Loadout of bullshit, pardon my French.The known rates for rapist mothers are so neglibly low, they are not even included with statistics for domestic rape / incest. Fathers, on the hand... Mothers are more likely to be complicit/enablers than be perpetrators. Rapist women in a family are more likely to be a second or third degree female relative of a victim than the mother.
"so neglibly low" - yeah, it is so low it isn't included to statistics, and due it isn't included in statistics we can't measure how low it is.
I sincerely believe it is another manifestation of creeping feminism around the world - they are women, they can't be bad, which is actually another form of fashism.
"Fathers, on the hand" - if you for long time watch specific spot, surrounding space start to erase. It is pure social subjectivity phenomenon.
"Mothers are more likely to be complicit/enablers than be perpetrators." - same.
Do you know that amount(?) of home violence of women toward men is significantly increased and continues to rise?
Everybody know and speak about home violence of men toward women, but almost nobody do opposite researches, because it is, like - "men, and what, women use violence toward them, their own wifes? hahaha".
So it is obscured problem, which mean if you don't see it it doesn't mean it isn't exist.
You should also agree I think, that women long ago arn't what they were (in USSR emansipation started after revolution, for decades earlier than at West), so why you think that while women are sucessful bosses for men teams, they lead and control men and they are the same women that in 19 century and nothing changes since then?
I remember a decent cinema about this - Disclosure with Douglas and Moore, with a decent lines just about that.
Modern women have a man's character and personality traits - that's the only way to be sucessful in yesterday's men's world and to compete successfully today.
This bring aslo negative traits - same level of violence, rudeness, sexual harrasment, rapes etc.
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