Isnt the single thread performance about raw ghz?i mean i overclocked to 4.5 and didnt see much of a difference.
You can push the chip harder to try and make up for the shortfall, yes.Isnt the single thread performance about raw ghz?i mean i overclocked to 4.5 and didnt see much of a difference.
Ryzen has double performance per cycle than previous AMD CPUs. I remember about KhornesChampion screaming on twitch, when he used old AMD. Then instead of saying AMD finally made something useful, because they paid Keller to invent it, he bought Intel.Isnt the single thread performance about raw ghz?i mean i overclocked to 4.5 and didnt see much of a difference.
i wonder if a new cpu would cut the long turn/battle load times.
i have a fx6300 clocked to 4.1 with 8 gigs of ram and a 1050 ti,on warhammer 1 first turn is 16 secs on 2 it goes up to 1.3 mins.i clocked my cpu to 4.5 to see if it made any difference and it gave me 2-3 secs.
For some unfathomable reason, I think WH2 unloads almost everything on the campaign map prior to entering a battle.yea i know, i was just wondering if a newer cpu would lessen the loading times,because my after battle load is around 1 min in warhammer 2 with a samsung evo 860(in warhammer 1 its around 25-30 secs).
How did you manage to play that long?Fucking hell late game is a slog.
I'm at turn 250, and only need to defeat Archaon and a few stacks of Chaos.
But he keeps running and hiding in the most northern corner of the Chaos Wastes.
How did you manage to play that long?Fucking hell late game is a slog.
I'm at turn 250, and only need to defeat Archaon and a few stacks of Chaos.
But he keeps running and hiding in the most northern corner of the Chaos Wastes.
Usually, by turn 120-150 latest, I've got fully upgraded armies, seen all the units in action, fought the hardest battles (sieges against fully stacked defender + full defender army, as well as some event battles I guess) and become the biggest blob on the map.
I just quit and start over with another faction at that point. There really is no point to actually finish the campaign, it would just be busywork with decreased challenge.
For example, I just "finished" (aka reached that point) with Teclis after about 36 hours of playing. My last battle was some event battle, I fielded three dragons and two phoenixes (with the Lucky's Overhaul mod, that's about the max you can field in total with one dragon building).
I saw the dragon's breath attack just melt two infantry squads in a second, while my own spearmen (the very same that have been with me from turn 2 on, triple gold by now). Felt that was an appropriate time to consider that playthrough finished.
While on the topic of HIgh Elves... Fuck Teclis (the economy is a trainwreck. SO. FUCKING. SLOW). Fuck jungles (SO. SLOW. MOVEMENT). Fuck oceans (5 turns to get from the mainland to the island... FFFFFUUUUUUU). So... there's that.
At the same time, you basically become allied with the other High Elves automatically, granting you a free, ridiculously powerful confederation. Your units are just... wow, seriously. Spearmen that can take on most other infantry and hold the line for a very long time, backed by your mages? Crazy stuff.
Playing Skaven was way more fun, to be honest.
How did you manage to play that long?Fucking hell late game is a slog.
I'm at turn 250, and only need to defeat Archaon and a few stacks of Chaos.
But he keeps running and hiding in the most northern corner of the Chaos Wastes.
Usually, by turn 120-150 latest, I've got fully upgraded armies, seen all the units in action, fought the hardest battles (sieges against fully stacked defender + full defender army, as well as some event battles I guess) and become the biggest blob on the map.
I just quit and start over with another faction at that point. There really is no point to actually finish the campaign, it would just be busywork with decreased challenge.
For example, I just "finished" (aka reached that point) with Teclis after about 36 hours of playing. My last battle was some event battle, I fielded three dragons and two phoenixes (with the Lucky's Overhaul mod, that's about the max you can field in total with one dragon building).
I saw the dragon's breath attack just melt two infantry squads in a second, while my own spearmen (the very same that have been with me from turn 2 on, triple gold by now). Felt that was an appropriate time to consider that playthrough finished.
While on the topic of HIgh Elves... Fuck Teclis (the economy is a trainwreck. SO. FUCKING. SLOW). Fuck jungles (SO. SLOW. MOVEMENT). Fuck oceans (5 turns to get from the mainland to the island... FFFFFUUUUUUU). So... there's that.
At the same time, you basically become allied with the other High Elves automatically, granting you a free, ridiculously powerful confederation. Your units are just... wow, seriously. Spearmen that can take on most other infantry and hold the line for a very long time, backed by your mages? Crazy stuff.
Playing Skaven was way more fun, to be honest.
I got stubborn, and now I want to complete the Long campaign.
I've had max armies for a long time as well, and to be honest, the last 50 turns haven't exactly been fun.
It was a good challenge pushing back the Chaos hordes+beating Norsca into a peace treaty at the same time though.
But by Sigmar I'm gonna finish it now!
How did you manage to play that long?
Usually, by turn 120-150 latest, I've got fully upgraded armies, seen all the units in action, fought the hardest battles (sieges against fully stacked defender + full defender army, as well as some event battles I guess) and become the biggest blob on the map.
I just quit and start over with another faction at that point. There really is no point to actually finish the campaign, it would just be busywork with decreased challenge.
How did you manage to play that long?
Usually, by turn 120-150 latest, I've got fully upgraded armies, seen all the units in action, fought the hardest battles (sieges against fully stacked defender + full defender army, as well as some event battles I guess) and become the biggest blob on the map.
I just quit and start over with another faction at that point. There really is no point to actually finish the campaign, it would just be busywork with decreased challenge.
I'm playing Skaven and I'm at turn 307. During turn up to 127 I was busy with exchanging capitals between me and Kroq-Gar.
Now I'm busy in Bretonia with high elves. I lost a level 18 leader to moon dragon, because three enemy armies attacked my Skaven weak sauce armies. Actually I won, with one leader dead and two retreated remaining Skaven units without leaders bravely obliterated high elven armies.
How did you manage to play that long?Fucking hell late game is a slog.
I'm at turn 250, and only need to defeat Archaon and a few stacks of Chaos.
But he keeps running and hiding in the most northern corner of the Chaos Wastes.
Usually, by turn 120-150 latest, I've got fully upgraded armies, seen all the units in action, fought the hardest battles (sieges against fully stacked defender + full defender army, as well as some event battles I guess) and become the biggest blob on the map.
I just quit and start over with another faction at that point. There really is no point to actually finish the campaign, it would just be busywork with decreased challenge.
For example, I just "finished" (aka reached that point) with Teclis after about 36 hours of playing. My last battle was some event battle, I fielded three dragons and two phoenixes (with the Lucky's Overhaul mod, that's about the max you can field in total with one dragon building).
I saw the dragon's breath attack just melt two infantry squads in a second, while my own spearmen (the very same that have been with me from turn 2 on, triple gold by now). Felt that was an appropriate time to consider that playthrough finished.
While on the topic of HIgh Elves... Fuck Teclis (the economy is a trainwreck. SO. FUCKING. SLOW). Fuck jungles (SO. SLOW. MOVEMENT). Fuck oceans (5 turns to get from the mainland to the island... FFFFFUUUUUUU). So... there's that.
At the same time, you basically become allied with the other High Elves automatically, granting you a free, ridiculously powerful confederation. Your units are just... wow, seriously. Spearmen that can take on most other infantry and hold the line for a very long time, backed by your mages? Crazy stuff.
Playing Skaven was way more fun, to be honest.
Fantasy New Content Team – WARHAMMER II
As we said in the last what the teams are working on blog, the Fantasy New Content Team is powering away at a Lord Pack DLC – which we can confirm will be the next content released for the Total War series!
You may have noticed that we sometimes include Old World Updates alongside our DLC releases, and this DLC is no exception as we are working on a bespoke new feature for one of the WARHAMMER I races that’ll have you bending the knee.
Fantasy Team – pre-production
The Fantasy Team is still very much hard at work in pre-production for their next project.
This month they’ve been slaving over a hot (for February) mocap studio, with some excellent performances by our resident mocap artists now in the can and waiting to have that all-important digital flesh applied to their bones. Or perhaps more bones, or indeed flesh. After all, some things just can’t be legally motion captured…
Access Team – secret project
The Access Team’s project is ramping up testing this month as we get ready for announce later this year. We’re very excited to share our secret project with you all as it’s a new genre for Total War and has been a real passion project for the developers involved. Keep watching this space, and if you want to hear more about our latest Total War updates and news, sign up to Total War Access.