Brits and Americans have an aversion to tits.meanwhile, he-man style is perfectly normal.
I blame puritans.
Brits and Americans have an aversion to tits.meanwhile, he-man style is perfectly normal.
- Short Victory Conditions:
- Conquer, ally with or assimilate all provinces of Ulthuan
- Raze or sack Naggarond
- Build the Sacred Flame of Asuryan and the Gates of Lothern
- Long Victory Conditions:
- Conquer, ally with or assimilate all provinces of Ulthuan
- Destroy factions:
- Cult of Pleasure, Her Haneth, Naggarond, The Blessed Dread
- Build the Sacred Flame of Asuryan and the Gates of Lothern
I've used this mod. It's leagues ahead of the default victory conditions, but some of them are still pretty annoying. I often wind up quitting campaigns because I need to wait for 20 turns for my cities to finish growing so I can construct the necessary buildings.underground nymph https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2165815189 Example for Tyrion -
- Short Victory Conditions:
- Conquer, ally with or assimilate all provinces of Ulthuan
- Raze or sack Naggarond
- Build the Sacred Flame of Asuryan and the Gates of Lothern
- Long Victory Conditions:
- Conquer, ally with or assimilate all provinces of Ulthuan
- Destroy factions:
- Cult of Pleasure, Her Haneth, Naggarond, The Blessed Dread
- Build the Sacred Flame of Asuryan and the Gates of Lothern
The victory screen is quite barebones & useless, just quit the campaign when you feel like you're done.
This is just a flaw masking another flaw - that of an optimized army being always the same, i.e. ranged-heavy.Actually I'm rather glad AI is using unoptimized armies. It makes it more interesting than hitting the same army 30x in the row.
I'm trying to get my missing achievements and I must day that greensking campaign is quite monotone, nothing like fighting only dwarfs for 150 turns when they confederate all over the world lol
Now i got only Vampires and Norsca to finish any tips for Norsca legendary run? I always get smacked by that dark elf furry.
I hate that mechanic. Imagine you are in the begining, a small settlement you are preparing to raid oversea settlement to have money to build recruitment buildings for something powerful, and conquer the world. Turn 3 you beat up leader of foreign faction, and got 14 settlements which would give you larger monthly income than you'd get from raiding that oversea settlement nearby...Norsca gets an auto-confederation with other Norscans when they beat their leader, like greenskins. This is why generally avoiding fights with other Norscans early works, since they'll actually build up settlements faster than you could and confederation means a full inherit of everything vs. conquering where the settlement goes down a level. But war with at least some of them is probably inevitable so just play it by ear.
Legendary by being ridiculously unfair forces player to leverage every possible mechanics on maximum as well as to put more thought into planning moves. That’s why I find it extremely fun.
Example: playing as scrolk with no antilarge you see an army of sotek full of large 9 rank units approaching your capital. That’s a game over for sure unless you’ll try to leverage what is possible and you go for bribing dark elf pirate (along with joining war against his enemies), Sotek opts for attacking DE’s army nearby and you finish him next turn heading up towards its cities.
Cheese is inevitable, and sometimes may seem outrageous like exploiting AI’s passivity during ambush attacks or sieges.
Yeah, its poorly made imo. Afaik legendary gives like -10 melee attack/defence and -10 leadership, which is crippling for melee units (especially low tier ones), while doing basically nothing to ranged units, artillery or single entities. And ranged mass is already the best strategy even on normal, as melee will always take some damage and need to be replenished, whereas ranged ammo always resets to full.Legendary by being ridiculously unfair forces player to leverage every possible mechanics on maximum as well as to put more thought into planning moves. That’s why I find it extremely fun.
Example: playing as scrolk with no antilarge you see an army of sotek full of large 9 rank units approaching your capital. That’s a game over for sure unless you’ll try to leverage what is possible and you go for bribing dark elf pirate (along with joining war against his enemies), Sotek opts for attacking DE’s army nearby and you finish him next turn heading up towards its cities.
Cheese is inevitable, and sometimes may seem outrageous like exploiting AI’s passivity during ambush attacks or sieges.
Legendary battle difficulty pushes you extremely hard towards stacking ranged, stuff like >15 artillery/ranged armies etc. Especially with Skaven summons.
Goddamn, I installed a mod that makes the AI smarter and VH is even more of a slog now because you're actually facing decently composed stacks.
Yeah, Skrolk full censer bearers with a couple of plague claw catapults is my favorite.and i like my themed armies
Huh, I tried looking at my mod list and couldn't find the mod anymore. That's odd.And what is the smarter AI mod?