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The Witcher The Witcher games misrepresent Geralt's character

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
Just wanted to drop by and say that Triss since first game enchanted and won both my heart and dick. Her magical OP ass is Temerian national treasure and I as protector of Temerian's assets am sworn to carry, protect and fuck that ass. Redheads became my fetish #67 only after her and lesser degree Miss Shani. Perfect mistress!

Geralt, guard my ass from elven arrows while I reclaim Temeria's run-away treassure and mark it ass mine!



Jan 1, 2014
Don't know from where the title come out but no, Geralt is not mispresented in games.
He is just a regular dude that wants to fuck hot bitchez. The reason he is on-off with Yen is because of all that Genie nonsense.
Geralt is a real bro, if it has tits even with tentacles he would dig in + no fear of STD or baby so a perfect male fantasy to live that kind of a life (like James Bond before Craig).


Pronouns: Nick/Her
Dec 24, 2015
Grab the Codex by the pussy
yennefer and triss are both shit but at least triss is the sex monster and yen is just a bitch

The Great ThunThun*

How DARE you!?
Mar 8, 2018
Pathfinder: Wrath
Also,game does not really misrepresent Geralt. You are Geralt. Your interactions with women are supposed help Geralt along his path. There is nothing to misrepresent in an amnesiac.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
She just went out with him.
She's not exactly chaste. In the Witcher 3 DLC she admits she sees no future with Geralt and he's just her good time because she's surrounded by dorks in her profession.


Jul 4, 2010
Yen, Triss, and a Geralt are all rapists, sadists, cucks, liars, and assholes to varying degrees.
So, they either deserve each other... or should seriously all break up with each other.

Harry Easter

Jul 27, 2016
Geralt in the book is a emotionally underdeveloped manchild, that has to grow up and let go of his unhealthy obsession with Yennefer (who has enough bagagge to give me flashbacks to people that were as damaged as she is).

The second book, Sword of Destiny, ended with him accepting that and trying to be an adult and adopting Ciri. It was a good ending, the character can move on, he had closure.

Then Sapkowski wrote the novels and thought it was a good idea to revive the "romance" and turning Yennefer into the jealous lady, that was always only in love with Geralt ... yeah, right. Either that was the spell talking or the crazy in her head (or Sapkowski and his fetishes. Yeah, it's Sapkowski. The man has weiiird ideas about love).

Geralt in the games has comparatively healthy relationships with women, even if he mary-sued-up in the games, when the developers forgot to implement his self-pitying attitude. At least we could choose to finally break up with the crazy person, that will definitely murder you.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2011
I think The Witcher games is one of the very rare occurrences when the games are better than the source material-both in terms of plot and characters.

The Witcher books are shit. They read like an adolescent fantasy. The first two books are on the upper side of mediocrity, but painfully unremarkable. The saga is complete and utter garbage beyond belief (except Time of Contempt, which was at least tolerable). I only read the books because I liked The Witcher 1. Couldn't finish the last book of the saga because I had PTSD from how retarded and boring Ciri was.

So I don't get what the fuss is about when it comes to comparing Geralt from the books to Geralt from the games. If anything, Geralt from the games is better written and less of an adolescent power fantasy compared to the books, and that is fucking saying something.

By the way, has anyone read Season of Storms? I just saw that it exists. Is it any good, or is it shit like the later works of the Sapkowski cuck?
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May 13, 2018
Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Pretty much all characters are misrepresented. Sapko wrote for himself, CDPR were clearly looking to ball cradle gamers.


Aug 28, 2013
Geralt in the games has comparatively healthy relationships with women, even if he mary-sued-up in the games, when the developers forgot to implement his self-pitying attitude. At least we could choose to finally break up with the crazy person, that will definitely murder you.
They didnt really forget, you get a couple lines to act like that. Its just toned down.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
Geralt in the book is a emotionally underdeveloped manchild, that has to grow up and let go of his unhealthy obsession with Yennefer (who has enough bagagge to give me flashbacks to people that were as damaged as she is).

The second book, Sword of Destiny, ended with him accepting that and trying to be an adult and adopting Ciri. It was a good ending, the character can move on, he had closure.

Then Sapkowski wrote the novels and thought it was a good idea to revive the "romance" and turning Yennefer into the jealous lady, that was always only in love with Geralt ... yeah, right. Either that was the spell talking or the crazy in her head (or Sapkowski and his fetishes. Yeah, it's Sapkowski. The man has weiiird ideas about love).

Geralt in the games has comparatively healthy relationships with women, even if he mary-sued-up in the games, when the developers forgot to implement his self-pitying attitude. At least we could choose to finally break up with the crazy person, that will definitely murder you.

Sounds like a terrible daytime soap opera. Even reading your summary bored me.


Mar 28, 2014
posting in legendary thread :obviously:
Is this codex version of "what is the smell of Tali" ?

Since everyone is stupid i should join this retarded fun since i read saga like 10 times over course of my life.

No Geralt in books is exactly the same as in games and CDPR didn't fuck up that part. Dude shags a lot. While directly books don't describe a lot of alcove adventures, it is pretty clear what is happening between events especially when there is his bro around and they use brothels as hotels. I mean literally proprieties of whorehouse knows Geralt "for a long time". It is mentioned several times that he shags regulatory with village girls on different occasions though not particularly while events of books are happening.

No Geralt isn't a cuck because both He and Yennefer didn't give a fuck about sleeping with other people. I mean Geralt literally met her first time when she was shagging some dude few minutes before they met. So basically both are the same fuckers and perfectly know what is going on. They constantly fought each other and both looked out for someone else in down time and that "down time" didn't even need them braking up, just being apart.

Shard of Ice story is where Geralt figures out that he actually cares about her which is why he got jealous. He didn't get jealous because she rode that guy dick but because she was deciding who to end up with which is why He and Istred wanted to duel each other to solve that issue cleanly.

And no Yen is his true waifu, because dude wants to fuck a tiger not a rabbit. He enjoys fucking tiger and dealing with claws after, this is his fetish and he finds it interesting compared to those meek village girls or motherly chicks like Triss.



Jun 10, 2018
The interpretation of most of the characters by CDPR is correct. Geralt was a poon hound in the books too and that was one of his favorite past times with Dandelion. He loved sorceress because they weren't disgusted by him like the average peasant wench and apparently they were good in bed too after decades of experience. He fucked pretty much everything he was allowed to. If anything CDPR took more liberties with Yennefer's and Triss' characters. They made them too sympathetic in the games and not the scheming slurping cock gobblers they were in the books. Some of the people Yennefer slept with: Beau Berrant, Crach an Craite, Istredd (later that day she did Geralt), Vilgefortz (hinted), some random peasant she charmed with magic before Geralt busted her as it was a tradition for her. Other than that a few people and unrelated scenes throughout the books confirm her whorish nature. The games really just hinted at the sorceresses' general behaviour. Triss is pretty much the same. In the Blood of the Elves there was a whole page describing in detail how much dick Triss went through after she finished Hogwarts. The whole conflict is how Yennefer and Geraldo are immature people who prefer to wallow in self-pity, insecurity and chasing lost dreams rather than facing reality and accepting their shortcomings and Triss is just sort of there as the third wheel prowling for that meat sword. By the end of the saga all of them endure character transformation. Then W1 happens and all of them are rolled back to their behaviour from the short stories and early books in the saga. CDPR's biggest fuck up was the underdeveloped relationship between Ciri and Yennefer.

Harry Easter

Jul 27, 2016

You okay, buddy? But you are at least right, that Geralt was a horndog and sorceresses seem to be very active. Then again, I think in the Sapkowski-verse every young woman seems to ride a lot, if they aren't old and therefore have become a (or the authors) mother.

Although I have to say, the changes to Triss in the games were for the better. Sapkowski himself seemed to have hated her, because she stand between his one true pairing (maybe he got fanmail were they considered Triss and Geralt a better match? Writers can be incredibly petty, stuff like this happens all the time).


They didnt really forget, you get a couple lines to act like that. Its just toned down.

Really? Huh. Just played 1 and 2. In 1 he was very flat and 2 felt more like "cool dude - Geralt", but it has been a while.
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Jul 30, 2017
I never thought I'd see waifu-faggotry over the Witcher of all things. Then again, I haven't played much of the games.


Aug 28, 2013
Really? Huh. Just played 1 and 2. In 1 he was very flat and 2 felt more like "cool dude - Geralt", but it has been a while.
It's in 3. When he gets his personality back.
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