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The Witcher 3 mods


Dec 13, 2017
Grab the Codex by the pussy

W3EE when I played you could essentially beat the whole game with starting gear and all gear basically did exact same damage. The only relevant thing about gear were additional features liek crit. Is it not the case now? Do items vary in damage significantly? Cause if not your full of shit and items don't matter nearly enough to justify exploration. Again if that was actually patched just say so already. Frankly I am tired of you dancing around this #1 problem.

Also I never got to expansions cause the game is too fucking boring with mods or without so fair enough about lvl 35 downer.
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a cut of domestic sheep prime

W3EE when I played you could essentially beat the whole game with starting gear and all gear basically did exact same damage. The only relevant thing about gear were additional features liek crit.
Depends on what "basically did exact" means.

Swords are swords. They do similar (not the same) amounts of damage, but there are upgrades, status effects, critical effects etc. Some do more damage, some do less. There is plenty of incentive to upgrade, or even to keep a backup that does similar damage in case your sword breaks and you are out of repair kits. More incentive than vanilla, where I would rarely upgrade due to most items I received being junk.

Do items vary in damage significantly?
The stats vary, yes. Significantly, yes. Not so much that you will be able to one shot an enemy with one and hack away at them like a redwood with the other (like in vanilla), but they vary.

But if that's not enough, why is a massive difference a better thing to you? Do weapons have to vary by hundreds of damage points? Is that more exciting to you? Is fun for you having almost all your stats be made irrelevant compared to a random item drop?

I grew up playing games where +3 meant a lot. Guess maybe that concept is foreign to you, but considering that join date, I should be surprised.
Also I never got to expansions cause the game is too fucking boring
ffs. did you even finish it? why are you even here?

itt I argue with a casual who wandered onto the codex.


Dec 13, 2017
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Basically you can't admit that the mod still have items scaled to level 90 and you can just wear witcher gear of some type all game. You've been dodging this problem endlessly and now that you finally tackled it your all "but what does damage REALLY mean." Jesus christ I am okay with you not giving a shit about itemization but ffs stop pretending it is not a massive problem for those who do.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

Basically you can't admit that the mod still have items scaled to level 90
wat? again, there are no levels.
you can just wear witcher gear of some type all game.
You can do that in the base game.

Actually, you can play the base game naked. Armor is superfluous in vanilla.You just need quen. It's not that difficult. Quen, dodge, quen, dodge. Wew. How could I want anything different?
ou've been dodging this problem endlessly
I repeatedly answered your point on this. That's not dodging. You just don't like that you're wrong and don't want to actually read the mod description.
now that you finally tackled it your all "but what does damage REALLY mean."
No, I'm literally confused about your use of the words "basically exact" because 1) it isn't proper English, 2) the words have incompatible meanings and 3) they don't tell me what damage ranges would satisfy your likely console-addled tastes.

Jesus christ I am okay with you not giving a shit about itemization but ffs stop pretending it is not a massive problem for those who do.
One of the main problems W3EE solves is TW3's itemization bloat. Most items were just useless junk and felt cheap. Itemization as it exists in TW3 vanilla is boring and stupid. If you like it, you simply have bad taste. And if you need items to vary by hundreds of damage points because "bigger numbers are kewl herp derp", you're too attached to gimmicky console RPG practices and are probably the very demographic behind the the dev team's reasoning for having broken their game to include them.


Dec 13, 2017
Grab the Codex by the pussy
The way the mod gives you "no levels" is by making everything level 90. I already explained. For the very least it makes all items lvl 90.

Yes this is a problem in vanilla game but this mod 1. does not fix it. 2. makes it even worse.

Ghost solves item issue much better since at every point gathering shit actually makes sense and exploration is once again relevant.

This is what I get for arguing with realismfags who dont have limit for capacity to put up with autism in games.

FFS attempting to insult my skill while playing witcher of all things. This is THE GAME for console addled tastes and your the one enjoying it not me. A little self awareness plz.


Master of Siestas
Nov 8, 2008
Hey I'm thinking of modding up my next attempt to finish TW3. Does anyone have any strong opinions on the W3:EE mod vs Ghost mod? I hear they basically the same thing.
Dec 5, 2010
EE uses Ghost's loot lists and friendly hud, that's about it.

If you've already played through the game you should know what you didn't like about the game and how it can be fixed according to your taste.
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a cut of domestic sheep prime

The way the mod gives you "no levels" is by making everything level 90. I already explained. For the very least it makes all items lvl 90.
Assuming you are right: So what? It changes the stats of every item and monster in the game. Everything being level 1 or level 50 is irrelevant. It's just another impression for you to make assumptions about and autistically cling to.

Yes this is a problem in vanilla game but this mod 1. does not fix it. 2. makes it even worse.
You wouldn't know, you've barely played it.
Ghost solves item issue much better since at every point gathering shit actually makes sense and exploration is once again relevant.
In a linear game with arbitrarily leveled monsters. It's still broken by your own admission.
This is what I get for arguing with realismfags who dont have limit for capacity to put up with autism in games.
The most autistic person itt is you. You've been arguing for two pages now, based on assumptions about a mod you've barely played.
FFS attempting to insult my skill while playing witcher of all things. This is THE GAME for console addled tastes and your the one enjoying it not me. A little self awareness plz.
I never said it wasn't. I said it needed a redesign and complete overhaul, which W3EE does. You the one playing the mod that claims not to mess with that precious formula too much. Even though you yourself call the ghost mod version too boring to even finish the expansion packs. If anyone needs self awareness - and reading lessons - it's you, not me.
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Dec 17, 2013
The W3EE mod looks retarded. The guy demoing it on youtube says something like "Are you tired of rolling and spinning like a retard and want to fight like an actual Witcher?" Then, he proceeds to demo the mod, and it's even more rolling and spinning than vanilla.

Stuff like different range attacks basically let you bypass the good mechanics vanilla combat had, like parrying and shields, so if anything, it makes things worse.

A good mod would just make enemies parry and dodge all the time, forcing the player to counter/dodge first to get their attacks in.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

Is there a low-spec mod that will really lower the specs and let me play on an Intel HD 4000?
I remember trying to get it to run on an older laptap that had, iirc, exactly this chipset and the game would always die shortly after I got to Novigrad.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

that said, I found two.

One is this:

I should've said it a lot earlier, im not going to work on this mod anymore. If you still want this mod, that's how you do it yourself:

1. Delete your previously changed config files and start Witcher 3. - That way it will generate a new, fresh config file.
2. Download one of my config files. - We are using it to compare and change the new generated config file.
3. Open the new generated config file and compare it with the dowloaded config file, change every value that isn't the same.

For example:
New config file - DecalsSpawnDistanceCutoff=4.0
Old config file - DecalsSpawnDistanceCutoff=0.8 <-- Change it to this value

4. Take a look at everything that isn't inside the old config file. Play around with the values, if you feel like experimenting.
5. There are probaly a few entrys, that aren't inside the new generated file. That's because I added them myself - I can't honestly say if they actualy impact something inside the game but I would just add them, but don't add them randomly... they have their own category. In case there are problems, you can always delete them or start from the beginning.
6. Don't forget to set everything to Read Only. Or else, all will be lost.

Thats it. There might be something I forgot to mention... just reply to me if you found a problem / solution. That way everyone can read it. Im not going to play Witcher 3 any time soon and I wouldn't count on my help anymore. Also, there's the possiblility that a lot changed by now and that my methode doesn't work anymore... Good luck. ^^
But I'm not sure it works anymore.

Another option is this:

Either way, you are going to be playing a game that looks ridiculously out of date. About 5 years or more pre Witcher 1 graphics.

Looks like the guy who made it runs a system potentially worse than yours:
CPU: i7 - 3770
GPU: 730 GT

Though at least he has a dedicated graphics card.
Apr 12, 2018
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
Thanks. I'm fine with running the game with shit graphics. I'll try to make it playable when I finish Deadfire.
Mar 18, 2009
So, I am thinking of giving this game another run with Ghost Mode. Yet I also remember how fucking annoying combat music is. Does anyone know whether there is a working solution that would let me disable it while keeping exploration music on? I would rather not disable all music if possible.


Atomkrieg, ja bitte
Feb 24, 2011
Nordic Mongolia
Wasteland 2
Thanks. I'm fine with running the game with shit graphics. I'll try to make it playable when I finish Deadfire.
some guy also did a video of getting it to run on a Celron


I don't think that G1840 that's in the video isn't even that bad, if you have at least somewhat capable GPU from this decade, I mean I completed my first run of the W3 with a fricking Q6600 (and Radeon 7700) from the 2007. :D It ran suprisingly well, apart from Novigrad.


Mar 28, 2014
W3EE 4.0 released.

Recent changes seems really fucking great.
Unscaled world i A+ tier change while relics being reward for exploration is amazing change (especially when mod adds new effects and reworks most of them)


Mar 28, 2014
Looks like they got a retard to make the video.

Well that kind of style is popular. Testing mod right now.
I love that they reworked tutorials to get all W3EE features and they did a lot of work to script tutorial to get extra pages, interactions etc. Basically if you want to learn properly W3EE changes just play TW3 tutorial area at start.

Imho mod definitelly deserves proper video detailing changes. There are just to many of them so they can't even put all of them in mod description. So far best parts of that mod are unleveled world + unleveled gear, combat changes, alchemy changes, crafting and relic weapons.

Relic stuff is really interesting. In vanilla game you either found relic or just recipe for it which was straightforward.
In W3EE you find usually relic stuff but you can't use it from get go (you can't even equip it). You need to refurbish it which requires resources and money which is very expensive. On other hand since weapons/armors no longer have levels gear focus on abilities it gives you instead of damage and armor value. So all relics are unique (though some are better some are worse naturally) and give you something to create or fit into build and that gear is usable till the end of the game.
There are occasions though where you don't need to refurbish them.

On other hand standard non relic gear now crafting requires ingredient TYPES instead of specific ingredients and quality of armor depends on what kind of quality resources you will use. So armor A made from wood scraps, basic iron, etc will have worse stats than armor made out of hardened wood, mithril etc. Rarity of armor/weapon then is based on that. So common items are made mostly out of common ingredients, magic from magic, etc etc etc. It is waaaay better and more interesting system than vanilla crafting and makes a lot of sense. It also gives reason to explore world.

Alchemy is basically one of the best mods for TW3, you get basic ingredients like Rebis Vitriol etc known from TW1 and you have quality and concentration which gives you ability to create more powerful versions of pontions by getting better ingredients instead of like idiot looking for recipes like in vanilla and then restocking potions with just common alcohol. Also each ingredient also have secondary primal essence like Rubedo Nigredo etc. So if you get all ingredients having each secondary atribute in one color you get extra effects like life regeneration for Rubedo. Each potion and decoction is rebalanced and there are no weak potions/dococtions like in vanilla.

Non scaled world and gear is amazing. Swords are swords, bandits are bandits, drowners are drowners. If you see human in armor you can expect tough fight if you see bandit only in pants then you can cut through him quickly. Gear is unscaled but it doesn't mean there is nothing to chase. There are plenty of new effects on armors that will give you enough reason to get loot and create those various builds that this gear enable it. Thanks to unleveled gear also your gear will not become useless after a while. There are still upgrades to get but they are less game changing than proper stats.

Poise. Yup, you heard this right. No longer Geralt staggers like idiot. If he wears heavy armor and has poise build and gear based around this then you can go through most of attacks even some monsters unblockable attacks depending on poise can't stagger Geralt.


Mar 28, 2014
Example of mentioned relic system and final weapon, ignore damage numbers, every sword has more or less similar value. Enchanced dimitrium ore is hard to get and 10 infused dusts are very expensive monster blood sample and monster saliva samples are easy to get.

1000 on other hand is very very expensive considering that W3EE changes economy so you are more or less strapped for cash. In the end overall you need to spend about 1700-2000 on refurbishing of this sword which gives you buff toward speed build and unique ability to get stamina free dodges after attacks. And that is just one of many relic weapons that got reworked.


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