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The Witcher 3 Pre-Release Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Finally a newfag with some sense.

moon knight

Matt7895's alt
Apr 7, 2015
I prefer to play and analyze the content to see if it is in fact cut out from the game or not, instead of bitching around making assumption that cannot be confirmed.
Bioware made those kind of things. Ubisoft too.
CD Projekt? It is a possibility.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
TW2 combat was significantly worse than both of those.

Watched video. Combat seemed like it might actually be competent this time around, but putting level requirements on weapons is the dumbest cargo cult nonsense. Are they taking lessons from Larian? Stop.

Look at me, I went to this higher level area early and got this nice sword, but my level isn't high enough to use it. Even Josh Sawyer would agree that level requirements on weapons in a single player game is an utterly stupid thing to do. What an utter waste of an open world.


Apr 5, 2015
I prefer to play and analyze the content to see if it is in fact cut out from the game or not, instead of bitching around making assumption that cannot be confirmed.

Good idea, I'll just go and pla...oh right, its not even out yet.

If they don't want people to make assumptions, they shouldn't be selling TWO expansions before the game even launched. TW3 had very troubled development cycle with multiple delays, which is a 100% mathematical guarantee that a lot of stuff was cut. That, and for years they've claimed they have "anti-DLC stance" and now they're suddenly making a metric fuckton of post-launch content? Sorry hombre, its a cut content.


In My Safe Space
Sep 14, 2013
9th Hell
First thing an action rpg needs to have is good combat and they've failed to deliver on that multiple times.


No. An RPG is based on quest design, dialogues tree and C&C system.
The combat system comes after.

If all you care to see is a bunch of shitty interactive stories that would have been seen as nothing more than the kind of fanfic you can read on places like royalroad if they had been in book form, you're using the wrong medium. Some people care about the *game* part. Shocking, I know.

Maybe if the genre had matured enough to see more games on the level of PST.. but even so, still no cookie.

Also it's maddening to see newborns redefine the genre when CRPG as a term started to be used for games with actual gameplay, such as dungeon crawlers. There is more gameplay fit into the early dungeon crawlers than there is in the entirety of Fantasy Guitar Hero Twitcher 1 :smug:.
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Jan 17, 2008
The fuck is with all the 'just registered' users?

We in the middle of some raid or some shit?


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
TW2 combat was significantly worse than both of those.

Watched video. Combat seemed like it might actually be competent this time around, but putting level requirements on weapons is the dumbest cargo cult nonsense. Are they taking lessons from Larian? Stop.

Look at me, I went to this higher level area early and got this nice sword, but my level isn't high enough to use it. Even Josh Sawyer would agree that level requirements on weapons in a single player game is an utterly stupid thing to do. What an utter waste of an open world.

I agree with you on level requirements.. Optional Content (with greater challenge) is pointless if the rewards are level-gated anyways.. It's just a reverse version of llevel scaling content.


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Tim Schaffer asking for money twice to do his game is totally wrong, but asking you money to preorder the game, and then money to preorder the DLC before the first game is even out is totally okay because it's like the expansions of yesteryear. Absolutely.


Dec 19, 2014
Tim Schaffer asking for money twice to do his game is totally wrong, but asking you money to preorder the game, and then money to preorder the DLC before the first game is even out is totally okay because it's like the expansions of yesteryear. Absolutely.
I'm sorry but Tim Schaffer got 3.3 mils and gave us a 5 hour game and it wasn't even that good.The first Witcher had a budget of 4-5mils if I remember correctly and it was a 40-50h game that delivered a pretty good experience.

So excuse me,but it seems the potatoes can do wonder with little zlotys,so I'm going to trust them on this one.


Jul 19, 2012
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech
I liked the first game quite a bit, could be that was because you could root every wench that Geralt came across (pun intended) so I did in my play through.

The second game is probably the longest I've taken to complete a game, I played a bit back when it first came out, kept my save file, reinstalled on a new computer, played a bit more, stopped for some reason, and then played it over the last couple of weeks in the hour or so before work everyday. Something about it just wasn't compelling, I think it was because they were trying to make it semi open world, yet every area or act was self contained, so the illusion couldn't sustain itself. Also the fucking amnesia plot device needs to be retired for good.

Anyway, back to Witcher 3, yeah I pre-ordered off GOG. I'm cautiously optimistic.

If you think you should get 10 hours of additional content for free, then you probably torrent every shitty movie and game that comes out too.


Apr 5, 2015
I have no problem paying for expansion.

I have a problem with them selling a 30$ preorder hidden within 60$ preorder. That's completely new level of fucked up business practices , even by this industry's standards.


Oct 19, 2014
Got to give credit where it's due:

“While we’re offering the Expansion Pass now, we want to make one thing clear: don’t buy it if you have any doubts. Wait for reviews or play The Witcher and see if you like it first. As always, it’s your call, Iwiński concludes."


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
TW2 combat was significantly worse than both of those.

Watched video. Combat seemed like it might actually be competent this time around, but putting level requirements on weapons is the dumbest cargo cult nonsense. Are they taking lessons from Larian? Stop.

Look at me, I went to this higher level area early and got this nice sword, but my level isn't high enough to use it. Even Josh Sawyer would agree that level requirements on weapons in a single player game is an utterly stupid thing to do. What an utter waste of an open world.

I agree with you on level requirements.. Optional Content (with greater challenge) is pointless if the rewards are level-gated anyways.. It's just a reverse version of llevel scaling content.
Not only that but the Diablo/MMO-like HP and damage bloat as you progress in levels does not fit a game like this at all. I hate this shit, it broke Div:OS for me (together with boring plot) and it will probably seriously impede my enjoyment of TW3 - I will just have to try to ignore it until maybe some kind soul makes a rebalancing mod that brings everything to more reasonable values.
Feb 13, 2011
Comparing TW2 with trash like ME 2 or DA 2. :lol:
TW 2 >>>>> any of the ME or DA series by a mile in every god damn aspect.
Sorry but me2/me3 combat is :popamole: done right. Tw2 combat is shitty imitation of dark souls. Even fuckng DAO had better combat.

Freezing everything with cone of cold > shitty targetting, awful i-frames,no hyperarmour,fucked up animations, cinematic finishers etc.

Like a member of the clergy trying to interpret the Bible. Adorable. Never mind that it's Day 1... well... Day -100 or whenever this turd is going to be released DLC.

The expansions are not Day 1, derphead. One is set for October, the other for early 2016... Redding is teh hard, eh?

The expansions are day minus 30 retard since you can buy them month before games release :happytrollboy:


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Done right? The combat was so fucking crap and limited that all I did as a Biotic user was cover -> spam Warp ad nauseum throwing in the occasional Singularity, thanks to idiotic shared CD system and many Biotics not affecting enemies when they had Armor and Shield while pure HP was so little you could just head shot them for faster kill.
If I would have gotten further I would have spammed Reave later, but the game was so fucking crap I stopped after a few hours and never touched it again. Glad I really only wasted 5 bucks on it. Infiltrator? Lol, Cloak -> Headshot, rince repeat. ME 2 was fucking retarded, Companions AI was complete derp, story a mess and the game was barely recognizable as an RPG anymore.
DA:O? You compare full party RTwP to a twitch RT game? Really? DA:O as a mage boiled down to use the same combinations over and over. Melee was sluggish MMO point&click style with 0 difficulty, popping potions if needed.

Both games prime difficulty came from insane HP bloat letting you whack the moles for minutes.
Feb 13, 2011
Done right? The combat was so fucking crap and limited that all I did as a Biotic user was cover -> spam Warp ad nauseum throwing in the occasional Singularity, thanks to idiotic shared CD system and many Biotics not affecting enemies when they had Armor and Shield while pure HP was so little you could just head shot them for faster kill.
If I would have gotten further I would have spammed Reave later, but the game was so fucking crap I stopped after a few hours and never touched it again. Glad I really only wasted 5 bucks on it. Infiltrator? Lol, Cloak -> Headshot, rince repeat. ME 2 was fucking retarded, Companions AI was complete derp, story a mess and the game was barely recognizable as an RPG anymore.
DA:O? You compare full party RTwP to a twitch RT game? Really? DA:O as a mage boiled down to use the same combinations over and over. Melee was sluggish MMO point&click style with 0 difficulty, popping potions if needed.

Both games prime difficulty came from insane HP bloat letting you whack the moles for minutes.
And all i did in tw2 was quen-roll-fast attack :lol: and prime difficulty in tw2 came from potatoes unability to code working combat system:salute:
Mar 18, 2009
Mass Effect 2 and 3 are better games than The Witcher 2. A lot of people say CDPR is better than Bioware and only thing better in their games that I can see is overall writing quality and graphics. Quality of game design is way lower than Bioware stuff, which is at least consistently mediocre.
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Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
How is TW2 combat worse than ME and DA crap? Both mindless popamoles with little to no tactical play against mostly HP bloat. Wow man, dat superior combat..

None of them are demanding (though W2 does have problems with its animation system causing problems for you through no fault of your own), so it comes down to feel. Witcher 2 feels terrible (because of aforementioned animation system).

Additionally W2 has an entire character progression line that's pretty much worthless because of the way they chose to handle potion drinking. No such trap builds in Bioware games.

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