Buyers beware. Remember that cool thing Borderlands 1 had called weapon diversity and a bazillion guns, yeah don't expect that anymore. Spells and melee weapons are cool sure, the class system is very underwhelming and gets old repetitive and boring very quick. The uniqueness of each class and tree that was present in past titles, is completely gone. Sure some of the writing is good and makes you laugh like all of them. Did I mention it is half of the size of borderlands 3s Xbox X|S upgraded download, super small game. Enemy diversity is extremely lack luster, the guns are so so so boring. I literally refunded this game after about 12 hours, does not justify a 69.99 dollar purchase on XSX. Honestly it doesn't even qualify as a DLC for a Borderlands title, like you'd be so disappointed if you've played past games expecting it to be anything like that.
P.S. one of the easiest most boring titles yet, played on hardest difficulty from start and 12 hours later only died 2 times....