AlexOfSpades @
Echo Mirage
I don't remember Rindill much. There were more people I liked than what I have on my friends list but they were the majors. pha, Pretentious Old Man, FrankCSIS, BigBoss, spyhopping, Irate Iguana, and Ashpolt. They need to be here.
pha, POM, BigBoss and IrateIguana are off my radar. They disappeared. *shrugs*
FrankCSIS is still around, posting almost every day. Spyhopping is dating Jerion and became a mod. Ashpolt, well, now that DX:HR released he's not that much of a regular. He was in E3 with the mods though during the DX: The Fall release. He even participated in a "I played Thief/DX The Fall - Ask me Anything" thread over there about the games. Eventhough i trust him and his sincere opinions, the whole thing felt like PR talk and he avoided talking about anything negative about the games.
Anyways, so huh? They removed jumping in Thiaf. B1skit's strawman of "You cant pop your trunk in Gran Turismo, so its okay not to jump in Thief" got me really pissed. Either they have no idea, or they are making this for more "streamlined gameplay" and using that strawman argument to distract us. (I believe the latter). Also, can i curse here? Where can i see the Terms of Use of this forum? I couldnt find it anywhere.