"It moves! Did you *see* that? I didn't imagine it this time. Not like all those other times!"
{sploosh noise}
"Like that! Just like that!"
"Isn't Oom cute? Even when it's attacking and slicing and murdering people, it's still adorable."
{hiss, splat noise}
"Oom will never leave us, will it? Oom will never die, right? Tell me Oom will be with us always and forever."
{splort noise}
"You're the best, Oom."
"Oom is... becoming different. It's even more... Oom. OOM, as it were."
"Yes! Just like I was saying!"
"I remember when Oom was just a toy. Quiet. Friendly. {Sad}Was willing to play more."
{squelch noise}
"You're just getting older, Oom. It happens to most people. And blobs."
"Oom, you're the best playmate. Your skin is like... not-sticky tar."
"Here, Oom! Can you do a trick for me?"
"So tell me, Oom. Can you really transform into *anything*?"
"You're a funny little thing. Understand everything we say, don't you?"
{happier}"You know just how to cheer me up, Oom."
"I don't even know what that thing is. Does it talk?"
"Can you just keep that blob away from me?"
"Go away, Oom. Go be a puddle someplace."
"What a fascinating little creature you are. Let me take a closer look at you."
{alarmed slurp}
"Oom, come here. Come HERE. {sigh} Why does it only respond to you, castoff?"
{indignant splort}
"What *are* you, Oom, and where can we find more of your kind?"
{sequence of noises}
{slithers into a new shape}
"Oom, did our sire make you?"
"Oom, what *are* you?"
Don't know who Erritis is talking to here at first, but then he turns to Oom:
"I understand. You need to explore your feelings for me in private."
"My feelings for you aren't private. You just aren't listening."
"I wasn't asking for your affections, Oom. I'm fine, thanks."
"Well, that's a relief. I'd hate for someone to suggest that you and I are related."
"That's not a helpful answer."
Not sure about the ones below since it doesn't specify who he's talking to, but seems to be about Oom:
"You aren't a mind reader, are you?"
"You don't like me, do you."
"You're constantly making noise. Are you worried we might forget you exist?"