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The Witcher 1 Thread

Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
yenn is an ugly hunchback using magic to look young and pretty


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
yenn is an ugly hunchback using magic to look young and pretty

I have nothing against plastic corrective surgery, whether performed via modern medicine or Witcher-world magic. If it works, it works.

Yeah, people keep confusing Yen's looks for an illusion. It was actual transformative magic.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
you guys probably like those women with the balloon-sized plastic surgery lips

Lip blowups are one of the things that I will never understand. I don't think there's a single woman in existence, excluding those with some kind outright, visible malformation or deformity in that area, that looks better after she pumps a couple dozen of milliliters of silicone under there.

Pumping one's tits or even ass with that stuff can potentially look amazing, provided the surgeon is really, really good at his job. Pumping the lips, IMO, is a willing decision to look uglier than before while blowing a lot of money doing it 99% of the time.

Fortunately, Yen magicked herself into looking like a damn hot woman who never had any plastic treatments, so in a way, Witcher-world magic is far better at turning uggos into total babes, which is absolutely fucking amazing and should be researched in detail.

Imagine being able to turn your plain, chubby girlfriend into a 10/10 babe by throwing some magic powder at her something. Would you not do it?
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Jun 18, 2009
Probably true. The occasional rough translation really added to the game's charm :) thanks for the info
On this point (that cheesy charm): there's an underlying melancholy to the Witcher books that gets lost in all the translations - official and unofficial alike - and that melancholy sort of overrides what could've otherwise been cheese. I feel once you reach a certain point and have a bit of life experience it becomes obvious that Sapkowski is laying himself quite bare in places, and is (was) wrestling with... stuff when writing all that. The much maligned character shift is perhaps one piece of evidence of this. This is why Wiedźmin is an absolute bastard to translate, I think. It's all there, but ephemeral.

What it comes down to is that the second translator produced a readable - if bland - fantasy product, but nothing more, while the first translator is horrendous, and I'll never believe she's a native speaker. No fucking way - that's an English as a third language translation.

The games also lose this aspect completely, but 3 does tap into those narrative qualities of the books if you're aware they were there. Almost by accident, purely by virtue of continuing certain plots, seems like.
May 25, 2021
The western road to Erromon.
Shani is the only choice. Working girl ( a nurse no less) who's always there for Geralt. No bullshit, no cuckoldry, and no manipulation unlike the other two wenches. They ought to have had her die from Catriona Plague between TW1 and TW2. Railroading me back into Triss' bed between games with the weak excuse of "It didn't work out with Shani." was lame.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Shani is the only choice. Working girl ( a nurse no less) who's always there for Geralt. No bullshit, no cuckoldry, and no manipulation unlike the other two wenches. They ought to have had her die from Catriona Plague between TW1 and TW2. Railroading me back into Triss' bed between games with the weak excuse of "It didn't work out with Shani." was lame.
Shani in TW3 was perfect waifu. Bullshit it didn't carry over to the main game.


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
Fortunately, Yen magicked herself into looking like a damn hot woman who never had any plastic treatments, so in a way, Witcher-world magic is far better at turning uggos into total babes, which is absolutely fucking amazing and should be researched in detail.

To be precise she was magicked by others. The prestige of the Brotherhood of Sorcerers demanded it.


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre


Oct 28, 2020
I sided with them but only because of a feeling that it would be a shame for an old race to be wiped out and have no home of their own. They are giant assholes though.
they have their kingdom of dol blathanna but nilfgard sponsors the guerrillas to stir shit up north
Ok, that's basically an indian reservation. And the overall sentiment is the same, a bunch of barbarians displacing the old civilizations.


Aug 1, 2020
I played partway through this game and ended up disliking it more and more until I dropped it. This is supposed to be more mechanically complex and hardcore than the average Console RPG, yet the game is easy and all you need to use to win are a couple Potions. Swallow to heal, and Blizzard to enter God Mode where you avoid all attacks in bullet time. They are both relatively cheap-to-make as well. You can also instakill most single enemies with the first spell you get in the game, by stabbing them after. The swamp plant and ghost dog are the only difficult enemies. This makes oils and bombs useless.

The quest system is decent in this game, and I liked some of the side quests like the Vodyanoi. Most of them are fetch quests though. Already at 2007 it showed exactly where to go on the map and had quest markers, too bad.

The story is some cucked "racism is bad" shit, and is more aggressive than usual; this time "racism" has the power to drive people to randomly kill strangers on the spot. The way you are introduced to game is defending a dwarf who is getting murdered by a group of three cuz raycizm. From what I've heard the main villain hates dwarves and elves for no reason at all. You can see the fantasy staple races getting messed up, where now Dwarves are jews and Elves are american indians. There's also the typical dig at religion and an innocent witch being tried.
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May 2, 2018
The story is some cucked "racism is bad" shit, and is more aggressive than usual; this time "racism" has the power to drive people to randomly kill strangers on the spot. The way you are introduced to game is defending a dwarf who is getting murdered by a group of three cuz raycizm. From what I've heard the main villain hates dwarves and elves for no reason at all. You can see the fantasy staple races getting messed up, where now Dwarves are jews and Elves are american indians. There's also the typical dig at religion and an innocent witch being tried.
You literally don't know what you're talking about. If anything the only morally good main choices in the Witcher 1 are to either side with the order or go neutral. The Squirrels are portrayed as terrorists willing to throw people to necrophagees for no other reason than shits and giggles. They routinely denigrate humans as apes and talk about the superiority of the race like they're Nazis in a ww2 film. Their leader is a psychopath whose biggest part in the books is the brutal massacre of defenseless wounded in a medic tent. Siegfried, the Order's representative, on the other hand is probably one of the most morally good characters in the game and never judges Geralt for being a mutant and at the drop of a hat is willing to cure someone's curse rather than kill them. And when you save the aforementioned civilians instead of going after the squirrels, he commends you for thinking of the greater good. Even the villain of the game has a reasonable position and if you weren't seething about second-hand information you might be able to play and understand that. And give me a break about the "randomly kill strangers" shit. Like I said the elves do the fucking same later and it's not "randomly," it's because they fucking hate humans like those local toughs hated dwarves.


Jul 10, 2013
I played partway through this game and ended up disliking it more and more until I dropped it. This is supposed to be more mechanically complex and hardcore than the average Console RPG, yet the game is easy and all you need to use to win are a couple Potions. Swallow to heal, and Blizzard to enter God Mode where you avoid all attacks in bullet time. They are both relatively cheap-to-make as well. You can also instakill most single enemies with the first spell you get in the game, by stabbing them after. The swamp plant and ghost dog are the only difficult enemies. This makes oils and bombs useless.

The quest system is decent in this game, and I liked some of the side quests like the Vodyanoi. Most of them are fetch quests though. Already at 2007 it showed exactly where to go on the map and had quest markers, too bad.

The story is some cucked "racism is bad" shit, and is more aggressive than usual; this time "racism" has the power to drive people to randomly kill strangers on the spot. The way you are introduced to game is defending a dwarf who is getting murdered by a group of three cuz raycizm. From what I've heard the main villain hates dwarves and elves for no reason at all. You can see the fantasy staple races getting messed up, where now Dwarves are jews and Elves are american indians. There's also the typical dig at religion and an innocent witch being tried.
Your mother sucks dwarf cock.


Aug 1, 2020
The story is some cucked "racism is bad" shit, and is more aggressive than usual; this time "racism" has the power to drive people to randomly kill strangers on the spot. The way you are introduced to game is defending a dwarf who is getting murdered by a group of three cuz raycizm. From what I've heard the main villain hates dwarves and elves for no reason at all. You can see the fantasy staple races getting messed up, where now Dwarves are jews and Elves are american indians. There's also the typical dig at religion and an innocent witch being tried.
You literally don't know what you're talking about. If anything the only morally good main choices in the Witcher 1 are to either side with the order or go neutral. The Squirrels are portrayed as terrorists willing to throw people to necrophagees for no other reason than shits and giggles. They routinely denigrate humans as apes and talk about the superiority of the race like they're Nazis in a ww2 film. Their leader is a psychopath whose biggest part in the books is the brutal massacre of defenseless wounded in a medic tent. Siegfried, the Order's representative, on the other hand is probably one of the most morally good characters in the game and never judges Geralt for being a mutant and at the drop of a hat is willing to cure someone's curse rather than kill them. And when you save the aforementioned civilians instead of going after the squirrels, he commends you for thinking of the greater good. Even the villain of the game has a reasonable position and if you weren't seething about second-hand information you might be able to play and understand that. And give me a break about the "randomly kill strangers" shit. Like I said the elves do the fucking same later and it's not "randomly," it's because they fucking hate humans like those local toughs hated dwarves.
It seems to me like a Che Guavara situation, where it's alright because he's fightan oppreshun. This is what Geralt says in the game:


Edit: It's also in the canon that he sides with the non-humans.
This is the human side argument:


"Elves are the real racists" doesn't go against my original point.
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May 2, 2018
This is what Geralt says in the game:
What the fuck are you doing? Were you playing the game or looking for excuses to be assblasted? That means absolutely nothing because Geralt's journal changes based on your choices and he similarly rationalizes picking the Order on several occasions in game. If you were playing it instead of bringing up what I assume are other peoples' screencaps you'd know that.
It seems to me like a Che Guavara situation, where it's alright because he's fightan oppreshun.
The Squirrels are portrayed as having no qualms killing civilians, even for sadism's sake. Their leader is a sadist also. There's even a point where starving elves push away the leader of a village who was willing to give them some food and then later hold that same village hostage, even killing some of the villagers to ward off the Order. This is obviously not some dangerhair living out their revolutionary fantasies through video game characters and you'd see that if weren't so up your own ass.


May 18, 2021
Codex Year of the Donut

I'm not here to claim it's the deepest writing ever but it kinda sounds like you went in with some preconceived notions and saw only what you wanted to see. The game does an excellent job of fleshing out all aspects of the conflict to the point where there are no clear answers or villains. If your own worldview keeps you from seeing the nuance in this game, that's fine I guess, but I can't think of any others that do it this well. It's a million miles away from modern tier racism bad writing.

Also sounds like you were playing on normal (normie) difficulty because the tactics you mention don't work on hard.


May 2, 2018
I'm not here to claim it's the deepest writing ever but it kinda sounds like you went in with some preconceived notions and saw only what you wanted to see.
“Man Who Has Not Played Video Game Tells World of Video Game’s Insidious Agenda, Damning Screenshots Within!"
It's like some twitterite complaining about how Obsidian endorses rape and slavery because they got so far as Cass saying the Legion keeps the roads safe. The only agenda that Witcher 1 has if any, is to stick to Witcher neutrality and that you shouldn't compromise your principles and join with factions that do things you consider wrong. Even then the Order is the far better choice. The fact that this dipshit is arguing "Geralt said that the poor elves are right" when this is in the game shows how fucking ridiculous he is.


Aug 1, 2020
To cheer on a villain group, they'd need to have a well-explained ideology that someone can latch on to. Just one of their captains being a nice guy doesn't cut it. An ideology of why they are against non-humans doesn't seem to be present at all besides that 3rd-hand faked pamphlet.


May 2, 2018
To cheer on a villain group, they'd need to have a well-explained ideology that someone can latch on to. Just one of their captains being a nice guy doesn't cut it. An ideology of why they are against non-humans doesn't seem to be present at all besides that 3rd-hand faked pamphlet.
You don't seem to get that most of the Knights of the Flaming Rose activities don't portray them as villains, hell three of their quests involve saving humans from Squirrel hostage situations. Generally they stand for order and the human establishment and against the chaos that the Squirrels are willing to cause to further their goals. They spell this out perfectly well in game and you're just royally missing the point if you don't see it. You're also bringing up some random ass book as if it is the codex astartes for their Order when it has hardly anything to do with the faction itself.

I know you don't know the villain's motivation because it's only towards the end that you get it, and you're either putting together what you've read from wiki articles or making wild assumptions.

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