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Torment Torment: Tides of Numenera Thread


Oct 25, 2007
Codex 2012 Codex 2014 Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
I am curious. Which recent game in history has your choice of class dictate how the story unfolds? Similar question for the second quote.

AoD, even though there aren't classes, more like backgrounds, but you get the idea.

Less recent but Dragon Age had those opening areas that were affected by race/class choices. Diablo 2 probably had more reactivity to your class in dialogue. BG2 had some class strongholds at least.

Some of the more recent RPG/adventure hybrid games seem very affected by class even if they're updates of old game styles.


Nov 18, 2015
I am curious. Which recent game in history has your choice of class dictate how the story unfolds? Similar question for the second quote.

AoD, even though there aren't classes, more like backgrounds, but you get the idea.

Less recent but Dragon Age had those opening areas that were affected by race/class choices. Diablo 2 probably had more reactivity to your class in dialogue. BG2 had some class strongholds at least.

Some of the more recent RPG/adventure hybrid games seem very affected by class even if they're updates of old game styles.
Surprisingly enough, DA1 also made a decent effort of having your class/rance affect quests further into the game, mostly by simple acknowledgments, other times certain characters being absent. I just completed the game for the first time as a mage, after 3 attempts over the years (it was shit btw with exception of companions), and at the end when you propose to Anora that you marry her and be King, she refuses saying a mage King would be frowned upon by everyone. After you defeat the archdemon, Irving is also there and is surprised how far you've come, and how he's proud a mage had this much positive influence etc etc.


Apr 30, 2015
Can't decide but maybe I'll go charisma this time? I'm always so boring with WIS/INT...

Why worry about PST builds when you can experience all the different build variety in Numenera, where you can be an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Intelligence but with enough Might and Speed to beat every skillcheck in the game or an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Might but with enough Intelligence and Speed to beat every skillcheck in the game or an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Speed but with enough Might and Intelligence to beat every skillcheck in the game.


Jul 15, 2015
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Why worry about PST builds when you can experience all the different build variety in Numenera, where you can be an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Intelligence but with enough Might and Speed to beat every skillcheck in the game or an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Might but with enough Intelligence and Speed to beat every skillcheck in the game or an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Speed but with enough Might and Intelligence to beat every skillcheck in the game.
Yeah, okay mate, game mechanics sure are silly, but you overexaggerate here. If you mean with your team you can pass all checks then that's true, but if not, then you are slightly wrong. Still, you can indeed do almost everything by yourself with Intelligent Nano.


Jan 8, 2009
In other words, the exaggeration here is immaterial - most parties can pass most checks easily.


Jul 15, 2015
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Problem with the game is that with Intelligent Nano and careful playing you can become at least decent at everything - I think that 27/29 is the highest Intelligence pool value you can get, and around 9/10 in Speed and Might, if you do everything you can, and that's very easy if you start with said nano setup. That's just broken. And you don't even need alt that Intelligence, 19/22 is perfectly sufficient.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
Why worry about PST builds when you can experience all the different build variety in Numenera, where you can be an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Intelligence but with enough Might and Speed to beat every skillcheck in the game or an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Might but with enough Intelligence and Speed to beat every skillcheck in the game or an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Speed but with enough Might and Intelligence to beat every skillcheck in the game.

There has never been a post more deserving of the :balance: rating. :lol:


Dec 9, 2014
Northern wastes
So is everyone replaying the real Torment today? Not without me you dont!! Time to flirt with some female zombies ;)..... again

Just reopened it today after a year and I have some annoying scaling resolution issue since I upgraded to win10, anyone experiencing the same and knows how to fix?
Sorry man. I have windows 10. GOG version, High resolution patch installed, unfinished business patch. Everything works fine!.


Dec 19, 2016
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
-klimatyczny przedpremierowy trailer gry
-detaliczne mapy
-drugie miasto Wykwit jest ciekawe i klimatyczne.
-gdzie niegdzie dobrze się czyta
-ciekawe pomysły...

-... ale beznadziejne wykonanie

-inXile wydymało graczy i 1/3 rzeczy zawarte na liście kickstartera nie są spełnione(w ogóle).

-TToN to taka gra gdzie możesz czytać ściany tekstu o pierdołach, ale rzeczy ważne związane z twoją historią są ledwo poruszane. Czym dokładnie jest ścigająca nas Rozpacz i nurty, którymi się możemy posługiwać... kogo to obchodzi, nie? Ważniejsze są opisy jak różni kosmici się bzykają, albo w jaki sposób czyiś młotek został zadrapany w jakieś przygodzie. Z początku myślałem, że rzeczy, o których chcemy się dowiedzieć są owiane tajemnicą i gracz będzie miał szansę odkryć je, ale nic z tych rzeczy.

-Główny wątek dopiero się rozwija mniej więcej w połowie gry(może 40%). Przy okazji powiem, że gra jest bardzo krótka (40-50h MAX jak czytasz bardzo wolno każdy dialog i robisz każdy quest) więc fabuła ma szanse się rozwinąć mając tylko te 60%. Biorąc pod uwagę, że mierzymy się z kimś kto żyje prawdopodobnie tysiące lat i w jaki sposób w takim krótkim czasie przechodzimy od zera do bohatera jest po prostu śmieszne.

-Zakończenie bardzo rozczarowujące. Plot twist dotyczący Pana Wcieleń jest po prostu liściem w ryj dla gracza.

-Dodatkowo zakończenie ma charakter dawnej afery Mass effecta. Nie ważne kim byłeś i co robiłeś. Na samym końcu i tak czeka cię ostateczna decyzja z pośród kilku opcji jak się skończy gra.

-Kompani są tragiczni. Mają bardzo mało dialogów. Są nieciekawi i każdy z nich ma tylko jednego, bardzo krótkiego questa(zazwyczaj też bardzo nudnego). Z mojej drużyny wyróżniała się tylko Rhin. Jako jedyna była fajną postacią, ale też słabo rozwiniętą.
Dwoje pozostałych, których miałem:
-Aligern : Zwyczajny przeciętniak. Wieje nudą jak cholera.
-Tybir : Biowarowaty gej. Z czego jego homoseksualizm jest cały czas eksponowany. Tak jakby to była cecha, która miała by go zrobić ciekawą postacią. Nawet jego quest jest związany z szukaniem innego geja.

-Zdecydowanie za mało walki. Wszystko można "przegadać" co jest po prostu głupie, bo przez to KAŻDE zadanie jest tak durnowato napisane, że zawsze musi być ta furtka, że wystarczy tylko zaliczyć (bardzo łatwy zresztą) test na perswazję czy inne kłamstwo i to starczy by jakiś boss się poddał.

-Świat gry jest bogaty, ale nie jest spójny. Lepiej jest w drugim mieście.

-Bardzo liniowa gra.

-Bardzo nudne i krótkie zadania poboczne. Są może 2 zadania, które przykuwają uwagę.

-Tury przeciwnika podczas kryzysu trwają absurdalnie długo. Gracz porusza się 4 postaciami w jakąś minutę. Następnie komputer przy większych walkach robi kilkuminutową turę. Zgroza. Można oglądać telewizję w międzyczasie.

-Artystycznie bardzo słabo(oprócz map). Protrety są amatorskimi(w sensie, że są po prostu brzydkie) przemalowanymi zdjęciami, a arty zawarte w retrospekcjach są czarnobiałymi szkicami robionymi na kolanie. Ciekawe na co poszło te 5 milionów dolarów.

-Bardzo złe decyzje designerskie i developerskie dotyczące:
1)Interfejs wygląda jak skórka do winampa.
2)Napisy w czacie są za małe. A róznicą między dialogiem i opisem jest tylko lekki odcień szarości. W czacie to półbiedy.
Podczas rotrospeckji dostajemy słabosformatowaną ścianę tekstu bez żanych różnic miedzy opisem, a dialogiem.
Wszystko obok siebie w jednym kolorze. Oczy bolą jak cholera.
3)pokazy rozgrywki w wcześniejszych fazach produkcji prezentowały się lepiej niż finalny produkt.

- Cisza. Dubbing jest chyba zawarty w jakimś 1% dialogów. Sam Piotr Fronczewski występuje tylko w prologu, żeby przeczytać tylko kilka zdań do czarnego ekranu. Techland musi być naprawdę z siebie dumny skoro zrobił całą kampanię marketingową wokół tego. Trochę mi się śmiać chce jak pomyślę sobie, że robili wywiad z Fronczewskim, bo przyszedł do studia na pół godzinki, żeby nagrać krótki tekst.

-Tak dodam jeszcze na koniec, że nie ma żadnych cutscenek czy filmów. A szkoda. Mogliby chociaż zrobić coś na wzór wcześniej wspomnianego Story trailera(którego zresztą w grze nie ma). Była by przynamniej motywacja, żeby grać. Probsy dla naszego polskiego Grzegorza Przybysia.

Podsumowując: przeciętniak. Innymi słowy najlepiej poczekać na jakąś dużą przecenę i dopiero zagrać. Do tych co szukają coraz to nowszych gier to powiem, że nawet warto zagrać, ale na pewno nie za taką cenę. Za to zupełnie nie polecam wspierać inXile na croundfundingach, bo zwyczajnie w świecie oszukali darczyńców. I tu nawet nie chodzi o jakość. Pewnych rzeczy po prostu nawet nie ma.

No dobra panowie przyznać się, który to wstawił? :troll:


Apr 30, 2015
Why worry about PST builds when you can experience all the different build variety in Numenera, where you can be an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Intelligence but with enough Might and Speed to beat every skillcheck in the game or an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Might but with enough Intelligence and Speed to beat every skillcheck in the game or an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Speed but with enough Might and Intelligence to beat every skillcheck in the game.
Yeah, okay mate, game mechanics sure are silly, but you overexaggerate here. If you mean with your team you can pass all checks then that's true, but if not, then you are slightly wrong. Still, you can indeed do almost everything by yourself with Intelligent Nano.

Alright yeah in the circumstances where you're doing an MC only run and you play the worst class and distribute your points badly and don't use the performance enhancing drugs that you're showed with all through the game and don't rest even though there's basically only one point in the game where resting is punished then there may actually be one or two skillchecks where you're looking at a disastrous less than 75% chance of passing the check.
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Why worry about PST builds when you can experience all the different build variety in Numenera, where you can be an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Intelligence but with enough Might and Speed to beat every skillcheck in the game or an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Might but with enough Intelligence and Speed to beat every skillcheck in the game or an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Speed but with enough Might and Intelligence to beat every skillcheck in the game.
Yeah, okay mate, game mechanics sure are silly, but you overexaggerate here. If you mean with your team you can pass all checks then that's true, but if not, then you are slightly wrong. Still, you can indeed do almost everything by yourself with Intelligent Nano.

Alright yeah in the circumstances where you're doing an MC only run and you play the worst class and distribute your points badly and don't use the performance enhancing drugs that you're showed with all through the game and don't rest even though there's basically only one point in the game where resting is punished then there may actually be one or two skillchecks where you're looking at a disastrous less than 75% chance of passing the check.

Wait, what the hell?



Jun 17, 2015

There you have it, he worked on more than just companions.

He gave feedback on the story and designed a companion. That was his job from the start:

At $3.5M, Chris will be joining our design team. He’ll have two primary roles. First, he will be reviewing and providing feedback on all creative elements of the game, including the story, characters, and areas.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
At $3.5M, Chris will be joining our design team. He’ll have two primary roles. First, he will be reviewing and providing feedback on all creative elements of the game, including the story, characters, and areas.

"Providing feedback and reviewing" is literally the worst possible job you could give Avellone. He's nice to the point of being autistic, there's no way he could tell someone "this crap you wrote gave me syphilis, change it completely or remove it".


Apr 5, 2015
At $3.5M, Chris will be joining our design team. He’ll have two primary roles. First, he will be reviewing and providing feedback on all creative elements of the game, including the story, characters, and areas.

"Providing feedback and reviewing" is literally the worst possible job you could give Avellone. He's nice to the point of being autistic, there's no way he could tell someone "this crap you wrote gave me syphilis, change it completely or remove it".

Not true actually, I think Sawyer said in a recent interview that Chris does amazing job at giving useful feedback and pointing out the flaws in design or story.

Edit: there you go citation needed person https://pcgamesn.com/pillars-of-eternity-2-deadfire/chris-avellone-obsidian
Last edited:


Mar 5, 2017
Can't decide but maybe I'll go charisma this time? I'm always so boring with WIS/INT...

Why worry about PST builds when you can experience all the different build variety in Numenera, where you can be an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Intelligence but with enough Might and Speed to beat every skillcheck in the game or an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Might but with enough Intelligence and Speed to beat every skillcheck in the game or an Intelligent Nano With a Silver Tongue prioritising Speed but with enough Might and Intelligence to beat every skillcheck in the game.

I'm not even bothering on assigning cyphers to my crew and I'm building my party with no care cause I'm using only the MC to pass the skillchecks.

Rested only once and I'm at Valley of Dead Heroes. Played for 18 hours. Though I'm obviously using consumables.

This game is completely unbalanced till the point is more like a visual novel if you are an Int Nano like me.



Sep 4, 2014
At $3.5M, Chris will be joining our design team. He’ll have two primary roles. First, he will be reviewing and providing feedback on all creative elements of the game, including the story, characters, and areas.

"Providing feedback and reviewing" is literally the worst possible job you could give Avellone. He's nice to the point of being autistic, there's no way he could tell someone "this crap you wrote gave me syphilis, change it completely or remove it".

Not true actually, I think Sawyer said in a recent interview that Chris does amazing job at giving useful feedback and pointing out the flaws in design or story.

Ya I'm not sure where Sawyer said it, but he pointed out how Chris said that they shouldn't have prose or descriptions in the middle of voice acted lines because it throws the reader off.


Oct 25, 2007
Codex 2012 Codex 2014 Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
If Lionheart is a 1.5 out of 5, this is a 2 or 2.5 for me.

Definitely disappointing, in terms of the overall game, it definitely needed the additional hub to even out the pacing and characterisation.

Some spoilerish things below.

Sagus Cliffs was meh, but I enjoyed the Endless Gate (thanks MRY). Things went downhill with the predictable crisis at Miel Avist but improved again with the hub in the Bloom, unfortunately the predictable twist and poor ending/ending sequence tanked most of my positivity for the decent/good parts of the game.

Aside from some of the more obvious issues such as skill checks becoming meaningless and poor combat (most is avoidable but there are a handful of long, boring crises that can't be avoided, for this reason the 2 best classes are either nano for flavour text or glaive to rolf stomp everything rapidly and make encounters as painless as possible).

The first cast off is bland, dull and uncharismatic (especially in terms of the portraits/character models). Personally the main character would have been better off with the appearance of the cold calculating jack or perhaps just go with character creation. The twists are quite predictable and the exposition so heavy I think the narrative would have been better served with a completely different route.

The story would have been more interesting if you actually were the Changing God or at least start the game that way (I suppose this mimics Torment more closely.) However an opening sequence where you the Changing God create your next castoff body (as part of character creation) would have been more fun than the current crappy opening.

How the game is handled after that could go a few different ways. Perhaps exactly the same way, i.e., Changing God dies but opening residual memories unlocks power or needed knowledge, a good 'twist' might be to making him a more benevolent/sympathetic character, a mentor who knows he's dead rather than a clueless dick. I somehow doubt the finished product was what originally intended, especially disappointed as a storyfag.


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
At $3.5M, Chris will be joining our design team. He’ll have two primary roles. First, he will be reviewing and providing feedback on all creative elements of the game, including the story, characters, and areas.

"Providing feedback and reviewing" is literally the worst possible job you could give Avellone. He's nice to the point of being autistic, there's no way he could tell someone "this crap you wrote gave me syphilis, change it completely or remove it".

Not true actually, I think Sawyer said in a recent interview that Chris does amazing job at giving useful feedback and pointing out the flaws in design or story.
i would take those words with a grain of salt because public interviews and such. The real world, especially in public and professional space we are expected courtesy in our words and action.

It isnt like the codex where you cam say almost whatever you want and still accepted. I visit this site to escape that pretentious hellscape that is the real world and say whats on my mind. Dump all my bitterness and anger as much as i want to.

I habe to put up with annoying client and customers in my real life, amd have to be nice to them.

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