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Warhammer Total War: Warhammer III


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
192 provinces/508 settlements are in the game file of TWW3, according to reddit.
I have a really hard time believing this would bloat the file size, unless every settlement has its own battle map or something. I can't imagine that "there's a 4 slot settlement of type t at x,y with climate z and no monuments" takes up a lot of space, even when multiplied by 500.


Nov 2, 2011
Theoretically at 'work' so I'm just playing a little with the prologue tutorial.

The narrative is actually fun and the first ever proper tutorial for TW I've ever seen. Of course it's annoying as fuck if you've played any TW game before and just want to play the damn thing.
Rank and file Kislev models have a very 'Disney' caricature feel to them. They seem as buff as the Norscans/CW. Really weird compared to how normal humans from the Empire and Bretonia look. Also the ice effects are annoying as fuck on the witches. Definitely flanderized and definitely a shit choice imo.

Maybe I'm being more retarded than usual, but I started a campaign with the Ogres and the end turn button seems to be bugged out so I can't end the first turn. WUT?

It feels like the UI had 2 different teams working on it. On one side they keep the baroque in-game decorations and keep the event drawings/animations but for some reason they decided to not do another few of them for the settlement victory decisions. Why? Where else in the game are there icons like those?

The items and ancillaries screens are awesome, but the paper doll serves no purpose except for the barbie demon prince. GG implementing a feature that will be used by less than 1% of all characters.

The character skills screen is also weird as fuck. Instead of the static images we had in WH1 and 2 there is now race specific background art, which is nice. The skill trees themselves are bunched up and a lot of the space is not used. What the fuck was wrong with keeping them a little separated to show their different purposes? On top of that you can't see the red/blue/yellow anymore so everything feels a lot more cluttered.

Some of the skill icons are also changed/simplified and I noticed this for passive skills like channeling and earthing. Why waste time on that? It wasn't a button that you had to quickly recognize in the heat of battle and CA had to make it more visually unique. Change for the sake of change and minimalism...

Why the fuck did they move the missions quests into the same menu that had the victory conditions? Quests/missions get checked far more often.

Everything UI wise is way too dark. That dark red is shit. The parchment color/texture used in WH1 and WH2 was a far better choice.

Somone at CA (probably a buzzword spewing manager) seems to think that the Windows 8 tiles are the pinnacle of human creation. The main menu looks goddamn awful.
The only good thing about it is the race/faction selection screens. It's far better than the shit slider in WH2, but I would have preferred something with a little more art and soul like we had in WH1 and this shit mobile app look.


Nov 2, 2011
So uh, does Warhammer 3 really need 120 gigs space? Because that's ludicrous even by today's standards.

Blame Immortal Empires.

192 provinces/508 settlements are in the game file of TWW3, according to reddit.
Sounds too good to be true, as it means a proper Lustria/Southlands like in the Vortex map.





It seems both southern tips of Lustria and the Southlands are included as well as a Southern Wasteland. Chaos penguins confirmed.
Looks like we're getting a full Atlantic? Holy shit this is some serious incline if true.
Last edited:


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
192 provinces/508 settlements are in the game file of TWW3, according to reddit.
I have a really hard time believing this would bloat the file size, unless every settlement has its own battle map or something. I can't imagine that "there's a 4 slot settlement of type t at x,y with climate z and no monuments" takes up a lot of space, even when multiplied by 500.

Even every settlement having its own battle map wouldn't take too much space because assets would still be shared among other settlements of the same culture.

But having so many different cultures/races all with their own units and buildings, add to that sound files for their voice barks, and probably high res textures, units, etc... it adds up.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
It seems like the campaign map has different performance depending on the region. Playing around Kislev and Norsca is shit slow, playing around the Empire area (Scrag) is fine.


Zionist Agent
Feb 2, 2007
Even every settlement having its own battle map wouldn't take too much space because assets would still be shared among other settlements of the same culture.
Uncompressed assets are the likely culprit. Devs avoid compressing textures, audio and video files to improve loading times at the expense of HDD space, which is why many a modern game tends to be a 100+ GB monstrosity.

All improved hardware specs have led to is developers just being lazier and sloppier.


Feb 7, 2018
It's the fucking localization and (localized)audio pack that adds around 30gb to this stupid game.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Been forced to play this on HDD since my SSD is too small and I'm somewhat relieved. Loading times are slow but way better than Warhammer 2 at release. I swear turns are even faster.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
It's the fucking localization and (localized)audio pack that adds around 30gb to this stupid game.
This is also a pretty common (idiotic) thing. I remember that the PC port for the force unleashed was like 20 gigs actual game, and 80 gigs video files because the devs didn't know how to have one video with multiple audio tracks, so there was 6 versions of each (probably uncompressed) video file.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
It's the fucking localization and (localized)audio pack that adds around 30gb to this stupid game.
This is also a pretty common (idiotic) thing. I remember that the PC port for the force unleashed was like 20 gigs actual game, and 80 gigs video files because the devs didn't know how to have one video with multiple audio tracks, so there was 6 versions of each (probably uncompressed) video file.
in before this is gonna be 60 gigs in a year

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