I played partway through this game and ended up disliking it more and more until I dropped it. This is supposed to be more mechanically complex and hardcore than the average Console RPG, yet the game is easy and all you need to use to win are a couple Potions. Swallow to heal, and Blizzard to enter God Mode where you avoid all attacks in bullet time. They are both relatively cheap-to-make as well. You can also instakill most single enemies with the first spell you get in the game, by stabbing them after. The swamp plant and ghost dog are the only difficult enemies. This makes oils and bombs useless.
The quest system is decent in this game, and I liked some of the side quests like the Vodyanoi. Most of them are fetch quests though. Already at 2007 it showed exactly where to go on the map and had quest markers, too bad.
The story is some cucked "racism is bad" shit, and is more aggressive than usual; this time "racism" has the power to drive people to randomly kill strangers on the spot. The way you are introduced to game is defending a dwarf who is getting murdered by a group of three cuz raycizm. From what I've heard the main villain hates dwarves and elves for no reason at all. You can see the fantasy staple races getting messed up, where now Dwarves are jews and Elves are american indians. There's also the typical dig at religion and an innocent witch being tried.
If you want to cry about "racism is bad" shit, where Elves are the poor, oppressed race who are 1000x more evolved than humans, go play Dragon Age: Inquisition. Elves in the Witcher world are so fucked, they have some factions of terrorists as their last hope, and those are gonna die out (or remain small forever). It's too late for them. Even when they talk about human cities being built on the ruins of (Better) Eleven ones, you find out the Elves just found that and took it from another race. Exactly what the humans are doing to them, but they don't like the taste of their own medicine. Witcher 1 is based as fuck.
In DA:I, everything is about elves (+bonus SJW retcons). Go scream into the void by playing that franchise instead.