I never autobattled so hard before in a total war game, i just don't have the willpower to micro those countless fullstacks PLUS the moba like lords using skills.
Not counting all the crazy artillery, monsters and even fly stuff.
Auto resolve is there when you cannot be arsed, if you mean the Ordertide or Chaos Invasion then I can understand that at one point its all very dull but this is because Mortal Empires is WH1 campaign and very basic, Vortex is more "diverse" due to intervention armies so its not like fighting the same enemies over and over because of starting position and expansion add one try to break from the "same old, same old" by putting objectives in a way you have to fight very different armies.
But if you mean "I hate fantasy" then fuck off, the biggest problem with TW:WH is that very often you just fight the same armies over and over until you are tired of seeing another Empire stack ... this is the real fatigue when its the 28th Dark Elf battle, that when you consolidate there is nothing really left besides moving on about completing the Campaign objectives, something they tried to solve with the expansions not really being the same Vortex Campaign except playing as Tomb Kings, they have their own Vortex objectives separated from TW:WH2 Vortex campaign objectives.
I'm almost 100% achievements and I've played a few hundred hours, on every faction. Some of the Mortal Empires victories were just utterly boring slogs.
The main problem is that the AI is absolutely no challenge on even the hardest setting, and it also has very little variety. After about 30-40 turns, all of their armies are pretty much the same composition, and you get tired of killing the same Lord over and over and over again as you slowly move forward. You just get so utterly sick of killing Karl Franz and Louen Louencour and their stupid flying Gryphons because way, WAY too many factions have 'kill Empire and Couronne' as requirements for even their short victory objective. Vampires, Beastmen, Norsca, Chaos, you get so utterly SICK of killing the Empire and moving south to take the big concentration of capitals basically required to get the stupid 8 capitals (Miragliano, Sartosa, and.... Skavenblight is it? The Skaven one right next to Miragliano). That concentration of 3 capitals is about the only thing that makes half the campaigns bearable, you can take those 3, then sail over and take the Galleon Graveyard and sail south and take Awakening in the span of about 15-20 turns once you get in the area for 5 capitals.
Don't get me wrong, I think its a great game, its just the AI is so BORING to slog against. If you survive the first 10 turns, you've effectively won the game. You just have to constantly march armies across your border taking back stupid towns they take with no chance of keeping as they throw army after army at you that you kill without even losing a unit while you SLOWLY march across the stupid Empire, and on higher difficulty settings you have to either build a Public Order building in every town or constantly put down rebel stacks. And half the time when you're close to winning they drag another faction into the war, then confederate another faction to just extend the area you have to conquer. And don't even get me started on the idiocy of Couronne confederating Repanse and forcing you to sail 20 turns out of the way to finish him off.
The Horde armies with 'kill Empire' are even worse because you can do nothing but burn settlements down and try to shepherd a faction you aren't killing to take it back. And then if they confederate the faction that settled the ones you razed, then you have to go back and raze it AGAIN.
The Vortex goals were all pretty good, mainly because you don't have a specified area you need to conquer - sure you've got bonus ritual locations, but if a random faction declares war on you, you don't feel like you're just wasting your time conquering them. And the nonstandard ones like Vampire Coast and Khemri had reasonably engaging campaigns.
But like in Mortal Empires, if you don't have them as a destroy goal and the Skaven or Black Crag or KK dwarves declare war on you, you almost may as well restart for the ridiculous amount of time you waste fighting them for something that gets you absolutely no benefit towards winning.
They don't all need individual campaigns, but they REALLY need to overhaul the Mortal Empires goals, or add some kind of 'mercy rule' where if you kill the enemy faction leader 5+ or 10+ times they are considered 'defeated' for the purposes of the war goal.