Always do that before combat. I ain't no fool. The problem with those death spells is that they are only working on enemies that have very weak saving throw chance so they're basically a misnomer. Why would you waste dozens of spell point on low level mob using death cloud if the same effect can be achieved with one maxed out nuclear blast or whipping rocks?Cenobyte said:Have you checked out the resistances of the monster in question?
As for silencing. Most of the serious magic casters in the game have also a strong resistance to most schools of magic therefore trying to silence them is just a waste of turn and SPs. You can silence some weak siges that are way bellow your level by the time you can cast this spell efficiently, which means you don't need to use silence by that time anyway, because those weaklings can't do the shit with their faggy magics.
Piety is for spell points and helps to cast divine effectively and intelligence is for everything else. That's not a problem. My alchemic, for example, has a powercast 80 already and piety is maxed out too. The problem described above stems from the fact that some spells are just kinda useless.Calem Ravenna said:In the middle and late game (after the psionic fish-men island, if you stick to the main quest) the skill that increases spell power (I don't remember how it's called) is essential if you want to actually do anything with your spellcasters.