You need a mix of skills with Wizardry. You can certainly try all ninjas.
Second playthrough, ppffffff. I've had like 10 (who never actually finishing the game, funny string of coincidence, that). You really hit on a lot of things that make Wizardry 8 great. I'll only add 1 more: it's actually easy to fuck your character up but you won't know it. Play a melee character and forget to pump str or dex (for attack rating), and your melee will be substantially worse. Don't get the right spells, and every encounter will be impossible. After playing the game a lot, you sort of understand its mechanics, easy spots, hard spots and that only makes you appreciate the game that much more. About ninjas, very easy to screw up, they are the prototypical "comes short of its potential" build. I wouldn't recommend ninjas to a new party. The worst class I'd say is the psyonics, but he's not that bad.So yeah, I thoroughly recommend Wizardry 8. One of the best RPGs I've ever played, bar none. On my second playthrough right now as a matter of fact. Consecutive. I hardly ever do that.
They are almost so good it's a reason alone to do a run and they are an excellent "innovation" that shows you can have memorable characters in a hardcore RPG with generated party.
We don't like your kind here.
You must REALLY hate Pool of Radiance then, eh?
We don't like your kind here.
You must REALLY hate Pool of Radiance then, eh?
2012fag detected?
HAI GUISE LOOK WAT ELSE DID I FIND:If you want to know about Wizardry 7 read this (spoiler free):
Yeah, it's akin to a new Baldur's Gate game being released today in 2012 which allows you to import your character from Throne of Bhaal.The absolute best gaming experience of my life was buying Wizardy 8 and loading it, then going to a box in my garage, digging for 10 minutes and then finding my save game floppy from Wiz 7, install my characters and then start Wiz 8 with my old party. I'm not sure off the top of my head how long that floppy sat there waiting for that moment--which I was sure for many years would not happen--but it's gotta be at least 8.
We don't like your kind here.
You must REALLY hate Pool of Radiance then, eh?
2012fag detected?
Well, I do feel this guy's pain for one. There is nothing as annoying as rerolling involving 20 keypresses each take. Give me one big (R)eroll button, or fuck off. Getting that 1 out of 16777216 combination is ardous enough without having to press (H)uman, (M)ale, (F)ighter, (E)vil, (D)on't save, (C)reate in process.
The absolute best gaming experience of my life was buying Wizardy 8 and loading it, then going to a box in my garage, digging for 10 minutes and then finding my save game floppy from Wiz 7, install my characters and then start Wiz 8 with my old party. I'm not sure off the top of my head how long that floppy sat there waiting for that moment--which I was sure for many years would not happen--but it's gotta be at least 8.
What great reviews, full of accurate information about the games, like "Your party from the previous two games is hired by a person they've never met to go on a quest they're told nothing about."
Also why not make a review about a game from a genre you apparently hate. Not biased at all.
Actually Gamefaqs is pretty good when it comes to reviews. I dont understand why "amateur" reviews are ridiculed. Are professional reviewers better just because they have a face, a name and pretty graphics? I posted 1 review for a game on Gamefaqs and it's the only one for that game, I just wanted to inform others. I still go to gamefaqs for opinions because after you read 10 of them you get a good feeling of a game.Gamefaqs is full of both 10/10 best game ever, or 2/10 "worst thing since cancer" reviews. To be fair, since these are amateur reviews, it's hard to imagine many people making reviews of games they didn't care much about; it's either love or hate. Leave the fair and balanced reviews to professional game journalists who can be trusted to give an impartial analysis of a game's qualities without letting outside factors interefere.
The only point of a review is to give information about the game. Another person's opinions are worthless unless you know that person very well, also all kinds of wordplay and trying to be clever is useless in a review, this is why I stopped my order of a Finnish gaming magazine, got tired of reading somebody congratulating themselves of how clever they are. Two pages and no good idea what's the game even about, BS. This is why most reviews suck, after reading them I still don't know a whole lot about the game, likely only somebody's specific gripes or things he liked.
That, or entertainment, of course.
There seems to be a surprisingly large number of such people judging from the popularity of oblivious.Not what the reviewer, who might like cutting his dick with a razor, likes.
@ CarnivalBizarre : I don't see anybody posting reviews of football games which claim that football is just boring and should have more cars, therefore the game sucks.
Yeah, it's called "shift key".There is a "quick walk" program for Wizardry 8 that speeds it up some.
Yeah, it's called "shift key".There is a "quick walk" program for Wizardry 8 that speeds it up some.
Just don't use it when there are encounters ahead.