Would a solo of Wizardry be possible? I was thinking start as a cleric, then switch to fighter, then to mage or samurai, with a possible switch to ninja or thief at the end. Would that work? I figured with 6x exp, leveling would be a cinch, so you'd get enough stat raises to pull this off. Priest for healing, fighter for health and mage/samurai for Tiltowait.
In Wiz 1 I often grind with a 2 man team but never solo. If you are solo, it's a party wipe if you even get paralyzed. There's so many enemies that can still destroy you, especially if you get ambushed (Flack, Vampires, even Greater Demons can paralyze on hit, and that's just level 10).
If you mean just 1 character from start to end? Goodness no, lol. Have you played Wiz 1? It's not popamole, and you don't need to make things tougher on yourself.
Finally, Wizardry 1 isn't like Wiz 7, you can't and shouldn't class change willy-nilly. Your character ages 10 years every time you class change and that affects your level ups. Your stats also get reset to your racial minimums, so it takes a long time to recover.
If you want a power party, try:
2 Lords (Mage -> Lord)
1 Ninja (Cleric -> Mage -> Thief + Dagger of Thieves into Ninja)
1 Lord (Samurai -> Lord)
2 Samurai (Cleric -> Samurai)
And you don't need to take fighter levels for health, this isn't Bioware. Wizardry basically re-rolls your class's hit dice each time you level up, and gives you the difference if it's higher than your current total. So your HP will eventually normalize to whatever it should be for your current class and level.