Geralt is THE Witcher, that's what Sapkowski intended with this title.
You are retarded, The Witcher as the title of the series is an invention of CDPR, Sapkowski never used the title Wiedzmin except for his first ever story
It's not an invention of CDPR, it's far older. The first edition of the Witcher Saga in Polish has "book X of the Witcher Saga" in big red letters on each book. The Witcher Saga likely only exists BECAUSE of that earlier popularity and name recognition of Wiedźmin / the Witcher in the 90s fantasy circles in Poland, and by "the Witcher" I mean Geralt the Witcher specifically. You could maybe say that Sapkowski didn't originally intent this and it was only because the publisher and readers demanded it, but that's how it went. I think Sapkowski once said he wanted to kill Geralt early on, way before writing the Saga, but you don't kill the goose that lays golden eggs, the guy made his career selling books about the Witcher that everyone recognized as books about the Witcher, not as individual titles set in a world that happens to have the Witcher in them, even if the content of the books isn't just about the Witcher.
I imagine the decision to have Geralt as the protagonist in the games instead of a custom witcher player character largely came down to the same thing - recognition. People recognized THE Witcher and less people would have wanted to play as a witcher rather than the Witcher. I'd rather have a game where you play as a custom no-name witcher who makes his own story in the game, without endlessly recycling the same set of characters Sapkowski created, but that's probably not happening.
I recently finished reading Season of Storms and have some thoughts.
Sapkowski is a literary hack with the ability to write dialogues and a certain poseur, which he fueled with his life experience. At the same time, he is prone to sentimentality, emotional outbursts hidden under cynicism, and also has tacky taste. The end of the 1980s was the best period for such a personality. His society was tired, it was looking for new ways, and at the same time it wanted everything Western. I truly believe that such cheesy cynicism resonated deeply with them. All of these things revolve around one element of these books - Geralt. There is no "Witcher world", there is a reality that develops around his personality. Sapkowski's real career is not the first foreign releases, but games. On the one hand, we were attracted by the exotic, and on the other, the fact that you could cynically fuck women without strings attached, as the poliziotteschi "heroes" did in the 1970s. There was a strong desire for this type of content, but political correctness scrutiny was already growing. The Witcher 2 and 3 were sequentially toned down, and still more edgy than the West . I mention this to emphasize that everything begins and ends with the reception of Geralt's character. As long as we follow his contradictory personality, it all sticks. Season of Storms is proof of this. For some reason, Sapkowski lost the positive element of his writing, and the bad elements came to the surface. Season of Storms consists of only the worst elements of the series, and Geralt's personality and dilemmas are faded and secondary. Ciri, on the other hand, is the lens of everything that is worst in Sapkowski's work. Her plots are silly, sentimental, Mary Sue style and without restraint. Really, she's far from Sarah J. Maas' heroines. Placing her as the main character will by definition highlight all the flaws of the "Witcher world", even if she is somehow balanced by other characters, which I don't believe in, because it's not CDP from 2015.
Besides, if The Witcher 1 was late, if Cyberpunk came at the right time (and that was the only thing that saved the game), The Witcher 4 will come too late. Its aesthetics lost its luster because Slavic exoticism became familiar to us, without edge, which gave the West the taste of forbidden entertainment.
The time of the Witchers has really passed.
Ok... Alright... let's do this... that's fucken enough!! I've had it up to HERE with you pieces of shit saying bad stuff about my fair lady ciri so if I hear one more FUCKING word about her or how mean, frowny old ladies aren't the hottest babes on the planet or if you say anything derogatory about any digital divas, then I will start to fucking flip out all over this thread!!
I'm drawing a line in the sand. Right here, right now...
Any man who crosses it... grrrr... i hope youre prepared to face the wrath of my flames because you are going to be taking a licking but don't expect to keep on ticking - not after i'm through with you. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED...
PS: If any cute rpgcodex girls want to send me any pictures of any body parts that you may want me to see or set up an interview with me about my good deeds towards the pretend women of video games, please pm me. I'm here to put a stop to the injustices done to your'e gender.
Ok, catch my sexy feets.