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The Witcher 3 Pre-Expansion Thread

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
There is a new updatw. 600mb. What is it?


Feb 27, 2012
Doesn't matter if it is a bug or design. My point was that standing at a safe spot and killing baddies from there is lame and I don't see the point. If someone don't want to bother with the combat and has to resort to these cheap tricks, then just play the game on the easiest difficulty to breeze through the combat.
What safe spot? In the first video he's right in the front of enemies and in the second video he's a few meters away.

He isn't using cheap tricks, until you consider long ranged weapons and magic (which are part of the combat) "cheap tricks".

Also, can't enemies pass through bushes?


May 21, 2011
It's the leash mechanic not broken AI. And he fucking knew it, didn't just stumble into those situations.
Dark souls has the exact same behavior btw, just as abusable, don't really remember much drama about it though.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Doesn't matter if it is a bug or design. My point was that standing at a safe spot and killing baddies from there is lame and I don't see the point. If someone don't want to bother with the combat and has to resort to these cheap tricks, then just play the game on the easiest difficulty to breeze through the combat.
What safe spot? In the first video he's right in the front of enemies and in the second video he's a few meters away.

He isn't using cheap tricks, until you consider long ranged weapons and magic (which are part of the combat) "cheap tricks".

Also, can't enemies pass through bushes?
Is reading comprehension so fucking hard? He is using a cheap trick because he knows the AI has problem following him outside of their areas, and he is standing outside of the area shooting them with a crossbow.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
OH MY GOD dat drinking scene in Kaer Morhen :lol::lol::lol:

I think I legitimatelly pissed myself.

But after seeing this my longtime suspicion checked out - CDPR was never really interested to make an RPG. They wanted to shoot a cracking Witcher movie. A videogame novel. And they succeeded big time. As an RPG it's really nothing special. Character development is bad and the itemization is a complete joke. But as a piece of interactive entertainment it's a peach.

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
OH MY GOD dat drinking scene in Kaer Morhen :lol::lol::lol:

I think I legitimatelly pissed myself.

But after seeing this my longtime suspicion checked out - CDPR was never really interested to make an RPG. They wanted to shoot a cracking Witcher movie. A videogame novel. And they succeeded big time. As an RPG it's really nothing special. Character development is bad and the itemization is a complete joke. But as a piece of interactive entertainment it's a peach.

Just like Planescape, or Arcanum, or Fallout New Vegas, or Vampire Bloodlines, or like... 80% of all alltime classics that are praised here so often...

Witcher 3 is absolute heaven for storyfags or people who like good C&C, for everyone else its atleast "just good". Definitely deserves a spot in top10 of kurator list imho.


Mar 28, 2014
Finished the game and...

all this elder blood shit is getting on my nerves. Too much cosmic potentiality, too much power. I like Ciri, I like Geralt, but once it's revealed that the wild hunt are just a bunch of elves, who live in normal cities... I don't know, sort of defeats their point and their aesthetic. Also...

...I actually think CD Project Red IMPROVED the story by not having the crazy bullshit that's in the novels.
:hmmm: :nocountryforshitposters:

I actually don't know what your answer is supposed to mean

Because exactly the same part was part of the books. They even mention it when you do through space and time quest.

As of Wild Hunt i just recently reread whole saga again after finishing TW3 and i must give CDPR props for using Wild Hunt. Even in the books if you connect dots Wild Hunt was all along Ain Elle people chasing her and i think it probably was part of the story but later Sapkowski wanted to finish saga instead of fallowing it.

Also when i reread it i noticed that CDPR used other characters from books that i didn't connect earlier. Like Leuvarden dude from TW1. I though he was simply shady merchant with his political goal but in books he is part of Nilfgardian aristocrats.
Deathmold and his brother were on Thanned.
Voohorn or whatever his name was leading "Alba" devision which his dead brother lead in decisive battle near end of books. And many other i forgot again now.


May 23, 2015
OH MY GOD dat drinking scene in Kaer Morhen :lol::lol::lol:

I think I legitimatelly pissed myself.

But after seeing this my longtime suspicion checked out - CDPR was never really interested to make an RPG. They wanted to shoot a cracking Witcher movie. A videogame novel. And they succeeded big time. As an RPG it's really nothing special. Character development is bad and the itemization is a complete joke. But as a piece of interactive entertainment it's a peach.

Just like Planescape, or Arcanum, or Fallout New Vegas, or Vampire Bloodlines, or like... 80% of all alltime classics that are praised here so often...

Witcher 3 is absolute heaven for storyfags or people who like good C&C, for everyone else its atleast "just good". Definitely deserves a spot in top10 of kurator list imho.

I'd argue that it's weaker than 3 of those (haven't played New Vegas, so can't comment) as far as the points mentioned go. Once you get a hold of a witcher set there's no point in using anything else, and it's not like the game actually goes through the trouble of making them hard to find. As far as character progression goes, yeah, can't say you feel that much more powerful endgame than you do at the start, at least with a swordsman build. People arguing the superiority of the Gothic games might be referring to this specifically, since while those games follows a similar format at the start you're in constant danger of dying and by the end you're eradicating hordes of orcs. It doesn't help that there's a bug where your damage per swing will fluctuate a good 200 points or more on a fast attack unless you unequip and reequip your mutagens.

It is storyfag heaven though.


Mar 28, 2014



This is how Roach got to Velen

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
I know, decline, I'm retarded etc. but I need to ask how/where do I get to craft bombs for Geralt? And which ones do I need to destroy the ghoul nests? The crafting menu is needlessly bloated its why I havent bothered with it as much.


May 23, 2015
You craft them in the bomb section of the alchemy menu. If you don't have diagrams for em you can check with herbalists to see if they have recipes for sale, and the ones capable of destroying monster nests will say so in their descriptions.


Nov 5, 2007
Pretty sure you start knowing at least one recipe that lets you destroy nests. That being said, having to raid every herbalist in the region for recipes for the 3rd fucking time is pretty annoying.



This is how Roach got to Velen
I don't imagine the game has tides, does it?

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
The quest with

Helping the guy looking for the corpse of his brother on the battlefield was very well done. It was hard to decide wether the nilfgard desertist has to go or not. Are there any further consequences for this, or can i actually meet him somewhere?

Same with the guy who burned the smiths house. I ratted him out. Can I see him hanging somewhere?


Mar 28, 2014
Something for waifu fags:

“You’re not going to meet a loved one, Triss,” Yennefer continued.

“I am not so noble or stupid enough to give you the opportunity, or him the temptation. But just for today. I could not deny myself the sweet satisfaction. He knows what role you play as a member of the Lodge. He will thank you for that with his famous look. And I’ll be looking at your quivering lips and trembling hands, I will listen to your lame apologies and excuses. And you know what, Triss? I will faint with delight.”

“I knew,” Triss grunted, “that you would not forget, that you would take your revenge. I agreed to this because I was actually at fault. But one thing I must tell you, Yennefer. Do not count too much on fainting. He knows how to forgive.”

“He knows what was done to him, of course,” Yennefer narrowed her eyes. “But he will never forgive you for what was done to Ciri. And me.”

“It is possible,” Triss swallowed, “he may not forgive. Especially, if you insist. But he won’t fly into a rage. He won’t lower himself like that.”

Yennefer flicked her horse with her whip in anger. The animal whinnied and leapt, and the sorceress swayed in her saddle.

“Enough talk,” she snapped. “More humility, you smug viper! He is my man, mine and only mine! Do you understand? You have to stop talking about him, stop thinking about him, you have to stop admiring his noble character… As of right now, right now! Oh, I want to grab you by your matted red hair…”

“Try it!” screamed Triss. “Just try it, you vindictive bitch and I’ll scratch out your eyes!” I…”



May 23, 2015
Now that newness's worn off and I have time to look at the game objectively.....no, game's not that great, the main story, as well written as it is, is overall cliche and bland, has a lot of asspulls and lot of things unresolved. The gameplay and the world have a lot of flaws. I don't think TW3's in my top 3 anymore, barely made it to my top 10 at best, probably an 8/10.


Mar 28, 2014
Now that newness's worn off and I have time to look at the game objectively.....no, game's not that great, the main story, as well written as it is, is overall cliche and bland, has a lot of asspulls and lot of things unresolved. The gameplay and the world have a lot of flaws. I don't think TW3's in my top 3 anymore, barely made it to my top 10 at best, probably an 8/10.

What "asspulls" and what "unresolved" ?
my critique is that they imo resolved too much
like taking on that dude with hammer on that feast


May 23, 2015
What "asspulls" and what "unresolved" ?
my critique is that they imo resolved too much
like taking on that dude with hammer on that feast

Where the hell did the sunstone come from? Ciri just go to the tower and stop the White frost, but it doesn't show you how,( and how does she survive?) . What happens to the Lodge of the Sorceresses/Fillipa Eilhart after Nlfgaard/Djikstra's victory( I'd not question Emhyr's reliability had he not pulled a "You've outlived your usefulness" on Letho). What the hell happened Saskia and Iorveth(some scoieltae rebels said Iorveth was dead, that's it?). Vergen just got overrun, rendering everything you've done in Iorveth's path in TW2 moot? That's it? You gather the lodge of sorceresses for the final battle yet you don't get to see them doing anything. These are a few things that are on top of my head ATM.

And the story feels padded, most of the game is essentially a wild goose chase that felt unnecessary, bioware-like. The entire baron quest I felt could have been a side quest(instead of just he last bit).


Jan 8, 2009
Just got to Oxenfurt. Love the quests and dialogue, the same old TW formula (always good) but also combining the 'fucking middle of nowhere and the quiet suffering of peasantry' with the bigger war stuff. It's all the MMO shit that just gets you down. What was really gained by splitting all the interesting stuff into a hundred tiny villages, when you could easily have done three Athkatlas with this content? I love the atmosphere of the environment but why do I have to run around so much?

Combat is OK, just like TW1 and TW2, but one particular thing - enemies seem even more of "waiting in a line to fight you" now, combined with the shitty threat zones. Since rolling is kind of necessary when fighting multiple nonhumans you easily end up rolling a little bit away, and then half the drowners you were fighting just quietly slink back to their original position. When you do get to fight humans (which should happen a lot more often), half of them stand there and wait - which was always the case in such games, but even more pronounced.

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