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The Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition mod fixes mostly combat.

Nov 29, 2016
Whoops, sorry Perkel I misread your post. I thought you wrote that Geralt doesn't have a horse in the books whereas in reality you were referring to where he kept his sword.


Nov 5, 2007
I haven't tried it out but just from reading the changes and description and considering how these would all work in game, it seems like the author has a case of terminal autism. The idiotic "immersion" chart is a pretty good indication that he isn't really considering game balance when making his changes, for example the way he fucked with the steel/silver sword dynamic.
The "dynamic" was retarded in the games, and in 3 the most, with you using the silver sword for the wild hunt elves who are not only not weak to silver, because why the fuck would they be, but are in FUCKING PLATE ARMOR.


Aug 18, 2011
My experience with combat difficulty increase mods in all Witcher games, is that in the highest difficulty, the fights are mostly rng based, it takes ages and a lot of reloading at some parts, but once you get to a certain point, you just steamroll through everything. All they do is make your early game experience insufferable because any mob can basically kill you instantly and they often come in swarms, so you spend years rolling and running like an idiot trying to separate them and maybe get a hit in but eventually some drowner runs through and you die.

I used a mod called school of the roach that supposedly makes combat harder, early game it takes a dozen to reloads to even clear that pack of drowners next to the starting village, but later on you just kill stuff instantly and even most bosses die in two rounds of Axi and fast attacks.
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Nov 29, 2016
I haven't tried it out but just from reading the changes and description and considering how these would all work in game, it seems like the author has a case of terminal autism. The idiotic "immersion" chart is a pretty good indication that he isn't really considering game balance when making his changes, for example the way he fucked with the steel/silver sword dynamic.
The "dynamic" was retarded in the games, and in 3 the most, with you using the silver sword for the wild hunt elves who are not only not weak to silver, because why the fuck would they be, but are in FUCKING PLATE ARMOR.

I agree that it didn't make any sense for the wild hunt to be weak to silver, but the durability change is the part I have a problem with. I could be wrong but the reason why EE author made silver swords have shit durability and be expensive to repair is due to the fact that silver would make for a shit weapon material in real life compared to steel. Now that might be true, but now wraith/vampire/etc monster contracts lead to a net loss in money (correct me if I am wrong). That is an example of a change that yes, is technically more "immersive" and "realistic" but ultimately leads to a balance problem because it does not consider gameplay.


non autistic way to do that is literally just have silver swords do minimal damage to non special type units tbqh

that would simulate the immersion of saving your silver sword for special occasions and avoid retarded repair costs


Mar 28, 2014
Thanks to this enemies also are flattened. Which means that you can go anywhere and take on anyone with starting gear. IT will be hard but it won't be impossible.

there are no level restrictions anymore, no bullshit hp boosts to overleveled enemies and so on.

Game is basically flat now in therms of progression and you progress with skills instead of gear alone which was way more important in vanilla than any skill.
Okay, this does sound pretty good. It's just that based on the mod description it introduces some pretty aggressive level scaling. Do you play with scaling on or off?

With this mod there is almost no point to scaling, ee does provide a lot of options in mod options menu so iff you like vanilla monsters you can change it back to vanilla.

I am like lvl 9 right now and I am doing some of the hearts of stone quests.


Jun 30, 2011
Lost in Necropolis
The "dynamic" was retarded in the games, and in 3 the most, with you using the silver sword for the wild hunt elves who are not only not weak to silver, because why the fuck would they be, but are in FUCKING PLATE ARMOR.
When fighting a leshen, the wolves that it summons are also vulnerable to silver only. They wanted to make it so that you'd never have to switch swords mid-combat (Wild Hunt elves usually come together with hounds, who are vulnerable only to silver), which is a shame, as it could've brought a whole new element to some encounters.

Yup, pretty much always the case with these autist modders. It's always either "muh immersiun" or "muh realism", when combat needs to be designed for gameplay first of all. And by the looks of it it's the same here, yeah I'm totally going to backtrack to blacksmith after every fight because some wannabe modder thought it'd be more immersive this way.
I think all of the best modders have at least a bit of autism in them. It goes double for new games, where the mechanics are often so thoroughly fucking retarded that it takes an insane amount of dedication to fix it all and create a coherent whole. The Witcher 3 needs a total autist modder to overhaul all of the stupid stuff in it. Taking half-measures just doesn't cut it, not when dealing with a game that has so much dumb in it.

"Immersion" can mean anything these days, but "muh realism" is as valid a guiding principle as any, even in a fantasy setting. You adhere to the rules of the setting and build your mechanics around them, making sure that everything in the game is consistent with those rules. If you follow it all the way through, chances are that you end up with something pretty solid, perhaps even "immersive". TW1 is mechanically the most "realistic" of the three games in many ways, and it's no coincidence it also has the least broken and the most coherent systems of them all, even if you absolutely can't stand the combat or something like that. On the other hand TW3 is full of systems that are "designed for gameplay", and mechanically it's a total clusterfuck.
Nov 29, 2016
"Immersion" can mean anything these days, but "muh realism" is as valid a guiding principle as any, even in a fantasy setting. You adhere to the rules of the setting and build your mechanics around them, making sure that everything in the game is consistent with those rules. If you follow it all the way through, chances are that you end up with something pretty solid, perhaps even "immersive". TW1 is mechanically the most "realistic" of the three games in many ways, and it's no coincidence it also has the least broken and the most coherent systems of them all, even if you absolutely can't stand the combat or something like that. On the other hand TW3 is full of systems that are "designed for gameplay", and mechanically it's a total clusterfuck.

I think we agree on TW1 but I don't agree that TW3's shitty systems were "designed for gameplay". The gutting of the alchemy system and the aforementioned fuckery with the swords did not result in better or more interesting gameplay but they did result in the game being more accessible. Clearly these are concessions in favor of accessibility and in expense of gameplay (which is retarded of course) so I do not think that it is accurate to frame realism and gameplay as some sort of opposing forces.

While I was using autism colloquially I mostly agree with you that it might be a necessary element when trying to overhaul something like W3. Autism, however, is a double edged sword. You need someone who can focus and go through an entire game's worth of systems in order to put something coherent together, but people who go too far (and/or use unreadable fonts in their mod descriptions) will break as much as they are able to fix. For instance the late game encounters that are apparently unbalanced with the enhanced edition mod, a problem to which I have not found a solution on nexus forums or this thread.


Mar 28, 2014

hell yes found mod that removes that crappy pseudo bluish fog everywhere thanks to this you can do shots like that, there is still fog but it is waaaaay far ahead like it should be:







Mar 28, 2014

disable storybook videos. Game loadings are faster thanks to that. With SSD you are looking at literally few seconds at best in my case most of the time 2-4 seconds from novigrad to velen and something like 10 second loading game for first time.

With EE you have already everything what i normally used and don't need much else.

Oh i forgot. console enabler to make screenshots:


And of course script merger you run after adding new mods which resolves conflicts most of the time.


That is basically it:

disable storybook
console enabler

and you are good to go.


Feb 12, 2017
thanks,about EE what difficulty you propose?i tried death march when the game got out and i couldnt win the very first fight with the ghouls.....


Mar 28, 2014
just standard once you get used to blood&bones

Mind you that you are not playing vanilla anymore. I also died few times before combat model clicked with me.

What you do in vanilla. Dodge all the time and attack with fast attacks.
What you do in EE. Parry most of the blows and ideally counterattack. Use dodge only to position yourself and you shouldn't use roll at all unless you are attacked by huge ass monster with wide swings.

Counter attack (hit parry just before monster attack) is now main weapon instead of dodge. Dodge in EE doesn't have anymore i-frames so it is better to counter and then dodge to position yourself.

If you still can't beat them just adjust monster damage in mod options. Options > mods > WEE

Also EE focuses on not getting hit. IF you will have 25-30% of health left then your stamina and vigor regeneration as well as damage, attack speed and so on are VASTLY nerfed.

For comparison attack @ full health can do 1000 damage while attack @ 20% health something like 200-300 damage.

So don't get hit a lot.


Feb 12, 2017
i watched the video of EE and it says it should be played on death march,also i saw that you cant get scaling off monsters just change it to what you want,what scaling you suggest for monsters.

Also EE focuses on not getting hit. IF you will have 25-30% of health left then your stamina and vigor regeneration as well as damage, attack speed and so on are VASTLY nerfed.

im planning a heavy armor build focused on swords and bombs you think it will roll?


Mar 28, 2014
i watched the video of EE and it says it should be played on death march,also i saw that you cant get scaling off monsters just change it to what you want,what scaling you suggest for monsters.

Also EE focuses on not getting hit. IF you will have 25-30% of health left then your stamina and vigor regeneration as well as damage, attack speed and so on are VASTLY nerfed.

im planning a heavy armor build focused on swords and bombs you think it will roll?

Whirl baby whirl like motherfucker.

Thanks to poise stat you can rack yo poise up high enough to whirl through whole groups. Add to that improved Quen who works now a lot different + some buffs from skills and gear and you will be fucking death machine. Though it is harder to find heavy armor than medium or light. Weak point of it in EE is stamina regen. So imo mixed build alchemy+sword tree with quen specialization.

EE on death march would be true autism simulator. I play on B&BB and i have enough problems already. As for level scaling what like i said it doesn't exist. I don't mean by that it doesn't exist but it doesn't exist in vanilla form. All scaling it does it categories types of monsters into groups. So monster health/dif. is depending on type of monster instead of level. Which means that basic drowners which you meet later in game are descaled so they won't end up like in vanilla stronger than wiverns.

But like i said due to how equipment works it doesn't really matter that much because all of your gear is mostly flat. So you won't be doing much more damage to end game monsters than your first drowner.


Feb 12, 2017
EE on death march would be true autism simulator. I play on B&BB and i have enough problems already. As for level scaling what like i said it doesn't exist. I don't mean by that it doesn't exist but it doesn't exist in vanilla form. All scaling it does it categories types of monsters into groups. So monster health/dif. is depending on type of monster instead of level. Which means that basic drowners which you meet later in game are descaled so they won't end up like in vanilla stronger than wiverns.

so i should leave the scale modifiers on default?also do you have a working link for the unofficial patch for EE mod,the nexus seems to be dead.
another thing,im waiting for the game to finish download so im reading the EE forum,there people complain about the sword prices like they can sell them for 300 a piece and they suggest to download the tradesman mod.do you use it?


Mar 28, 2014
EE on death march would be true autism simulator. I play on B&BB and i have enough problems already. As for level scaling what like i said it doesn't exist. I don't mean by that it doesn't exist but it doesn't exist in vanilla form. All scaling it does it categories types of monsters into groups. So monster health/dif. is depending on type of monster instead of level. Which means that basic drowners which you meet later in game are descaled so they won't end up like in vanilla stronger than wiverns.

so i should leave the scale modifiers on default?also do you have a working link for the unofficial patch for EE mod,the nexus seems to be dead.
another thing,im waiting for the game to finish download so im reading the EE forum,there people complain about the sword prices like they can sell them for 300 a piece and they suggest to download the tradesman mod.do you use it?

you don't need unoficial patch anymore as EE dev resumed work and upgraded EE to 1.31 version of game. Unoficial patch was needed because original dev dropped for a while this mod.

yes leave scaling untouched in mod options


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Hmm, flat equipment stats and monsters scaled by type, rather then level/area? Sounds awesome.
Might have to revisit TW3 and finally finish the game, maybe try the DLCs.

BTW these screens are simply gorgeous, Perkel. That is with no additional shaders?


Mar 28, 2014
Hmm, flat equipment stats and monsters scaled by type, rather then level/area? Sounds awesome.
Might have to revisit TW3 and finally finish the game, maybe try the DLCs.

BTW these screens are simply gorgeous, Perkel. That is with no additional shaders?

nope just that one mod for removing fog. TW3 lighting engine is amazing really and their world design is absolute pinnacle of open world creation in therms of how things are placed in it.


Feb 12, 2017
Perkel are you sure that the unofficial patch isn't needed?because EE was last updated on September 9 and the unofficial patch is from december 15.


Aug 18, 2011
By the way, is there any mod to change the interaction with torches and similar stuff to some other key? Maybe something to make witcher's senses less aggravating? It was pretty tiring running around with senses activated through all new zones so you don't skip content.


Feb 12, 2017
damn this mod is hard,i had to tone the difficulty to story and swords and even them dronwers killed me in 3 hits,there is no way to tank the hits even from trash mobs.i see people playing this with death march and i must admire their mastery of the dodge/roll which i dont use lol.
i had to cheese the fight with the griffin with the crossbow,the fight with the well wraith i won by using yrden-hitting it 2-3 times then exiting the village to heal up and renter,it took me 6 reenters to beat it.
economy wise is just what i want from games,i had to scour the white orchard for every last oren to craft the viper steel sword(i use trademan mod).


Mar 28, 2014
using proper methods like crossbow isn't cheesing.

Overall sword is way more DPS happy than crossbow but crossbow is rather safe to use. Imo because od damage changes to crossbow now crossbow seems to be really worth investing in. Especially with special bolts and perks.


Feb 12, 2017
How do you deal with bosses?they one shot me and I need to hit them 20-30 times to kill them,with the Nerf on roll and dodge its nigh impossible to kill the contract bosses in velen,especially that fucking srieker.

Also is there a way to craft more than 3 potions\oils per rest?


Mar 28, 2014
How do you deal with bosses?they one shot me and I need to hit them 20-30 times to kill them,with the Nerf on roll and dodge its nigh impossible to kill the contract bosses in velen,especially that fucking srieker.

Also is there a way to craft more than 3 potions\oils per rest?

Counter also works on most bosses attacks now. There are very few attacks that can't be countered.

Main problem with bosses is that when you get to low health you will do shit damage thus through whole fight you need to learn as in DS. Instead of getting hit you counter or dodge. Thing is bosses have huge hp. Which means to beat bosses you need to actually learn all their patterns and master them. Know when to dodge and when to counter and use any ability oil or whatever to increase your chances.

Unlike vanilla to get bosses now you need to actually be master and not relly on op gear(whichdoesn'texistanymore) or luck(whichdoesn't exist due to high hp boss bar).

To beat Devil by The well i had to take her on like 15 times. Never really i felt like my death was cheap but mostly it was due to my mistakes in attacking patters or being to brazen in comparison to my skills.

I rather like that Bosses are no longer jokes in EE mod and since you can't get OP gear anymore you can't cheese them. Also due to changes you get same feeling you get beating DS bosses.

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