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The Witcher 1 Thread

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
I couldnt handle those plants in the swamp even in the end. I used torches and igni but it still did pitiful damage to them while they were bashing me with 40 per hit.

I reached the Trade Quorter and though I went "Awesome!" I quickly realized that there was horrible lagg. How could I play on medium settings or even higher in the Temple Quorter, but get immense stuttering in Trade Quorter on minimum :(.
Jul 30, 2006
Being a big gay tubesteak hahahahahahahahag
Kingston said:
Admiral jimbob said:
Kingston's avatar is incredibly manly.

Why thank you, Admiral. He was my first and second and third character in Arcanum. Stubble Ironfist, a sickly dwarf who shot things with his elephant gun. :salute:

He's my current one, by name of Grabcrotch Shinkicker. He's utterly useless, but he has sex with sheep, so it evens out.

Anyway, I'll probably pick up this game around Christmas. Athlon 64 3400+, 1GB ram, AGP 6800GS. I'm intending to get a whole new rig at some point, so I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to do so before playing TW...


Aug 15, 2006
Madam Lil's
Marsal said:
Solohk said:
It seems like it could be good, but CTD every 15-20 min isn't too fun. I might have even been willing to stick through that until a patch, but half the time the CTD is caused by saving the game.

I guess I'll play something else until a new patch.
Weird. I haven't had much problems. Only a few bugs and crashes and I'm on act 5 now. Are you on Vista? Not enough space on C(usually) drive(saves go in My Documents folder)?
I have about 40 gigs free on my C drive, and I have plenty of RAM (4 gigs).

I've been reading the tech support forum like crazy because I really want to play, but it looks like I have two things that add to your odds of crashing:
-Vista 64
-SATA DVD drive

It looked like on the forums a lot of Vista users were having problems. In addition, apparently the copy protection program they use doesn't play well with SATA DVD drives. Basically, it seemed that the newer your computer was, the worse off you are. :?


Oct 28, 2007
250km south from The Witcher's creators office
Kingston said:
Wahey I got a gamestopper! In the salamander caves theres supposed to be a cutscene with Alvin, but I never get it. I'm left trapped forever in that cave.

no shit :? but still you should be able to break that stone wall and talk to witch.

BTW I found another problem - instead of entering the cave through trapdoor in hideout, I've entered through entrance to cave. Witch talked about villagers waiting outside preparing to kill her, I went back and... no one there :) More problems of this kind in Chapter 2 in Wyzima. It looks like you have to follow exactly the path authors intended or else youre into problems :? Game is great but sadly it sometimes enforces you to follow the one and only correct path. In Wyzima I end up with a total mess due to starting quests not in "correct" order (thankfully no gamestoppers, just awful illogicals). PB in their Gothics did much better here - well balancing between sandbox type and narrated type.

Anyway, save _often_.


Jan 13, 2007
I lack the wit to put something hilarious here
Apparently the problem is due to not fighting the ghost of Leo in the church (done through dialogue) and having Alvin come in and whine about the reverend beating him. Somehow he stays in the church and never appears where he is supposed to. Gonna have to load now D;


Sep 28, 2006
Bloom County
In case anyone was interested, after I posted the other day I did a quick search on Amazon for both witcher and Andrezj Sapkowski(or however it's really spelled with 5000 consonants) and turned up nothing as to books in English.

Got the same result searching Borders, so I decided not to go to a b&m and look...

I thought that the first book might already be available as it's apparently been translated into English for a while, but I also read somewhere something about the first 3 books or so being available in the US next summer. August 2008 IIRC.

Also, I didn't bother to search the amazon.co.uk site...

Interestingly enough on a closing note, searching on Sapkowski's name at amazon.com turned up a whole bunch of his books in Polish, but I didn't bother to check their availablity as I don't know Polish and don't plan to bother learning it.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
just finished it. Good. There will be sequels for sure.


Jan 31, 2007
I'm a bit further into Chapter 2, and while I do find it a fun game, I don't find it as great (so far) as many people here.

The thing that makes the game tick for me is the presentation of the game. Vizima is so goddamn extraordinarily crafted, it's just a pleasure to see it whether it be in full daylight or in the middle of the night. Add to that the fact that gameplay itself is extremely smooth with very few slowdowns.
The world of the Witcher is a complete shithole. Murderers, rapists, slavers and childkidnappers, religious crazies, whores, victims of the plague etc etc. It's a really, really great world to explore, and such a nice change from the usual fantasy stuff. It's extremely well realized.
I thought I would hate Geralt (based on video previews), but he's pretty likeable I think. He's definetely a "good guy" but with a dark edge to him.

So the whole visual shebang, presentation and the world is top-notch. Some of the best I've seen.

The quests are what drags down the game for me. First off there are the "kill monster/collect 10 thingies for me" quests. No further explanation needed.
Secondly, you end up in a rather interesting investigation scenario in Chapter 2. I initially really liked this aspect of the game, but I've gotten extremely tired of the constant running around to the next NPC to question/get something from. The loading times just kill me here, and adding on to that the fact that the game takes quite a long time to save (and it autosaves fairly often). It's a great idea with the investigation, but I don't think it's pulled off entirely satisfactory.
The fact that conversations often "break off" after talking about something, making you restart the conversation, is also extremely annoying sometimes. It's mostly a problem when the character in question is sitting down or lying down, since they will proceed to sit down or lay down after you finish the conversation. And you can't "interrupt" them in this particular animation.
There are also times where you can piss off a NPC temporarily so that he won't talk to you, but after you "zone" (change areas and go back), it seems that you can pursue the conversation again. Extremely weird, and frankly just annoying.
On the other hand, there are instances where I've pissed off NPCs to the point where they don't wanna talk to me at all, which is great.

The dialogues are sometimes pretty good, but a lot of the time they flow in a downright horrible way. I'm not joking when I saw that they sometimes feel like Oblivions famous "Radiant AI conversations", only brought in the conversation interface. They feel extremely disjointed sometimes, and you definetely get the feel that, yes, there are two people talking, but they're not having a conversation.

Still, I'm having fun and will continue playing. One thing I like is Geralt is not able to buy out every single store. I try to save my money as best as I can, and take the chance to participate in stuff like the dice poker and fist fights whenever I get the chance to earn some extra cash.
I don't find combat all *that* fun, but it's one of the best system I've seen in a action-RPG, and it's also satisfying to look at.
The journal is really, really nice. You can look up all kinds of stuff. Monsters, NPCs, quests etc. On the other hand, the inventory is pretty terrible.

So yeah, so far I'm enjoying it, but I don't think it's amazing.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Basically, those collect quests are for completionists.
After a while, I learn to ignore it. It's optional, does not progress the plot and just there to show you what Geralt does for a living. Butchering monsters for people, not carpentry or farming.


Oct 28, 2007
250km south from The Witcher's creators office
Starwars said:
The thing that makes the game tick for me is the presentation of the game. Vizima is so goddamn extraordinarily crafted, it's just a pleasure to see it whether it be in full daylight or in the middle of the night. Add to that the fact that gameplay itself is extremely smooth with very few slowdowns.

True. One of the better rpg locations so far and yes, Im greenhorn here on Codex, but 've played few of them :cool:

Starwars said:
I thought I would hate Geralt (based on video previews), but he's pretty likeable I think. He's definetely a "good guy" but with a dark edge to him.

I would place him in same row with DukeNukem and Garret.

Starwars said:
It's a great idea with the investigation, but I don't think it's pulled off entirely satisfactory.

Investigation thread is quest breeder - too many of them imho. And you can, as I stated before, end up in a mess if you not follow the right quest picking order.

Starwars said:
The fact that conversations often "break off" after talking about something, making you restart the conversation, is also extremely annoying sometimes. It's mostly a problem when the character in question is sitting down or lying down, since they will proceed to sit down or lay down after you finish the conversation.

Another thing to patch - hope CDPR devs are reading.

Starwars said:
There are also times where you can piss off a NPC temporarily so that he won't talk to you, but after you "zone" (change areas and go back), it seems that you can pursue the conversation again. Extremely weird, and frankly just annoying.
On the other hand, there are instances where I've pissed off NPCs to the point where they don't wanna talk to me at all, which is great.

Some piss-o-meter would be nice. Or standings with each character. But I suppose it would need quite a reconstruction of game engine.

Starwars said:
The dialogues are sometimes pretty good, but a lot of the time they flow in a downright horrible way. I'm not joking when I saw that they sometimes feel like Oblivions famous "Radiant AI conversations", only brought in the conversation interface. They feel extremely disjointed sometimes, and you definetely get the feel that, yes, there are two people talking, but they're not having a conversation.

hmm... Im afraid its more a translation problem. Im polish and playing original version and ... what can I say... actually dialogues are one of the best aspect of the game!

Starwars said:
Still, I'm having fun and will continue playing. One thing I like is Geralt is not able to buy out every single store. I try to save my money as best as I can, and take the chance to participate in stuff like the dice poker and fist fights whenever I get the chance to earn some extra cash.

Thankfully its not how it was in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (still fresh in my mind) - tons of cash and nothing to spend on.

Starwars said:
The journal is really, really nice. You can look up all kinds of stuff. Monsters, NPCs, quests etc. On the other hand, the inventory is pretty terrible.

Totally agree here!! IMHO two things to patch ASAP are:
- loading times (CDPR coders! Spend week with profiler, investigate memory pools, investigate unneede object recreation and do something about it now!)
- unlimited inventory! this one, limited, doesnt improve realism at all - it only leads to frustration when you have to run forth and back to inn to pick some stuff. (take into account those loading times...)


Aug 25, 2005
I've been there
Kingston said:
Apparently the problem is due to not fighting the ghost of Leo in the church (done through dialogue) and having Alvin come in and whine about the reverend beating him. Somehow he stays in the church and never appears where he is supposed to. Gonna have to load now D;

Hey what? Was this in act 1? Cause then I've complletely missed it. I did see Alvin in the cave though...

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
indigo said:
Kingston said:
Wahey I got a gamestopper! In the salamander caves theres supposed to be a cutscene with Alvin, but I never get it. I'm left trapped forever in that cave.

no shit :? but still you should be able to break that stone wall and talk to witch.

BTW I found another problem - instead of entering the cave through trapdoor in hideout, I've entered through entrance to cave. Witch talked about villagers waiting outside preparing to kill her, I went back and... no one there :) More problems of this kind in Chapter 2 in Wyzima. It looks like you have to follow exactly the path authors intended or else youre into problems :? Game is great but sadly it sometimes enforces you to follow the one and only correct path. In Wyzima I end up with a total mess due to starting quests not in "correct" order (thankfully no gamestoppers, just awful illogicals). PB in their Gothics did much better here - well balancing between sandbox type and narrated type.

Anyway, save _often_.

Its completely understandable. There are so many scripted events based around your choises that its not surprsing that something will go wrong.


Jan 13, 2007
I lack the wit to put something hilarious here
The beast fight is pretty lame. Its all based on wheter or not I get lucky enough to knock it down with aard to instakill it before it casts that pain spell. And so far I haven't gotten lucky. The surrounding dogs are very easy though, they die in pretty much one hit.


Jul 23, 2005
The Beast is very much beatable without knocking it down, even on hard. That's what I had to do on my first playthrough anyway because I had barely put any skills into Aard at that point.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Kingston said:
The beast fight is pretty lame. Its all based on wheter or not I get lucky enough to knock it down with aard to instakill it before it casts that pain spell. And so far I haven't gotten lucky. The surrounding dogs are very easy though, they die in pretty much one hit.

Whats the problem with the beast??? Just drink Swallow and Blizzard if youre having trouble.


Apr 26, 2007
Beating the Beast isn't hard. Beating it without Abigail dying is trickier . . . I had to reload several times. To keep her alive, I ended up having to use a Tawny Owl potion to boost my endurance regeneration and then repeated Aards to keep the dogs away from her. She's pretty much useless, but my Geralt was rather a chivalrous sort . . .

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Well, Im in the Trade Quorter/Act 3 and Abigail hasnt made an appearence yet. If her thank you is all you get, then its not worth reloading.

Mr. Teatime

Jun 25, 2003
I'm trying with the witcher, and it's obviously got the right motives, but the writing is just... well, bad. Suffers from the same translation problems as usual - sub standard dialogue, conversations that frequently don't flow, and so on. Am afraid I can't recommend this game as highly as everyone else seems to - choice and consequence is fine, but - maybe I'm a gaming snob these days - but I just need the plot and dialogue to be better written. I'm gonna try the NWN2 expansion, whcih is supposed to do better in that department.

Is this just me, or are others finding that while the game's heart is in the right place, the actual writing, the dialogue, just isn't up to standard?


Jul 25, 2006
The Walkin' Dude said:
Well, Im in the Trade Quorter/Act 3 and Abigail hasnt made an appearence yet. If her thank you is all you get, then its not worth reloading.

She comes back in Act IV.


Nov 22, 2006
Mr. Teatime said:
I'm trying with the witcher, and it's obviously got the right motives, but the writing is just... well, bad. Suffers from the same translation problems as usual - sub standard dialogue, conversations that frequently don't flow, and so on. Am afraid I can't recommend this game as highly as everyone else seems to - choice and consequence is fine, but - maybe I'm a gaming snob these days - but I just need the plot and dialogue to be better written. I'm gonna try the NWN2 expansion, whcih is supposed to do better in that department.

Is this just me, or are others finding that while the game's heart is in the right place, the actual writing, the dialogue, just isn't up to standard?
the answer to your question may be here:



Jan 31, 2007
I'm trying with the witcher, and it's obviously got the right motives, but the writing is just... well, bad. Suffers from the same translation problems as usual - sub standard dialogue, conversations that frequently don't flow, and so on. Am afraid I can't recommend this game as highly as everyone else seems to - choice and consequence is fine, but - maybe I'm a gaming snob these days - but I just need the plot and dialogue to be better written. I'm gonna try the NWN2 expansion, whcih is supposed to do better in that department.

Is this just me, or are others finding that while the game's heart is in the right place, the actual writing, the dialogue, just isn't up to standard?

Nope, like I said above, I also agree with that sentiment. Though I still find the setting so extremely appealing (both in terms of the non-standard fantasy stuff, and how it's brought to life visually) that I still find the game worthwhile. The actual plot itself seems to be pretty interesting though, it's mainly the writing that doesn't come through.

I really wish I could understand Polish if the writing in that verson is indeed better. Oh well.

I do think you'll find MotB to be worthwhile, story and writing wise. It's one of the best RPGs I've played in that particular area.


Oct 28, 2007
250km south from The Witcher's creators office
Mr. Teatime said:
Is this just me, or are others finding that while the game's heart is in the right place, the actual writing, the dialogue, just isn't up to standard?

shit.. those dumb translators :evil: polish version seems... polished in that aspect.

Congratulations to dev team on a fantastic job. This game restored my faith in the future of CRPG. I was getting sick and tired of way too many games being influenced by marketing departments. ( :wink: )


May 13, 2007
Castle Rock
It's sad that english dialogs are not-so-good. There are some bad dialogs in polish version too at the begining of the game, but overall they are one of the best sides of the game and some of them are real instant classic

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