Ah yes, this is the part of the game's lifetime when the True Hardcore Purists commence obsessive comparasionitis. Just like the PoE thread, we'll soon have 50 pages of bickering about whether giving T:TON NPCs different length of nose hair than PS:T NPCs, is an unacceptable, barbaric deviation from the sacred formula (TM).
Just one time I would love to see a developer to actually follow the purist dream, and copypaste everything 1:1 from the original game, including it's god awful shitty combat, the unmatched complexity of it's character systems that have everyone maxing exactly the same attributes, and the amount of bugs that took half a decade of community patches to fix.
That would make the purists quite satisfied, wouldn't it? They could sit comfortably on the couch and feel fulfillment, because the game would have been shit, but at least it would be shit in the same ways as the last one.