Luckmann have you actually ever walked in PsT?
Yeah. It's the default mode.
Yes, I held down Shift or Ctrl or Alt or whatever the running button was 90% of the time or more, but because of how it worked, I often ran to a place, and then walked up to the NPC:s. This was no conscious effort on my part, or an attempt to do some form of in-game LARP shit, but it's a meaningful difference in terms of feeling. It simply turned out different based on how the system worked, and it felt a lot more organic, and not mind-boggingly artificial. The fact that everyone sprints in a straight line one after another in ToN makes the effect far worse. Even the synchronized running of PoE was better than this, because at least there they ran as a group, not as mimes following in eachother's immediate footsteps at a sprinting speed.
If the type of movement doesn't matter, why don't we just institute teleportation as a game mechanic and be done with it? After all, we must get to where the "gameplay" is, don't we? Much more fun than having to get there first.