These kinds of games always need a money sink, and TW3 has several of those, like crafting, weapon repair (which honestly has a pretty negligible effect) and a couple of other things that are introduced in the expansions. Alchemy could've been another one (like it was in TW1), but because the system is what it is, one of the defining apects of being a witcher plays no real role in the game's economy.But in that case you have to have a method of replenishing your purse, so you can buy new potions or alcohol when necessary. So basically, "grind to win".
The concept of grinding (as in, doing repetitive shit with no real in-game justification) sits very poorly with the idea of being a witcher, but on the other hand doing shitty jobs because you're low on coin is pretty much what Geralt does most of the time according to the lore.
I just don't understand this line of thought where you'd need to have unlimited inventories with unlimited resources, when it's much more fun when you barely manage to scrape by.
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