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The Witcher 3 Pre-Expansion Thread


Atomkrieg, ja bitte
Feb 24, 2011
Nordic Mongolia
Wasteland 2
About Redania’s Most Wanted
Does anything change if I go to talk to Triss about it. Unfortunately, I was forced to do the mage saving quest before I could tell her about it and sent her to Kaer Morhen.

Yes. You get an extra scene with some very interesting infomation. Yen could also do it I hear but you need to have meet her on the islands first.
Okay, I Yen can do it too, just want to see what has become of Philippa. Heading to Skelligge soon.

Just be sure to not start Redania’s Most Wanted until you have met Yen. Then come back and start it. Once you have the crystal Geralt should mention giving it to her.
Well fuck. I went to her hideout, got the crystal, did the two missions with Triss, but did not yet tell Radovid anything about it.


May 23, 2015
Just like Planescape, or Arcanum, or Fallout New Vegas, or Vampire Bloodlines, or like... 80% of all alltime classics that are praised here so often...

Dude, please fucking play those game before making fool out of yourself, again.


Dec 31, 2010

Skellige has level 36 shield maidens that one shot Gerald. But of course the inhabitants still need a witcher to kill monstah.


Apr 14, 2009

Skellige has level 36 shield maidens that one shot Gerald. But of course the inhabitants still need a witcher to kill monstah.

There are Redanian guards which have lvl 43.

I guess the end game lvl for Geralt is around 40 and this if all the experience bonus stuff is used properly.

Anyway, if they one-shot you then you are probably underleveled. Or your doing something the design prohibits.


Feb 18, 2013
Ah the autism/shittrolling continues.

Anyway some random thoughts on the game since i actually got around to finish the prologue finally.

- dodging still uses up no resource, which is pretty dumb. In an action rpg combat needs to revolve around cooldowns, every time you attack you should be technically putting yourself at risk. The only exception here is obviously dodging, either with alt or space, you're taking 0 risks if you do it continuously because the act of dodging itself si a cooldown that's meant to protect you and that's risk free. Basically it NEEDS to use up stamina in order for it to be meaningful. Hope someone makes a mod to modify this, would make combat a LOT better overall. Note that the combat is not THAT bad as long as you don't abuse the fuck out of dodging with every chance you get, also people whining that combat is bad and thus proceed to change difficulty to lowest because they want it to be over faster are fucktards who can't properly play action rpgs lol.

- item design scaling and scaling in general - feels a bit off to me. Basically Gothic/Gothic 2 pulled it off a bit better and i think that generally you want scaling to be somewhat more controlled and slower-paced in action rpg's. The fact that a level 13 sword does like 5 times more damage than a level 2 one kind of irks me the wrong way, and it forces them to change enemy scaling accordingly (though this might've been done the other way around). I have no problem with humans of higher level asking a lower level witcher to take care of a monster problem because i understand people don't know how to handle monsters (i.e. no training, knowledge, silver sword, etc) and i'm not an autistic sperg who tries to foam at whenever i feel like the game shows weakness in implementing scaling in a perfectly immersive way (i.e. simulationist), but when the gap between some enemies/encounters looks so steep you have to think it somewhat lazy design that tries to put some hard cap on what you can explore and when. Which isn't horrible per se, just not that well implemented. Kind of expected with the size of the game though.

- world design is ok, at least so far. People complaining about everything being clumped up or something - can't really see it, at least so far. Especially in a world ravaged by war where you have new conquerors settling in, temerian guerilla forces in hiding, bandits trying to make use of the situation, monster populations on the rise because of the environment, etc actually makes a lot of the stuff you find make sense.

- quest quality is above average so far, as expected; not expecting EVERY SINGLE QUEST to be really good but if they keep this up with some quests going over the bar (which from what i've read itt does happen) then i'll be more than satisfied with the game in this regard. Not really surprising though, CDPR has some good writers who know how to cater to storyfags' whims.

- kind of pissed that so little of what i've done in tw2 has effect on tw3. No, this doesn't have anything to do with the fact that i could slay a dragon in tw2 and i'm struggling with wolves in this game i.e. fucktards/trolls that don't understand (or don't want to) this design choice because of how CDPR went about promoting TW3, but there are like 3 things total that have any effect on this world, and one is pretty minor? I'm not expecting ME's level of decision->consequence from one game to the next because well ME's team had a lot of brain activity to spare with how bad that game was and i would rather have CDPR focuse more on C&C in their current game, but still i'm a bit sad over this.

- some minor bugs here and there still, but i was expecting this and nothing game-breaking so far. Can't say this is a worse release than pretty much any other game i've played/heard of. Good luck finding games that work perfectly on release though .


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Ah the autism/shittrolling continues.

Anyway some random thoughts on the game since i actually got around to finish the prologue finally.
Already white knighting the game and you've only just played a few hours?


Feb 18, 2013
Ah the autism/shittrolling continues.

Anyway some random thoughts on the game since i actually got around to finish the prologue finally.
Already white knighting the game and you've only just played a few hours?

I'm not white knighting anything fucktard, i'm expressing my opinions based on the gameplay that i went through and i am criticizing the other fucktards based on how fucking dumb their posts are, i don't need to go through 100+ hours of gameplay to realize that complaining about how level 30 guards are asking the level 17 witcher to deal with a monster is autistic or dumb trolling.

If you want to be defensive with people who aren't putting 100% of their effort into trashing the game to feel secure about yourself go spastic somewhere else or actually try to argue based on the shit i said, positive or negative as it is, because i did complain about shit too.

Why the fuck is every retard around here trying to force everyone else into seeing only the big flaws, exaggerating the small ones and completely ignoring any positives, i really don't get it.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Why the fuck is every retard around here trying to force everyone else into seeing only the big flaws, exaggerating the small ones and completely ignoring any positives, i really don't get it.

Jusf fyi, Metro is a troll who thrives on comments like this ;)
Mar 28, 2014
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
I also dislike high-level guards and goons despite liking the game. In older RPGs like M&M you actually fought different monsters/enemies as you progressed instead of fighting uber-levelled versions of the ones you fought in the beginning. Take M&M 7, you fought goblins at the beginning, but not later on. Meanwhile I found some super-powerful swamp hag that would give be a challenging oponent for the Crones themselves in a dual and would destroy that ancient Leshen people worshipped without problems. It's no nearly as bad as Divinity 2, where you fought the same 5 types of creatures over and over again, but still.


May 23, 2015
Monster variety is definitely a weak point, there's not too many to start with and so many of em are just reskins of each other. Also, complaining about dodging not having any downsides is like complaining about counterattacking in the Arkham games not having any negatives, true in both cases but it sorta misses the point. The entire skill system is a joke really, do we really need +25% damage to crossbows, the thing that does like 50 damage at the end by default? What's the point of the adrenaline system? In the end all that matters is stacking as much attack power or sign intensity as possible and calling it a day. You'd think that 3 games down the line CDPR would actually put some thought into character progression, but that's always been a side interest at best.

On a positive note, aside from the writing being generally good, the world design is impressive as well, especially when it supports the story. Time and Space has already been mentioned, so I'll just add that the island where you fight the frost giant was also one of the better areas I've seen as far as ARPGs go. The design of the place supported the story, and even the overused detective vision actually got usage that made sense for the quest.
Mar 28, 2014
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
Choosing right alternative sign forms is also important. Alternative aard is meh, while alternative quen is OP as fuck.


May 23, 2015
Screwed around a bit with a sign build just to see if there was anything at all to the system, alt aard is pretty overpowered to be honest. Knocking a whole bandit camp on its ass at once and casually strolling up and finishing em off while they lay there a full 10 seconds made that pretty clear. Once again though, that's a reflection of sign intensity being the end all be all. A -21% chance to knock down doesn't mean jack when you're sitting at 151% chance by default.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Question about the allies gathering and epic fight in Mass Effect 2 Kaer Morhen:

So I dutifully assembled a nice collection of allies, I think I got everyone except Emhyr and Dijkstra. But what if you don't get any of them? What if it's just you, Eskel, Lambert, Vesemir, Yen and Ciri for the fight with Wild Hunt? From what I saw it seems people like Triss or Keira have pretty important roles during the fight, what if they're not there?

Also what about those preparations beforehand, like "patching the walls vs. clearing up the armory" or setting traps vs. brewing potions"? I chose the walls and traps but couldn't really say what good it did.
Mar 28, 2014
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
Screwed around a bit with a sign build just to see if there was anything at all to the system, alt aard is pretty overpowered to be honest. Knocking a whole bandit camp on its ass at once and casually strolling up and finishing em off while they lay there a full 10 seconds made that pretty clear. Once again though, that's a reflection of sign intensity being the end all be all. A -21% chance to knock down doesn't mean jack when you're sitting at 151% chance by default.

Yeah, but normal aard (or anything really) deals with low-level bandits just fine. There is no reason to invest points/slot into that when there are better options.


May 23, 2015
Question about the allies gathering and epic fight in Mass Effect 2 Kaer Morhen:

So I dutifully assembled a nice collection of allies, I think I got everyone except Emhyr and Dijkstra. But what if you don't get any of them? What if it's just you, Eskel, Lambert, Vesemir, Yen and Ciri for the fight with Wild Hunt? From what I saw it seems people like Triss or Keira have pretty important roles during the fight, what if they're not there?

Also what about those preparations beforehand, like "patching the walls vs. clearing up the armory" or setting traps vs. brewing potions"? I chose the walls and traps but couldn't really say what good it did.

Not 100% sure on Triss's absence, but I'd assume all it amounts to is extra fights and Ciri missing out on an item she doesn't need because she's godmode by default. As for Kiera not being around, it opens up a scenario where there's a possibility of Lambert dying if you can't save him in time. Traps does just what it says on the box, lays traps in the first part of the fight that immobilize the enemies, while potions just gives you a couple of low level items that could be useful if you missed the recipes for whatever reason. No idea on the wall vs swords thing, I chose to patch up the wall but it didn't seem to get done as the Hunt came in through there anyway.


Nov 5, 2007
What the hell is up with the loading screen movies in the English version? Did they not realize it's Dandelion who's narrating them? Did they change his voice actor?


Apr 14, 2009
Question about the allies gathering and epic fight in Mass Effect 2 Kaer Morhen:

So I dutifully assembled a nice collection of allies, I think I got everyone except Emhyr and Dijkstra. But what if you don't get any of them? What if it's just you, Eskel, Lambert, Vesemir, Yen and Ciri for the fight with Wild Hunt? From what I saw it seems people like Triss or Keira have pretty important roles during the fight, what if they're not there?

Also what about those preparations beforehand, like "patching the walls vs. clearing up the armory" or setting traps vs. brewing potions"? I chose the walls and traps but couldn't really say what good it did.

It doesn't matter anyway.


Apr 14, 2009
Why the fuck is every retard around here trying to force everyone else into seeing only the big flaws, exaggerating the small ones and completely ignoring any positives, i really don't get it.

I would love to have positive things to say about the game but there are not too many: pop-a-mole combat and underwhelming quest-lines are not small flaws and more like big fat failures.

I'm probably angry because they had the resources to implement everything right (in fact all elements for great exploration are implemented) but they fucked it up.

In the end it doesn't matter cause everyone is free to derive as much pleasure from the game as he would like. Nobody is forcing anybody.


In My Safe Space
Jan 1, 2011
Regarding high level guards sending Geralt to kill monsters. They may be good warriors but they don't have a witcher's knowledge on monsters. Geralt and the rest of them were studying while training in combat. The average guard can hardly write and read, you can't expect him to have extended knowledge of monsters and the ability to track them.


Dec 31, 2010
Leave it to CD Project to put tits on cliffracers.

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