Perhaps Roguey can find something that offends him on Adam Heine's blog:
What I've Been Doing Instead of Blogging
I hate having only First Impact posts go up, but I am trying to make money at this writing thing, so. Anyway, here are some of the things I've been doing in the last few weeks instead of blogging.
Designing an alignment system. Basically codifying all of human experience and emotion into little boxes so we can tell the player things like, "You're Lawful Good." (Note:
We're not using Lawful Good.) FUN LEVEL: High.
Thinking about what makes RPG combat interesting. There is
quite a lot of debate in the hardcore CRPG world about whether combat should be turn-based or not. Part of my job has been to think about this a lot. FUN LEVEL: Medium (only because I'd rather get into specifics, but I can't yet).
Writing design docs. Fact: if we don't document it, it gets forgotten. FUN LEVEL: Tedious (but like our producer told me and Colin the other day, we don't get to do the fun stuff until we actually have money to do it).
(Anyway, tedious is a relative term. The most boring game design task is way cooler than anything I did for my Office Space job. I just want to think up cool stuff all day and have someone else write it down for me, is all.)
Writing Kickstarter copy. You'd be surprised how much work goes into a major crowd-funding campaign. I mean, look at
a typical big-budget Kickstarter. Someone has to write all that stuff. FUN LEVEL: Tedious.
Planning Kickstarter videos. FUN LEVEL: High (until they start talking about myvideo update, then Abject Terror).
Iterating. I get an e-mail asking what I think of a design doc. I critique said design doc. What do I think of the latest concept art? Review and reply with my thoughts. Music? Videos? Someone's possible response to a forum question? Review and respond. Oh, and also respond to all the critiques of my stuff. FUN LEVEL: Surprisingly High.