). I didn't care for the over-arching storyline though. Fuck that kid. There should have been an option to feed him to a barghest or a ghoul.
May 25, 2021
The western road to Erromon.
Witcher 1 already had dodge rolling mechanics but it was bugged and didn't work, even if you roll you take full damage making it completely useless.

Also I'm not asking for Dark souls combat here or even praising Witcher 2-3 combat.
No, it wasn't. The Witcher's active rolling is for repositioning to prevent you from being surrounded on all sides by enemies or otherwise body-blocked, dodge is a separate stat that is entirely passive and always active once you invest in it. Nothing about either is bugged.

Edit: Also, I-frames are for faggots. If you've inserted yourself into a pack of enemies you should not expect a get out of jail free card by double-tapping a directional. The body doesn't suddenly cease to exist when rolling, jumping or pirouetting. If by chance you get out without getting hit, count your blessings.
Last edited:


May 1, 2020
Witcher 1 already had dodge rolling mechanics but it was bugged and didn't work, even if you roll you take full damage making it completely useless.

Also I'm not asking for Dark souls combat here or even praising Witcher 2-3 combat.
No, it wasn't. The Witcher's active rolling is for repositioning to prevent you from being surrounded on all sides by enemies or otherwise body-blocked, dodge is a separate stat that is entirely passive and always active once you invest in it. Nothing about either is bugged.

Edit: Also, I-frames are for faggots. If you've inserted yourself into a pack of enemies you should not expect a get out of jail free card by double-tapping a directional. The body doesn't suddenly cease to exist when rolling, jumping or pirouetting. If by chance you get out without getting hit, count your blessings.
But in this game you get the opposite side of stupidity where the attack animation shows a sword not contacting with the body when I dodged but I still get hit anyway.
May 25, 2021
The western road to Erromon.
But in this game you get the opposite side of stupidity where the attack animation shows a sword not contacting with the body when I dodged but I still get hit anyway.
You didn't dodge though, your character was still within a tile when the enemy's attack roll went through. The Witcher is an RPG and the animations are merely an abstraction for calculations happening under the hood, no different from Neverwinter Nights or Baldur's Gate, just fancier looking.
Dec 18, 2022
Yup, not a problem in Witcher 1, it's an RPG.

Witcher 2 has a similar "problem" but in that game it really is an issue because it's trying to be some action souls game so the "hitboxes" actually become an issue.

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